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16559777 No.16559777 [Reply] [Original]

Oswald Spengler.

>> No.16559785
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Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.16560933
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>> No.16560987
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>Spengler spent his final years in Munich, listening toBeethoven, readingMolièreandShakespeare, buying several thousand books, and collecting ancientTurkish,PersianandIndianweapons. He made occasional trips to theHarz mountainsand to Italy. In the spring of 1936 (shortly before his death), he prophetically remarked in a letter toReichsleiterHans Frankthat "in ten years, a German Reich will probably no longer exist" ("da ja wohl in zehn Jahren ein Deutsches Reich nicht mehr existieren wird!")

More like Copeswald Spengler, am I right?

>> No.16561005

He was literally the anti-coper

>> No.16561092

more like oswald spergler lmao gottem

>> No.16561120

I wonder how many of those would be ended up fried or ground up alive

>> No.16561227

he was a giant autist but at least he achieved comfiness

>> No.16561239

I wish that was me.

>> No.16561265

Evola is better

>> No.16561310

Well no, his prediction was accurate. Also, how do I achieve Spengler lifestyle?

>> No.16562283 [DELETED] 

Probably the stupidest post today

>> No.16562354

They're trying to do two completely different things.

>> No.16562402

this is less than average autism for Germans.

>> No.16562979

Holy based

>> No.16562986

More like Baldwald Spengler

>> No.16562994
File: 58 KB, 664x801, 9DDD9AF3-DEFC-4713-99AA-D2EF16B2287D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ozuwardo Spengrero

>> No.16563010
File: 181 KB, 960x960, spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oswald Spengler

>> No.16563019

This is how I imagine Judge Holden looks like.

>> No.16563439

I always imagined him as albino Brendan Fraser

>> No.16563516


>> No.16563728

Decline of the West is the most insightful thing i ever read

>> No.16563735
File: 350 KB, 562x654, If only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16563804
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>> No.16565332

I love this man so much

>> No.16565777


>> No.16565805
File: 33 KB, 530x263, 1AACA4C0-AF43-4EC6-82D5-F34567CA63DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egon Spengler