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File: 894 KB, 1600x1107, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16558118 No.16558118 [Reply] [Original]

Define burgerpunk

>> No.16558124


>> No.16558153


>> No.16558155


>> No.16558342

idiots i'm surrounded by fucking morons

>> No.16558351

idiots i'm surrounded by fucking morons

>> No.16558363

Consoomerism gone haywire so le contemporary america and then some

>> No.16558375

Parody of cyberpunk, a dystopian alternate reality that is extremely close to our current dystopia, a science fiction genre where biofuels from the fast food industry are what runs society, since peak oil has come to pass.

>> No.16558380

idiots i'm surrounded by fucking morons

>> No.16558401
File: 312 KB, 462x285, 1596567169731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream quite often about places like this, it's like a strip of beach that's flat and arid, the ground is desert, the horizon is the ocean and the only thing that breaks these views is buildings under construction and general dilapidation.
What is the symbology of a post-burgerpunk environment in my dream?

>> No.16558535

Just walk through a Walmart, imagine you're Rick Deckard hunting fatties. Wa la burger punk. If that's not enough, check pic related.

>> No.16558541
File: 646 KB, 595x842, 1569424877881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry meant to add pic

>> No.16558543

The twin towers were such ugly buildings.

>> No.16558547

What's the difference between burger punk and suburban hell? (specifically in the US).

>> No.16558548

Yeah they should’ve been concrete

>> No.16558552

Fast food, walmart, duke nukem archetypes, infomercials, obesity, and black people

>> No.16558557


>> No.16558571

Flame wars on Twitter about pop culture and politics ultimately leading to nostalgia for a simpler time

>> No.16558572


>> No.16558579


>> No.16558589


faux bourg

>> No.16558596
File: 48 KB, 239x164, public-drum_basic_article-83268-main_images-cola-wars--default--239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ABSOLUTE definition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WTBkj8gFfI

>> No.16558612

A nation defined only be extremes. You are either extremely rich or extremely poor, extremely smart or extremely retarded, you either despise the nation or you love it, our fat people are obese, our voices are loud, and our sense of self importance is astronomical.

>> No.16558641

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but now there's 5g smartphones and MMORPGs

>> No.16558674
File: 161 KB, 1500x999, e5f77e71-f3c6-4197-9013-71a5ec4f26e6_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same desu, one of my favourite things about Chicago when I visited it. Empty lots of space where former project housing used to be on the edge of downtown.

Very americana/burgerpunk feel.

Without turning this into a /p/ thread there are plenty of great photographers (Mostly in the Magnum photos collective) who perfectly evoke this feeling like pic related. The genre of photography is called "New Topographics".

>> No.16558697

Post-industrialized country where the industrial sector have gone to third world countries and all low income jobs are basically in the service economy, things like Wall Mart, McDonnalds, etc

>> No.16558993

such a bad chart

>> No.16559038

check this out -
Dragons, y'all.

Even the elder dragons worshipped Beyonce each quarterly face of the moon. Crystal diamonds and Beyonce. In the Dark Ages – after the Fall of the Empire – the dragons emerged from their graves and roamed the obliterated remains of shredded steel beams and recycled filing cabinets – raw diamonds and pearls spilling from their wings.

>> No.16559289

It's just cyberpunk, minus the cool tech.

>> No.16559300
File: 360 KB, 506x344, burgerpunk revolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16559603


>> No.16559616
File: 1.51 MB, 2386x3918, Peak Burgerpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16559668

