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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16561344 No.16561344 [Reply] [Original]

Absolute hack

>> No.16561347

He was a midwit who coped with his failure at math and chemistry by writing genre fiction but he is still more /sovl/ than 99% of authors. Deal with it.

>> No.16561425

Racists/right-wingers have no sovl

>> No.16561551
File: 218 KB, 946x809, A7F38190-F15F-455E-B923-64190D228EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pseud midwit hack with a writing style almost as obnoxious as his fanboys

>> No.16561555

I always thought his endings were really weak, but as far as actual story writing goes, he's great, style is another matter that no one judges objectively anymore.

>> No.16561561
File: 42 KB, 600x579, Comfy_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep listening to this dude a bunch because I would listen to playlists in my car on lunch break, always so comfy. I swear I started rambling random musings in my head after that. It was weird. Fuck was I comfy back then though.

>> No.16561690

>being racist automatically makes you right wing


>> No.16562555

Absolute *based hack

>> No.16562612
File: 606 KB, 567x536, file_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking fraud

>> No.16562629

Come on... the Call of Cthulhu is comfy af.

>> No.16562729

This. The endings suck but the worldbuilding and imagery is comfy

>> No.16562918


>> No.16564069

Seething brownie

>> No.16565292

Degenerated eldritch peasants.

>> No.16565378
File: 80 KB, 512x346, Ylourgne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.16565587

le cat name

>> No.16565597

You hate him because he doesn't like your precious talking chimpanzees

>> No.16565620

That's a proto human full of vice

>> No.16565649

he's from the future.

>> No.16565655

I think it’s fair to say that’s he’s incredibly hit or miss. Definitely not a hack, though.

>> No.16565662

He was not a hack as he originated his genre.

>> No.16565682

Fascism was scavenged from an idealized roman civilization. I think It is a renaissance of soul.

>> No.16565684

What are his top 3 stories

>> No.16565705

The Call of Cthulhu, At the Mountains of Madness, and The Haunter of the Dark in my opinion but it's been a while since I read his works.

>> No.16565740

sweet thank you, going to read them

>> No.16565746

I don’t know if these are his best but I really like The Call of Cthulhu, Color Out of Space, and Whisperer in Darkness.

>> No.16566215

Nah. I like his works and also shitposting. Howie was based.

>> No.16566243

He chilled out as he aged and like, went outside. He was a true NEET and spent almost all his time inside writing schizo letters to people until a gf finally came for him.

When he actually got outside and exposed to people he actually loosened up a bunch and would apparently have long and highly engaged conversations while loading up on coffee and vanilla ice cream.

He would approve.

>> No.16566249

Shadow of Innsmouth

>> No.16566337

he was a bit hacky yeah but his ideas were amazing and his philosophical worldview is very relatable if you're an outcast to human society

>> No.16566354

>seethe and cope: the thread

>> No.16566355

Has anyone read Michael Houellebecq's essay about Lovecraft?

>> No.16566358

You're spreading misinformation, Lovecraft was a recluse during the last years of his life and his racism developed into a more resigned misanthropic view of all humanity

>> No.16566383

>bro it was so scary I literally can't even describe it
>but it drives you insane when you see it
>you just gotta trust me bro
What a genius.

>> No.16566390


>> No.16566406


>> No.16566592


>> No.16566627

You realize 90%+ of the authors discussed here would be considered Racists/right-wingers by today's tranny standards, right?

>> No.16566639

>Definitely not a hack, though.
Yes he fucking is. A shittier Poe in every sense of the word.

>> No.16566668

based module

>> No.16567185

They are the same thing.

>> No.16567200

Hacks are mercenary's who produce for profit. Lovecraft is as far from a hack as one can get.

>> No.16567208

Lovecraftian horror.

