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/lit/ - Literature

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16561002 No.16561002 [Reply] [Original]

I am become comfy, the enjoyer of words

>> No.16561192


>> No.16561207

I am become attention, seeker of e-peen

>> No.16561668

What a boring book

>> No.16561683

imagine thinking that

>> No.16561695

Your enjoyment of the book is inversely proportional to your levels of testosterone.

>> No.16561705

>can enjoy one the greatest achievement of literature and the human mind
>can lift heavy rocks
I wonder which should I choose?

>> No.16561749

maybe dostoyevsky is more your speed, kid

>> No.16561845


>> No.16561953

Maybe its my ESL but everytime he starts to describe landscapes and the various types of plants i just have to take breaks and google the names so much that it kinda turns me off that i cant read the whole thing in one go but in reading and re reading in bursts.
But i love the way he gives personality to the characters and by their way of thinking.

>> No.16562241

Who the fuck stops to look up a random plant... just keep moving forward

>> No.16562274

He spends a lot of time describing the plants, their smell and its affect, so a part of me kinda wants to know how the plant looks to grasp more of less what he is describing.

>> No.16562280

Why read it in english if it’s not your native language? No good translations in yours?

>> No.16562311

I’m a French native but I despise my language

>> No.16562318

>t. Autist with an attention span of 30 seconds

>> No.16562338
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I wanted to train my english and get better used to it, i see it as a kind of a challenge.
Also all of the 7 books here were sold separately at 25 euros, the everyman's library collection was 60 and they even came in a nice hard cover.

>> No.16562357

Not a perfect book as many will have you believe but still one of the greatest.Too many scenes drag out forever, Proust rehashes his philosophy repetitively and too many characters become faggots

>> No.16562384

That's the most annoying thing I've heard in a while

>> No.16562386

>become faggots
>not just substituting a man’s name for every female character
>drags on
If you can’t let the beauty of Marcel’s narration carry you through a 15-page sentence wherein he beautifully describes the landscape, psychological conditions, societal norms, philosophy then you are NGMI

>> No.16562410

There are few things in nature
That render me so perplexed
As seeing the font Papyrus
In a professional context

>> No.16562572

I said i think it’s one of the greatest books every and I would bet that I’m one of only a handful on here who read the entire book.there are certainly flaws.how many times does the narrator lament that things(names, places,etc) don’t usually live up to expectations?the faggotry and Dreyfusism is just Proust unable to keep his personal life out of the book.Like if one or two characters were faggots, whatever.instead it seems as if every other character is an “invert” by the end of the book

>> No.16562822

bro i get it the sky is blue with some clouds, don't need 5 pages for that shit

>> No.16562833

BASED. To hell with relationship fetishism. Give me epic myth adventure, and tragedy.

>> No.16563102

So this. Have an updoot frendo!

>> No.16563107

t. incel

>> No.16563111

Not reading the kvetching of a neurotic French Jew

>> No.16563379

>t. low test and low intelligence

>> No.16563638
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>t. incel

>> No.16563659

the choice is obvious - One must imagine Sisyphus happy.