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16564270 No.16564270 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an autistic obsession with any particular authors?

>> No.16564279

lol, the cat dances funny

>> No.16564309

wtf is this real

>> No.16564338

Yep, Alfred Janny. I thought it was gone but the recent meme got me back into it.

>> No.16564400

J.R.R. Tolkien, since i read it 5 years ago

>> No.16564407

Where do I start with A. Janny?

>> No.16564413


>> No.16564418

That cat can't keep getting away with it

>> No.16564423

Look up NLRB's criteria concerning free labor and working for free

>> No.16564426

Based catto.

Why am I 100% sure that's molded after a fat asian kid dancing? The sort of fatty that only lives in the third world.

Yes, I am obsessed with T. S. Eliot

>> No.16564429

I always autistically browse about the backgrounds of various authors. Some of the classic genre guys are worth reading about just for the stupid tidbits - Lovecraft loved eating vanilla ice cream and hung out with Houdini or Joyce screaming for daddy Hemingway or something like that. Author trivia is fun.

>> No.16564445
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The Ubu plays, not representative of his whole body of work but a thousand times more well-known. It was also one of its earliest work and it gained massive fame immediately so I think it influenced his line of thought for his latter works. If you can't find an edition with the three plays, Ubu Roi only is fine, it's the more famous, the first one and the better one.

>> No.16564448
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>> No.16564664

Yes. Franz Kafka. :[

>> No.16565056
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Haruki Murakami is one of my favorite authors, but I really dislike his obsession with united states.
But I can easily sepparate the author from the work, so it's not like I won't read more of his works just because his personal opinions.

>> No.16565057


>> No.16565060
File: 134 KB, 640x480, valis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philip K Dick. His prose is borderline shit but there's something about him and his whole things-aren't-what-they-seem shtick. Seems like he had a bit of a rough but interesting life, too. I own about ten of his books.

>> No.16565071

>His prose is borderline shit
No necessarily. Only the novels he was churning out quickly like Balzac to make money. The novels he took the time to write flow with beautiful writing

>> No.16565079

Where’d they find such a small guy?

>> No.16565102

Will you be my girlfriend?

>> No.16565140

Steinbeck and Ricketts

>> No.16565199

Heinrich von Kleist

>> No.16565250

Might it not rather be his frustrations with Japan that bother you? All great writers require a place of exile or retreat, or have for the past 100 or so years it seems. He's a warmer, more open person when he's in the U. S. --giving lectures, granting interviews, even signing books for hours upon hours. He does none of this in Japan, or hasn't historically-- any idea as to why?

>> No.16565424

Nice. Some other anon mentioned an anti-anglo pamphlet by Celine, do you know what it is? I’ve read London Bridge and Guignol Band but it doesn’t specifically makes fun of the anglo

>> No.16565430

pynchon, donaldson, wolfe,all because of style

>> No.16565465

Is this brilliant banter or a serious recommendation

>> No.16565470


>> No.16565500

Heidegger, Bolaño and Hamsun.

>> No.16566601
File: 55 KB, 620x421, georges-bataille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georges Bataille, his insight cannot be understated, yet he is never talked about on the board

>> No.16566611

>muh sex
>muh violence
wow very insightful

>> No.16566623

Dostoievski gang

>> No.16566646
File: 49 KB, 600x338, Revelation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. never read bataille

>> No.16566667

I am indeed very obsessed with the existence of this cat

>> No.16566673

I've read three of his books and many more about him. His status as a third-rate cult figure for postmodern fags and their American fanboys is all he deserves.

>> No.16566706
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Which three if I may ask?, I agree that the people he would go on to influence are retard pseuds, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard etc. but his works are fantastic, I could probably recite Ma Mere by memory

>> No.16566718

went through a Hemingway phase for a while - I think a lot of guys do. More so for his personal life than his writing.

>> No.16566723

HP Lovecraft, yes I am aware I am probably a pseud and a mid wit, but he introduced me to use quality prose but warned me to not overdo it and to actually make tension.

>> No.16567668

Pynchon, a framed photo of him resides on my desk, it’s comforting

>> No.16567806
File: 726 KB, 1600x1526, juenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n.. no....

>> No.16567899


>> No.16568366

>his insight cannot be understated

His insight totally sucked is consistent which this standard.

>> No.16568712

Rabelais and Lucan

>> No.16568854

More like Hackstoievski, amirite fellas?

>> No.16568855

manlytears had a hard life

>> No.16568898

I might actually be the world's foremost scholar on Nick Cave's novels. I'm yet to meet anyone else who writes autistic essays about them at least.

>> No.16569077

Roberto Bolaño. I have an irrational love for The Savage Detectives and most of his short stories.

>> No.16569089
