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/lit/ - Literature

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16559343 No.16559343 [Reply] [Original]

Even if you are a bunch a pseuds, you're all great lads, and I had great moments in this board.
Take care /lit/, I love you all

>> No.16559369

Don't do it. Every method is risky.

>> No.16559372

See you tomorrow, cowboy.

>> No.16559374

I don’t know you Anon but I love you please.

>> No.16559379
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Luv u 2, brother.

>> No.16559381

If you're going to kill yourself I won't say anything to try to dissuade you or anything. See you on the otherside, fren

>> No.16559385

See you on the other side pal

>> No.16559386
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You can't go op! We have too many more memories to make together.

>> No.16559390

Do a flip

>> No.16559416

Don't do it bro

There are so many books to enjoy still

>> No.16559435

bro don't do it. we are your friends.

>> No.16559468

Don't do it anon, you still have time to receive a divine message.

>> No.16559474
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> larping for (you)s
livestream or you’re just wasting our time and earnest sympathies, Anon.

>> No.16559478

Haha, I have fun here too. thank you.

>> No.16559484

would like to finally have a patron suicide anon for /lit/. your arent really a real board without at least one on recording.

>> No.16559487
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>> No.16559494

Bro seriously just go live in the woods and meditate/pray. Don't let society Trish you into thinking it's either civilization or death

>> No.16559505

Permission to die denied, OP.

>> No.16559630

Don’t do it

>> No.16559649

Don't do it. Join a Monastery, I'm going to do that.
Eat, Pray, Work, Pray, Read, Pray.
Comfy life

>> No.16559759

John 10:7-15
So Jesus said again, “Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the gate for the sheep.
All who came [before me] are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.
I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.
A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.
I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them.
This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me,
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep.

>> No.16559780

Are you going to turn in the test paper blank?

>> No.16559797

Please take care of yourself and know that if you need to talk to someone I'm here. I'll listen to whatever you need to get off your chest. You can call me if you need.

>> No.16559811


>> No.16559827

Don’t do it anon. I’m sorry you’re suffering. Is there a crisis center or hospital near where you live?

>> No.16559844

Post number

>> No.16559848

Tell my waifu I will be with her soon

>> No.16559901

Can't visit this board without someone threatening to kill themselves, or atleast longing for it. What are you even doing here if you don't adore reading/writing? Depression is not 'lit'; walking in the woods is, chess is, daydreaming is, and -- yes -- being a fucking weirdo is, too. But we are not your self-help group. Unironically head over to reddit: plenty of subreddits there, where indulging in melancholy is encouraged. Leave (or take your ponderings elsewhere)

Sound mean perhaps. But what does lit have to gain by accommodating depressive outkasts' broodings?
- Lowers overall quality of board
- Creates atmosphere of bleakness and self-pity ("boohoo, I'm a virgin, how will I ever confront life?")

>> No.16560028

Don't let us lose the work that you haven't even begun to start.

>> No.16560063
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Be what Hemingway couldn't be op

>> No.16560068
File: 70 KB, 850x400, quote-the-world-is-a-fine-place-and-worth-the-fighting-for-and-i-hate-very-much-to-leave-it-ernest-hemingway-12-94-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16560115

If you’re desperate enough to kill yourself consider any other action that will break you out of your circumstances. Quit your job and go to Paris. Start over again in a new town. Join a monastery. Go live in the woods for a month. Death shuts all doors permanently. Regardless of whether this is sincere I wish you and anyone else reading this well. Life can be cold and uncaring but there is love in the world too. I hope things improve for you, don’t give up

>> No.16560120

Are you finally going to kys?

>> No.16560153
File: 2.64 MB, 750x1334, 4247ACA5-8DF3-42E8-9D93-2BCC6F93E6EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still great joy to be discovered in this life anon. The dull throbbing pain is one shared by all of us, despite the fact that we may not show it. It will subside. Or not. Along the way you will smile again. There will be a shitpost that makes you crack up every time you see it
>picrel for me
Or a funny man on the train that has his dick hanging out of his shorts. The joy seems far away now but experiencing it is living an eternity where everything is still shit, but you’re okay with it. I’m slightly drink and I love you. I hope (you) read this and pussy out of your attempt. I hope you fail at this suicide because there is so much more that you can succeed at if you fail here. Look at me blog posting. Ily 2 the mooooooon and back.

>> No.16560188
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Wrong picrel my bad

>> No.16560195

>when my friend found our other friend hanging he was still gurgling and making noises

>> No.16560210

Also let me say it's an extremely traumatizing situation for everyone involved OP. I view myself as pretty fucking strong resolute. I thought I was going to go insane those first couple weeks. It felt so fucking bad, never felt like that in my life. It's like you try to do something, anything to take your mind off it. Even your favorite thing in the world you cannot enjoy, there's no joy to be had in anything at that time. It was so heavy, and maybe that's what true depression really is. I don't know. Never felt so low before in all my life prior.

>> No.16560213

Think about your parents OP.

>> No.16560223

I love you OP and so does your family. Stick around, please.

>> No.16560234

Goodnight, sweet prince.

>> No.16560253

I'm suicidal too OP. I wouldn't hold it against you. Good luck friend.

>> No.16560256
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How many rabbits fell victim to the streets?
Rest in peace, Young Chungus, there's a heaven for a G.

>> No.16561038

Can't completely agree with that quote. The world is absolutely a piece of shit, but it's still worth fighting for.

>> No.16561059

Wish I had your balls. See you on the other side bro.

>> No.16561069

If you die before reading Fantômas, your soul will forever wander between realities, trying to persuade others to read it.

>> No.16561084
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You are all a bunch a pseuds and some of the biggest faggots I've ever come across in my life. Every second I spent on this board was a waste of my time.
Go to hell /lit/, I hate you all.

>> No.16561086


>> No.16561102

I agree with this completely, yet I always come here every single day because going to any other board makes my blood boil with rage and contempt, instead of the cold disapproval I exude for /lit/. Why is that?

>> No.16561108

Retards acting like retards for (You)'s is more annoying than retards trying to act smart.

>> No.16561110

Not going to try and guilt trip you like some in this thread but I hope you realise before it's too late that the idea that death is an escape from suffering is also a cope. And I don't mean that from a religious perspective, either. If we take the layman's athiest view, our perception ends at the moment of death, so you're not around to experience the nothingness that comes after. To you that last moment of agony and terror is the rest of eternity beyond that moment. I'm not sure myself whether or not that means one's perception of the moment of death feels like the entirety of the rest of time dragging out for billions of years, but either way, you don't get to experience the lack of suffering after death. Literally "Don't forget, you're here forever". If you can't find anything pleasant in life you certainly won't find it in suicide, however terrible things are.

>> No.16561162

As if every other board doesn't have midwits trying to act smart, or this board doesn't have shitposters that do things for (You)s.

>> No.16561169

>our perception ends at death
>your last moment of perception will last for all eternity
t. midwit

>> No.16561186

There's more of the former on /lit/ than anywhere else.

>> No.16561223

Perceived passing of time =/= actual passing of time, and I was throwing that out there as just one example of the various nightmare scenarios not usually taken into consideration when people make decisions like this. Death isn't like being stuck in an empty black void forever.

>> No.16562513

Best wishes anon.

>> No.16562558

There's still many books to read anon...
Don't leave us

>> No.16562561
File: 1.21 MB, 1536x2048, 1593720231524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you still alive OP?

>> No.16562890

I take it you are leaving the board. Good. I will as well. Soon. See you in a higher place.

>> No.16563052

Do a flip, faggot.