Burger punk fundamentally has no single coherent logic of action apparent on analysis, but many different logics which clash in their combination, which is what leads to the sense of disgust one has viewing it. Proceeding from this, commonly:
1. Contradictory helplessness. Scenes of plenty are contrasted with actors who have limited knowledge of how to best use the tools around them. Bonus points for the actors having forms of helplessness which are the result OF plenty. Obesity is peak burgerpunk because the obese are weak and have limited mobility and so need assistance, but one cannot be obese if there is no food so obesity proceeds from plenty. Therefore one is made weak by what should make one strong and secure in their health.
2. Idol worship. Whether this is of celebrities, economic agents, politicians, or specialists, undue love and affection for people, rather than concepts, defines burgerpunk. Credential worship is peak burgerpunk, where one assigns excess weight to the opinion of someone who is "educated", even in areas with limited or no relation to their credentials. E.g., listening to a scientist talk about philosophy, or an M.D. talk about nutrition.
3. Love of appearance rather than essence. Burgerpunk is incapable of comprehending the nature of abstract concepts because it attaches importance to immediate stimulus and "now!" emotions. Happiness is more important than contentedness. Pleasure is more important than tranquility. Therefore, there is hatred of that which reflects the slow, steady realization of essence, and love of that which reflects the appearance of something. The essence of "happiness" is contentedness, but contentedness appears happy to the onlooker, so they strive to be happy rather than content. As a result, art dies, because art is about the emotional experience of essence through aesthetic expression. Burgerpunk is devoid of art. It cannot conceive of essence, only appearance, and therefore has no language for architecture as a reflection of spirit rather than purpose, or painting as a reflection of cathartic emotion rather than "prettiness".

>> No.16559821

I honestly wish I was american.

>> No.16560101

What would you suggest?

>> No.16560187 [DELETED] 

If you dudes wanna peep a super burgerpunk movie watch The Loveless with William Dafoe. That shit is the most burgerpunk shit you will see in your life. The only locations are a diner, a gas station, and a bar. In the back of my mind while I was watching it I was like "just imagine the carbon emissions!".


>> No.16560268

You best start believin’ in burger-punk, Miss Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ,Yer in one!

>> No.16560311

It's life right now in America. You don't have to look to the future to find dystopia. It's already here.

>> No.16560324


>> No.16560349
File: 616 KB, 595x842, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16560374
File: 2.70 MB, 1504x1202, 1560300980082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16560394

In the late 70s you could park and chill for a change of scenery in random or liminal places like that, without someone instantly calling the cops on you for "suspicious vehicle, activity, etc." through their mobile phones or security video dispatch stations brought to you by Private-Public-Partnership inc. That's why OP's pic isn't Burgerpunk except in the nostalgia or post-Burgerstan-Empire sense, since this >>16559616 kind of corporatist oligopoly hellscape of tightly controlled and closed systems for dumbing-down the masses wasn't yet a thing except in the minds of TV advertising executives and writers like Ray Bradbury who, rightly, hated everything they represent. Crypto- or ur-Burgerpunk also exists in things like Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and H.L.Mencken essay The Libido For The Ugly, a GOAT on American bad taste in how & why to live.
Before retiring early to cripple-NEETdom in the country, where I actually have a little space to garden, and time enough to make close acquaintance with the widows and old war dogs and retards most of my neighbors are, I was homeless in Chicago for 18 months, getting around the city by UBER on the largesse of relatives, whose aid otherwise consisted mostly of thoughts and prayers for my disappearance. And since I'm here to remember it at all in large part from a combination of charisma and cunning, I've enough material (and pics) to write a novel about the experience, but am not going to simply because I prefer to dwell on better times, like the figure in William Cullen Bryant's Thanatopsis, who lies down to pleasant dreams as much because he has the aptitude for them, as he lacks the strength for further activity they recommend.

>> No.16560434

A nostalgia for any time that isn't now. The benefits of technology have long since stopped outweighing it's detriments to everyone in the world except wallstreet and silicon valley. It's all so absolutely horrifying. I just watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and something that stuck out to me was that there was a phone built into the wall, with a little chord retracting function. When that movie came out that must have seemed like space ship magic. These laptops and cellphones everywhere keeping us constantly engaged have rotted my brain. I refresh /lit/ threads like I'm scrolling through twitter. 15 years ago when I first started on this god forsaken coffee shop training manual of a website, I couldn't have fucking cared less. I miss the days of not being plugged in all the time. And even a nostalgia for an early 90s trip to burgerking holds a comfort in a perverse way. It all just sucks so much.

