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/lit/ - Literature

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16562739 No.16562739 [Reply] [Original]

Share books to attain /lit/gigchadness, I start (to read in those orders)

Fyodor Dostoevsky:
1. Notes from Underground
2. The brothers Karamazov
3. The Idiot
4. Demons (leftists/antifa cunts should read it)
5. Crime and Punishment

Anton Chekov:
1. Uncle Vanya
2. The Cherry Orchard
3. Three Sisters
4. The Seagull

Leo Tolstoy:
1. The death of Ivan Ilych
2. Anna Karenina
3. The Kreutzer Sonata
4. War and Peace

Herink Ibsen:
1. The enemy of the People
2. Ghosts

Oswald Spengler
1. Der Mensch und die Technik
2. Preußentum und Sozialismus
3. Neubau des Deutschen Reiches
4. Jahre der Entscheidung
5. Der Untergang des Abendlandes
6. Frühzeit der Weltgeschichte

>> No.16562746

You sound like a /pol/cel using books as a cope for your inability to think critically on your own

>> No.16562756

or you can start reading books to save yourself 3000years human thinking instead of being a self hating cunt

>> No.16562763
File: 39 KB, 330x422, 330px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The abolition of Latin as the universal language of learned men, together with the rise of that provincialism which attaches to national literatures, has been a real misfortune for the cause of knowledge in Europe. For it was chiefly through the medium of the Latin language that a learned public existed in Europe at all -- a public to which every book as it came out directly appealed. The number of minds in the whole of Europe that are capable of thinking and judging is small, as it is; but when the audience is broken up and severed by differences of language, the good these minds can do is very much weakened. This is a great disadvantage; but a second and worse one will follow, namely, that the ancient languages will cease to be taught at all. The neglect of them is rapidly gaining ground in France and Germany.

>If it should really come to this, then farewell, humanity! Farewell, noble taste and high thinking! The age of barbarism will return, in spite of railways, telegraphs and balloons. We shall thus in the end lose one more advantage possessed by all our ancestors. For Latin is not only a key to the knowledge of Roman antiquity; it also directly opens up to us the Middle Age in every country in Europe, and modern times as well, down to about the year 1750. Erigena, for example, in the ninth century, Raimond Lully in the thirteenth, with a hundred others, speak straight to us in the very language that they naturally adopted in thinking of learned matters. They thus come quite close to us even at this distance of time: we are in direct contact with them, and really come to know them. How would it have been if every one of them spoke in the language that was peculiar to his time and country? We should not understand even the half of what they said. A real intellectual contact with them would be impossible. We should see them like shadows on the farthest horizon, or, may be, through the translator's telescope.

>It was with an eye to the advantage of writing in Latin that Bacon, as he himself expressly states, proceeded to translate his Essays into that language, under the title Sermones fideles; at which work Hobbes assisted him

Start with the Romans

>> No.16562783

books to overcome the /pol/ incel mindset:

1. Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue
2. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
3. St. Augustine's Confessions

>> No.16562831

1. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (last chapter)
2. Thus spoke zarathustra (spark notes)
3. Moby Dick (audiobook)

>> No.16562832


>> No.16562838

Ah yes the virgin pol/ack reading chart, very interesting

>> No.16562854

yes the original versions will always be better, will you forgive me?

so the civilized man should learn

>ancient greek

what else ?

>> No.16562862

C. C++, Java, Python

>> No.16562874

>latin is the key to the middle age and ancient world

YES thank you Schopenhauer for reminding us modern filthy barbarians

>> No.16562880

How much of that time is spent on "gigachad" edits for 4chan?

>> No.16562899

if you hate meme then why are you on 4chan ? I suggest you get off the internet for 1 day let's see how long you'll last

>> No.16562910

I always used to think that Spengler was /pol/core judging from the title, but it's about the least Eurocentric book I've ever read and a better case against Western thought and culture than any postmodern deconstruction.

>> No.16562923

>Not the collected works of ernst jünger
Necessarily incomplete

>> No.16562925

I take month breaks at a time I was just rusing

>> No.16562945

Fuck latin, i’m glad it’s dead

>> No.16563007

Learning Latin was one of the best things I could've done in high school. All my English profs in uni would comment how sophisticated my writing was :^)

>> No.16563196

This. I made my goal the destruction of the West after reading DoW

>> No.16563336
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Adi Śaṅkarācārya:

1. Īśopaniṣadbhāṣya
2. Kenopaniṣadbhāṣya
3. Kaṭhopaniṣadbhāṣya
5. Aitareyopaniṣadbhāṣya
6. Muṇḍakaopaniṣadbhāṣya
7. Praśnopaniṣadbhāṣya
8. Māṇḍukyakārikābhāṣya
9. Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣadbhāṣya
10. Chāndogyopaniṣadbhāṣya
11. Brahmasūtrabhāṣya
12. Bhagavadgītābhāṣya
13. Vivekacūḍāmaṇi
14. Upadeśasāhasri

>> No.16563628

Hebrew, Old English, Aramaic, Arabic, Renaissance Italian & French, whatever language Sun Tzu and other important Chinese writers spoke.

>> No.16563636

Listening to the Moby Dick audiobook while reading this because I felt like taking a break from reading the physical book for a couple minutes.

>> No.16563640

>whatever language Sun Tzu and other important Chinese writers spoke
Classical Chinese. Almost all Chinese works written before the 20th century used it, just like Latin was widely used in Europe until the Renaissance (and to a lesser extent after).

>> No.16564578

Based. How long would it take to learn enough Sanskrit to read in it? Don't care about writing/speaking

>> No.16565696

Maybe 12-24 months with extensive self-studying

Those linked texts are all English translations of the Sanskrit originals

>> No.16565722

Exactly. Even though it is reactionary, and rightly so, there's no text that has made me revile the modern west more.

>> No.16565728

based as fuck

>> No.16565735

Plato's Complete Works