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16558595 No.16558595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading a book decrying the academics destroying the subject of history through the lens of cultural marxism and their derivatives
>how these people are trying to destroy truth and reality because it excludes the "losers" in various places that were colonized and decries the european settlers for bringing civilization to peoples who didn't need or want it
>think its all relevant to exactly what's happening now in academia, the book must have been written in 2016
>written in 1994
How do I cope with the fact that serious academic study of history and literature has been replaced by afro apologism before I was born? It seems the art of real academic study was lost from the start
The book is called The Killing of History

>> No.16558619

Doesn't that book also criticize right wing historical fabrication?

>> No.16558622

stfu schlomo this is a redpilled thread

>> No.16558639

History has always been ideologically driven sine cydithu di u eda mlin iaog ue .

>> No.16558644

You cope by making shit threads like you always do, anon.

>> No.16558653
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hell yeah brother

>> No.16558657

>How do I cope
Crawl into an incel hole and don't come out.
Oh wait you already have. Mission accomplished, i guess.

>> No.16558665

>Crawl into an incel hole
I'd rather climb into a vagina with my dick if you catch my drift, I always find that the best way to deal with depression.

>> No.16558676

If by right wing you mean Foucault then yes, he did in fact become more right wing later in life but his early works which sparked the discourse on the marginalized of society as being the "true society because they don't have power" is what a lot of cultural marxists today believe in. Its actually better called Foucaultism because it has nothing to do with workers. All these protests for ever more reductively weak social groups like "Black Trans Lives" and "Disabled queer folk" etc are based entirely on Foucault's early writings, and especially the need for a local intellectual as a guiding voice is whats attractive to the modern basedjaks of academia. They hope to lead these hopeless losers as their own Will to Power fantasy. Hence why Black Lives Matters is overwhelmingly being uplifted by white liberals. Another savior complex, which the author calls out. But as for actual criticisms of the right, he occasionally rebukes Heidegger only because Heidegger's philosophy is the root of these structuralist and post structuralist ideas, and he was a fervent supporter of the Nazi party. Decrying the Nazis is practically a requirement to get published in modern academia, ever so infested with jews in every corner.

>> No.16558694

>social groups like "Black Trans Lives" and "Disabled queer folk" etc are based entirely on Foucault's early writings
How so?

>> No.16558700

come to 4channel.org/pol/reddit and i'll tell you everything, the redpills will flow

>> No.16558731

Read Disciple and Punish, this book is based on the power structures of institutions, particularly prisons and prisoners, but these ideas about power and knowledge transfer to pretty much any "marginalized groups" in society

>> No.16558740


>> No.16558750

And I should clarify I should have stated their support as a group by white liberals is what matters, not the groups themselves. White liberals see this as an opportunity to be a savior and salivate at the thought of "saving" these groups from the evil "society" they live in, the society that is so coddled and soft and loving that they even allow such degenerates to exist. But they don't seem to care a truly "oppressive" society is a just society that gives them the chance to fail on their own merits, which they do handily

>> No.16558771
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'cultural marxism' is an absolutely retarded term and you're a retard for reading books that use it unironically.
>inb4 seething replies of /pol/tards
explain to me what cultural marxism is, and how in anyway it has to do with marxism

>> No.16558856

It's just a name and you're right it has little to do with actual marxism. But it's what it's called in common discourse and while it may be more related to the philosophy of 20th century writers more than marx, thats the name that stuck to it. For a complete explanation of what it is, read Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.16558885
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>read a fabricated antisemitic text about a jewish plan for global domination
It's a fucking /pol/ tier conspiracy theory, you mouthbreathing retard. Cultural capitalism would be a better term, read Adorno

>> No.16558904

Cultural Marxism is a fake term used by Right-Wingers, Adopted from Cultural Bolshevism that the Nazis pushed against communists in the 20's and 30's.

>> No.16558916

Are you going to name the book, or what?

>> No.16558919
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Nobody is forcing you to read that. Just like nobody forces you to pick a hobo turd from the sidewalk and smear it across your face.

>> No.16558933

Just call it wokeism or something, marxists are a laughable non entity

>> No.16558934
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>> No.16558937

If there's no getting outside of consumer culture isn't the sensible thing to do try infiltrate and pressure it into at least promoting liberatory politics and disempowering the "Authoritarian Personality" like, you know, what actually happened?

>> No.16558953


>> No.16558957

>the book is called The Killing of History
Hello based illiterate
True, yet I am forced to deal with the fallout
niggers rampaging the streets and burning down buildings because another nigger overdosed on fentanyl, and the faggots in academia are licking the niggers assholes. Heroin addicts shooting up in the streets and leaving aids infected needles everywhere they go. And chinks and jews holding residential property hostage as an "investment" instead of being a place a community can live. I was born into a sick society, and instead of stepping over the turd like everyone else I want to gas the subhuman who left it in my path and solve the problem once and for all.

>> No.16558988

by cultural marxism he obviously means the view of history as nothing but class/identity struggle. you are blatantly retarded if you haven't noticed this in any history book written prior to the sixties.

>> No.16559008
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Identity politics isn't liberatory, it's divisive and perfectly compatible with liberalism. It doesn't address our political economy.

>> No.16559033

It basically just means intersectionality, which certain groups on the Right view as either an extension of Marxist class warfare or its replacement. Since many contemporary Commies seem to be quite into intersectionality, having popularized the term 'class reductionist' you can see why they might think this.