>> No.16560448

Whoever made this is my hero

>> No.16560459
File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried to warn us...

>> No.16560515

Its supposed to be a joke chart

>> No.16560553

As the creator of the chart, I can confirm I didn’t not painstakingly select proper books to articulate and define a literary genre nor did I think anyone would actually consider it serious. I spent more time choosing the font than I did the books.

>> No.16560567

>silicon valley
Whenever I lurk /g/ for a sense of what's happening in that industry, I'm appalled by how little of it pertains to making anything useful or beautiful, and by how much of it is about generating advertising revenue and snooping of every imaginable sort. In effect, how much more it has to do with reaping as opposed to sowing, or with the weaponizing of IT generally, even in gayming as a metaphor as well as a kind of training for how to look at the world.

>> No.16560582

I actually made this (>>16560374) and have wanted to improve on it since. Just never found the time to do it.

>> No.16560583

Innovation has stagnated. Hauntology and past futures. There’s a reason why radio stations stay “greatest hits from the 80s, 90s, and today!” Capitalism perpetuating short term growth while limiting risk has anesthetized the one possible hope for humanity. It’s so pitiful.

>> No.16560587

No nigger people don't listen to the radio for new music they use spotify

>> No.16561122

Duhhh... flash... uhhh highways. Mmmmmmmcorporationsmmmm...

>> No.16561225

Is this video burgerpunk?

>> No.16561284

Burgerpunk is 4chan just now realizing what mainstream writers have been saying about America since the late 80s

>> No.16561407

Why are all these burgerpunk charts such tiny images??

>> No.16561416

Use less words. This post doesn't sound as articulate or clever as you think it does.

>> No.16561418

>Literally YEARS of discussion on the nature of Burgerpunk
>ZERO(0) BP novels released.
I hate you people

>> No.16561623

A lot of Americans live in areas where one shit corporation has a monopoly on internet service, meaning they get shit upload speeds and can only send off small images.

>> No.16561666

Where did the name "burgerpunk" come from?

>> No.16561674

Rainbow Six had the corniest plot ever.
>and then they took the bad guys to the jungle and murdered them special forces style!!

>> No.16561733

>encouraging people to read ready player one even as a joke

>> No.16561751

Soul injuring composite desu

>> No.16561803

>Are you not entertained?

>> No.16561808

Besides the ketchup american flag, it could be any first wrod euro country. Felt more like how I picture the UK.

>> No.16561815

You're the reason most people have stopped posting here.

>> No.16561822

Everyday I don't live in America, I'm so fucking thankful that I got out when I had the chance. I will never move back.
I still miss it so much

>> No.16561849

A piece of art that describes the depressing condition of distinctively american things

>> No.16561859

bugerpunk is grunge americana

>> No.16561877

where'd you move?

>> No.16561883

to germany

>> No.16561895

Is it as bad with refugees as /pol/ would have us believe?

>> No.16561899

no, not at all

>> No.16561944

no migrant would ever criticize the country he moves to though. also you are probably brown so of course you think its great to have those refugees
it's a lefty shithole, except it's not as bad yet because it's still white majority. give it a couple years and it will be south africa :) such erichment :)

>> No.16561960

It’s true

>> No.16561968

>American fails to understand how much better other countries are than the US episode 1002
I'm glad you guys have no ambitions to move to better countries though. You can have her.

>> No.16561972

Are you white/European?

>> No.16561979

I ask because I work with someone from PR who briefly lived in Atlanta before moving here and he has told me ATL is a great city, perfect place to raise a family

But I have been to Atlanta numerous times and he couldn’t be more wrong

>> No.16561981


>> No.16561990

not american. im a 3r worlder of a country the used to be 1st worl i know what I mean. Remove democracy and brown people or you are fucked.

