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/lit/ - Literature

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16558677 No.16558677 [Reply] [Original]

What degree of autism is required to read these in their entirety?

>> No.16558690

Superlative Autism, or the highest degree of Autism.

>> No.16558695

water. ordinary water.

>> No.16558732

The autism of someone with both a love of truest philosophy, art, and an extremely autistic obsession with the history of science, particularly zoology.
t. that guy.

>> No.16558741

Is zoology such a large part of his corpus?

>> No.16558756

Its the thing I imagine being least interesting to people without prior interest.

>> No.16558765

I'm honestly only interested in Aristotle for literary and political philosophy, slightly interested in ethics

No time for this gay metaphysics shit you'll niggas be into

>> No.16558799

33rd Degree Scottish Rite

>> No.16558819
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>> No.16558858
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>only 2 volumes
Meh, real autism is when you read all 50 volumes of Marx & Engels collected works.

>> No.16558872

That’s something you study over a life time, not read cover to cover

>> No.16558922


Yep, natural """science""" in general. Go here:


This is the standard layout of Aristotle's work. The philosophically interesting stuff (logic, metaphysics, politics etc) is concentrated at the front and back of this arrangement. Notice the long autistic block of "physics" (natural science) in the middle, which does indeed included lots of stuff on animals. This is the bit which is skipped nowadays except as an autistic curiosity in the history of science.

>> No.16558936

I've done it. There ain't nothing to it but to do it.

>> No.16558941


I once sat down with a complete edition in a library for a little over an hour and paged through it. When I was done I still wasn't quite sure where Theories of Surplus Value begins and ends (somewhere around v's 28-31 or so). Interesting early stuff includes Marx's birth certificate and the doctoral dissertation. Much of the famous stuff is found in v6 (Manifesto, etc). I should have found where the mathematical stuff is, some of it's in the letters volumes I bet.

>> No.16559110

Holy fuck more then you'd expect. I skipped all of his works on Biology holy shit. Realistically you only need to read Organon, Metaphysics, Nicomachaen Ethics, Politics, Rhetoric, Poetics, and On the Soul.

>> No.16559120
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This + the 45 volumes of Lenin's collected works.

>> No.16559148

Why pathologize the pursuit of knowledge? You don't need 'autism' to read them just curiosity and a passion for science and philosophy, if those things are evidence of mental illness I'd hate to meet your 'healthy man.'

>> No.16559157
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Years ago there was anon who was borrowing those from his university library and read through them all. He said he regretted it.
No one need read Lenin imo. Certainly not all of it.

>> No.16559163
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seriously, how does anyone write this much? pic related is Balzacs complete works which is also massive. I also think about how prolific composers used to be. Complete works of Mozart is 180cds. Have artists today gotten lazy?

>> No.16559234

Keep in mind that writing was important for communication with friends and colleagues. People like politicians also had to constantly write about various topics since they couldn't just upload it to twitter or give a speech on TV. If all of my shitposts were to be put in a book, I'd probably have multiple volumes. Now add in all the stuff you wrote for college. And even add in all the thoughts you've had about current events throughout the years. Then consider that this happens over the course of a good 40-50 years. You'd have a lot of volumes. It becomes more of a game of how much of your writings were saved than who much you actually wrote.

Although there are plenty of giga-autists who wrote dozens of books.

>> No.16559247


My own shitposting would fill at least onw moderately sized volume, I'm sure. They didn't have internet and collections like these typically encompass the life's work of an author, or: decades of sustained effort.

>> No.16559354

Democritus I believe has over 60 titles attributed to him on all possible subjects and 0 survived

>> No.16560564

This guy gets it.

>> No.16560752
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>compares based aristotle to cringe commies

>> No.16560767

Muh Physics

>> No.16560792

real autism is reading his entire corpus in greek

>> No.16560808

When did autism become a byword for hard working and intelligent? Is that how far we've fallen?

>> No.16560816

>t. pseud

>> No.16560833

Aristotle isn't like Plato. Most of those books are outtdated science stuff.

>> No.16560981

Autism itself isn't a real mental illness. In the past autism was actually a good thing and likely increased a male's chance at sexual success, which is contrasted to today's autist who is an incel virgin. Many historical figures, if they had lived today, would probably be diagnosed as having some form of autism.

>> No.16560985


>> No.16561017
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Out of my way, noobs

>> No.16561028

>haha many words XD
Take your pseuds elsewhere

>> No.16561039

Based spergs. How do sex having normies cope?

>> No.16561467

>writing THIS much about some middle eastern fairytale
Do Germans really?