>> No.16567228

Negative. In a hypothetical post racist society the conservative position would be anti-racist. A right winger can be capitalist, anti-capitalist, monarchists, or any number of things so longs as he is preserving the social order he already has or aspires to. In the same spirit the left-wing can be pro-capitalist or even pro monarchist so long as the intention is to reduce social inequality by doing so. It goes without saying that neither side is automatically moral.

>> No.16567254

I agree with what everyone is saying about his writing style being bad and his misunderstanding of science and his vehement racism, but I will draw the line at hack. I think he is, at least, original in his ideas

>> No.16567277

>writing style being bad
It may be archaic but it is not bad.
>his misunderstanding of science
Can you elaborate on this?
>vehement racism
His racism was common to the New England of that era.

>> No.16567368
File: 591 KB, 1536x834, A9C0A416-A7CC-4518-ADFD-2A83F98E06E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovecraft was considered a racial extremist even in his own time

>> No.16567388

lmao, if that shitty blogpost says it, it must be true

>> No.16567408

Yes, bretty kool

>> No.16567413

Lovecraft was a huge racist by any standard; doesn't make his writing bad, though.

>> No.16567946

most of the socialist countries from the past to now were ethno nationalist lole. you can be a commie and realize that niggers are antithetical to a socialist future

>you can be a left-wing capitalist
now this a spicy opinion

>> No.16567990

>Pseud makes one-line thread dissing dead pulp writer
Whoa there lad, better cut down on the milk and cookies

>> No.16567995

Niggers rode the back of the bus until long after Lovecraft was dead

>> No.16568350

>absolute hack

What is this shit? What are you even doing on a board like /lit/?

>> No.16568674
File: 59 KB, 785x731, 1580109804656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16568965

The veneration he receives in the minds of the typically capeshit-loving caste is extreme and undeserved, sure, but so is the scorn with which he is treated by those who consider themselves to be 'well read intellectuals'. The feelings of the former are most probably a result of ignorance. Because the layman reads very little quality fiction, it would be easy for (a layman) to read one of lovecraft's works and think "Woah dude, this dude uses lots of adjectives and writes about cool shit, I like this guy's books." This hypothetical dudebro could then tell his homeboys about this wicked-cool author and his spooky eldritch abominations, to which they would assume, "This is a good author. " Because they too are laymen, they have no reason to believe otherwise, also they'll probably never read the books themselves. This opinion is of course reinforced by the man's fame, and has become almost memetic within some circles.

The position of these 'well read intellectuals', I suspect, comes from both their literary experience and a desire to be seen as dramatically different from the aforementioned laymen. They recognise that lovecraft isn't the greatest, and remark upon their findings, however, they often modify these remarks so as to emphasize their opinion as one which departs from those of the laymen. Often it is an unwitting modification. Often it is not. These modifications are a result of the superiority and casual distain these exceptional individuals feel towards those they perceive as being of a different class, whom they often assign the label 'midwit'. This position towards lovecraft also seems to have become memetic within some circles.

tldr: Midwits say he's great because of ignorance, and faggots say he's terrible because they enjoy drawing a distinction between themselves and midwits. Regular people say he's k.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.16570245

didn't read lmao

>> No.16570256

Ok, that doesn’t mean that there weren’t varying degrees of racism

>> No.16570329
File: 225 KB, 696x900, Robert_E_Howard_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was superior in every way. I've read Conan stories that were more terrifying.

>> No.16570381

AND he was even MORE autistic than him, somehow

>> No.16570847

Do the superior circles have objective methods to determine whether one persons writing is better than anothers?

>> No.16571348

No. They're based on hearsay and popular opinion just as much as the lower circles.

>> No.16571398

You will know it when you read extensively. Great work stays with you for multiple reasons.

>> No.16571618

He does have some hacky stories that he wrote purely for cash, including lots of stories he co-authored or ghost wrote. Of course no one reads those anymore, and Poe wrote a few stories for money as well.

>> No.16572256

This one is weak.

>> No.16572826


His writing isn't amazing but his ideas and ambiance are great. That's why he's better as an influence than an original source.