>> No.16561993

>no migrant would ever criticize the country he moves to though
I live where a lot of refuges get housed. I've never had a problem with them. If I never even notice them in my day to day life, why would I have a reason to be bothered? you polfags seem to think there's some kind of subversive race war going on, and there's waves and waves of these people replacing the whites.
It's not. They're just other people doing their own shit, and most of the time it's the same, mundane boring shit as everyone else.


>> No.16561999

>3rd worlder
>Remove democracy
Lmfao if you're above average then it's no wonder your third world shit hole is a third world shit hole.
What the fuck are you talking about? Atlanta is a good place to raise a family, as evidence by the fact that the city becomes less black every year as new people move there. I doubt you have a family to even make such claims.

>> No.16562008

good fucking lord lol

>> No.16562015

which city is this? chicago?

>> No.16562025

/pol/tards need to be put in camps or lined up and shot by firing squads

>> No.16562047

interesting post anon
you probably should write a something of it
where were you when you were in chicago?

>> No.16562057

democracy ruined every single country. No country has had any improvement with it.
>you polfags seem to think there's some kind of subversive race war going on
more like rapes and crime and being low IQ while voting. also being invading a land they dont belong to. I guess it's only ok to do if it's a white country...
define poltard. if you mean not being a lefty i guess i am one and also that you are a retard. I dont browse pol and havent been there for at least 3 years

>> No.16562072

>also being invading a land they dont belong to
hey, quick question. what do you think refugee means?

>> No.16562108

shitskins that come from countries that aren in war are 90% yet they are "refugees" somehow.

>> No.16562163

That’s what I just said.
You’re welcome

>> No.16562180
File: 26 KB, 600x329, myne_tuck_in_blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw live in PBC Fl and this is a mild case of the American retardation that i see on a daily basis
For example, I saw about 30 Haitians in the back of a landscaping van on i95 all while going about 85mph
Yesterday I saw a soulless McDonald's worker try to kill himself by running in front of traffic at the delray exit
Last week I watched a man on flaka flip a table over at bayside, palm beach
SFL is a magical place

>> No.16562201


I fucking love that late 70's/ early 80's look. It's grimy in a strangely comfortable way.

>> No.16562203

4chin meemee

>> No.16562214

Like Grand Theft Auto but for people who hate America

>> No.16562216


It's all about the grifting in Silicon Valley. Everything is done in the hope of attracting the attention of some dumb venture capitalist who'll throw a few billion at your dipshit startup in the hope that it'll grow into the next Facebook or Google.

>> No.16562224

unbelievably wrong

>> No.16562227

I love how you complain about low IQ people yet you can't even write a coherent sentence

>> No.16562326
File: 441 KB, 640x480, iKjVUPh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, we must first determine what burgerpunk is before we can even begin to think to write about it. There are too many competing ideations on it. How is one supposed to write a burgerpunk novel when the scholarly debate is so fraught with complexity?

>> No.16562345

Last I checked GTA was a vicious caricature of America

>> No.16562348

best one:
>make it a meal
>Doritos + Pepsi

>> No.16562422

True Burgertopias are inhabited by people who don't realise GTA is a caricature.

>> No.16562450

It all comes tumbling down

Tumbling down

Tumbling down

>> No.16562457

It's depressing. Knowing there is a lonely old lesbian who posts here day and night makes it too depressing to stay here long. At least take your trip off so I can pretend I don't know you're sitting alone in the dark and procrastinating about the kitty litter box you've been smelling for days.

>> No.16562560

imagine that this reply is a "chud" meme pic

>> No.16562571

Imagine hating someone for using tripcodes.

>> No.16562680

ATL is the southern Chicago

It was nice once upon a time

>> No.16562687

Welcome to every single board on this website

>> No.16562735


>> No.16562740

he looks like a cool dude, its not burgerpunk if you eat something specific to cope with your trauma

>> No.16562865

GTA is honestly the pioneer of burgerpunk

>> No.16562894

So, is the joke that people only discuss what burgerpunk is and there is no actual burgerpunk work?