>> No.16559034
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Class relates to the means of production, identity politics isn't part of marxism at all. Matter of fact it's perfectly it's perfectly compatible with captialism and it's weaponized to turn people against eachother instead of working to abolish the exploitative class relations.

>> No.16559065

the end goal of marxism is a mulatto race of slaves with no identity, yes. this is only accomplished by using identity politics to genocide the white race non-violently. it also destroys the natural order which marxism explicitly states should be destroyed.
not defending capitalism btw.

>> No.16559067


>> No.16559077
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>must appeal solely to right wing straight white male incels with culturally reactionary talking points or that's divisive
With masterminds like you on the case porky doesn't stand a chance!

>> No.16559091

just say jew

>> No.16559104
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Yes but it doesn't make any sense because there have been plenty of marxist critiques of intersectionality.
Here is one:

What the fuck are you talking about schizo, marxists have always been part of anti-war movements. Marxism is anti-imperialist and want to improve the living conditions everywhere on the planet, thus having no reason for people to forcefully migrate. Capitalism continues pointless warfare and imperialism ruins economic sovereignty of nations. What the fuck are you doing here /pol/ tourist, read more or get the fuck out.

No, we have to ditch identity politics and feel united as workers against the exploitative bourgeoisie. That's why it's important that movements like BLM actually analyze the root of all struggle, that is class struggle.

>> No.16559105

Can you all go back to /pol/?

>> No.16559108


>> No.16559115

I support putting /pol/tards in camps.

>> No.16559117


>> No.16559123

Have sex

>> No.16559126

I'm well aware that many Marxists don't like intersectionality, I'm just telling you why they see it that way. You have to remember that they view Marxism as an attempt to 'subvert' society, and this intersectional stuff just seems like a similar plot to them, and associated with similar people.

>> No.16559132
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Hahahahahah still grappling with the fact that literally all american academia is retarded to begin with huh? History isnt real nigga, and just because you have other peer-reviewed faggots telling you you're right does not make it so. History is an intangible concept wholly susceptible to aesthetization and thus the only thing which is able to come out of """"history"""" are either negations or affirmations of a particular, already held worldview. This approach prevents literally any social change from occurring. History, rather, should be the domain of the imaginative, the mythic, in order to properly designate sacred time and space and, thus be instead of perpetually becoming. If you think that your conservatives are more right than faggy Marxists you're wrong bitch

>> No.16559144

There's been plenty more Marxists who are pro intersectionality though, so you insisting it's completely incompatible is basically just the equivalent of dogmatic theology.

>> No.16559174

This poster is fully educated via youtube

>> No.16559241
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>> No.16559262

>marxism is anti-imperialist
but it absolutely is not. It requires constant aggressive consolidation of more territories and peoples to enslave to make up for its constant shortcomings due to poor planning. They are extremely imperialist and overtly so

>> No.16559265

>That's why it's important that movements like BLM actually analyze the root of all struggle, that is class struggle.
BLM is literally run by rich jews, retard.

>> No.16559266

Read history books pre 20th ce and voilà problem fixed

>> No.16559286

wrong, also marxism is liberating people from wage slavery

>> No.16559304
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You're a liberal, tranny. Go join the McPride parade if you're not interested in class politics.

>> No.16559346

No balls to be an actual reactionary so you're this freakish chimera no one likes. The dirtbag left is even gayer than the homosexuals.

>> No.16559409

wage slavery is mostly poor personal economics

>> No.16559423

I never understood this logic of Adorno or any of the Frankfurt guys being #ourguys - like nigga, how do you mentally justify shit like the Authoritarian Personality, or Marcuse's involvement with the CIA?

>> No.16559425

No, it's working to make a boss rich

>> No.16559431

you have to sell your soul to have good finances, usury is an abomination

>> No.16559534

copium levels off the charts

>> No.16559647

did you get your political and historical education from /pol/? youtube kek

>> No.16559655

Imagine being new

>> No.16560380

>t. Cleetus, who has never lived in a city with a 4+ digit population
I'm a white man living on the south side of Chicago, and I've lived here for 2 years. This "burning down buildings" shit is all media hype. You're more likely to be harassed by a cop doing a "random drug search" than you are to be bothered by any civilian.

>> No.16560454

I was going to wiki to get some stats to show you how wrong you are but I came across something much more entertaining:

>Chicago's deadliest day since reliable digital records began in 1991 occurred on May 31, 2020, with 18 murders committed. This day was part of a three-day weekend that saw 85 shootings in the city. Reports indicate that the victims were of various ages and occupations, but mostly black. The violence was framed by the George Floyd protests, but researchers said it was unheard of and unable to be contextualized.
''researchers said it was unheard of and unable to be contextualized'' LOL

>> No.16560462

Niggas die errday b
Opps bes not come thru our block ya hurrd

>> No.16560471

uses marxs dialectics for class and replaces class with different identities like race and gender. Marxism was the inspiration, hence the name sake

>> No.16560625

This isn't even dirtbag left, it's just pure stupidity and total self-centered politics trying to insert themselves into leftism, without any theoretical underpinnings. I'd call it turboautism meets stupidpol, but that's frankly an insult, most autists I've met are very smart people who would see through this.

>> No.16560686

>all media hype
yes its all fake, the innocent protesters dindu nuffin. In fact the protests have made life considerably worse, by taking time and resources away from police, leading to looters, which are over 90% niggers, breaking down gucci and nike stores windows to steal shit. I also don't care to ever live in that absolute jungle you call home and I feel sorry you have deluded yourself into believing that your life is normal in any way

>> No.16560692

>History is just a perpetual present where the party is always right

It wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual bros