>> No.16562904
File: 1.56 MB, 1080x1082, N word cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16562936

There are an endless amount of reasons to dislike butterfly. Being a tripfag is only one of them.

>> No.16562954

Essentially. This discussion is about two years old now. No Burgerpunk works.

>> No.16562961

And? People love GTA, fool.

>> No.16562964

capitalism but an emphasis on fast food chain restaurants

>> No.16563002

Does >>16560349 not count?

>> No.16563076
File: 8 KB, 250x200, soyjak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16563442

You really don't man. Our women are fat. Our politicians are sycophants and morons. The middle class is drying up. Many people cannot afford the the relatively meaningful lifestyles our parents could. It's just a rough road all over.

>> No.16563478
File: 103 KB, 300x300, Ramones_-_Ramones_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just Classic Burger.

Pic related is BurgerPunk.

>> No.16563484

You wouldn't know burgerpunk if it hit you over the head with a deep fryer.

>> No.16563502

It is BIGNESS. The Empire of Big. The maximization of production, consumption, vehicular mass, backyards, movie budgets, territories. It is the aesthetic of the garishly grandiose, the overstuffed, of too much. Of extremes and of oneupmanship.


>> No.16563508


>> No.16563573

it came and went and is now dead:

>> No.16563608

It’s very burgerpunk to all be arguing over the same thing but have such intense individualism based ideation to think that everyone isn’t describing the exact same thing.

>> No.16563648

A society where instead of dramatically collapsing and falling apart, things just slowly degrade and stagnate.
Where consumerism becomes omnipresent and privatization of socially necessary functions becomes the standard. Where the government is somehow both too weak to change things, but powerful enough to dominate lives of its citizens and especially other nations. Where militant individualism leads to alienation from oneself and others.

>> No.16563755

Danke, Hamlet

>> No.16563775
File: 111 KB, 250x383, 61BADD46-2CE5-4BB8-A67B-4F9EDE69B94F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is burgerpunk tv like?

>> No.16563869

You can find plenty of it on the internet.

>> No.16564438
File: 2.06 MB, 624x335, 1602195301808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine hating someone for using tripcodes.
>t. tripfag

>> No.16564510

Those Walmart cloaks remind me of the south park episodes where randy defends the mall as a member of the night's watch

>> No.16564515

I cannot get over how fucking based this weeb is

>> No.16564531

That level of blade control is pretty impressive. When I was in fencing it took months to get to the equivalent of that. What kind of martial arts do burgerpunks train?

>> No.16564549

I learned karate in a warehouse basement

>> No.16564560
File: 118 KB, 640x961, 1602285361413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just too bad that he spent all of his time learning the blade and teaching it to 15 years old girls he met online and didn't devote some time to swimming. RIP weaboo samurai.

>> No.16564561

What do you use your karate for? (I may or may not write a short burgerpunk story with this information)

>> No.16564576

rei is best girl you mongoloid.

>> No.16564612
File: 3.75 MB, 543x511, Meyer__Troopers_006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Factually incorrect, you incestuous mexican weeb. Pic related is the textbook definition of best girl.

>> No.16564623

wait, he died?

>> No.16564629

Ladies ladies. Both at the same time is fine

>> No.16564639

just general self defense and because I was a weeb. I was 13, 14. I didn't keep up with it, but I still know how the basics go. It was taught by a cop.
shit, I haven't thought about that place in years. I'm feeling really nostalgic now.

>> No.16564645

Shut up roastie toastie, men are speaking

>> No.16564651

That sounds like the dumbest most shady business practice ever. I love it.

>> No.16564661

It was the gods protecting his sacred virginity from corruption. His canoe capsized while taking a 15 year old girl to a "mystical island" for "blade training" and he drowned.

>> No.16564665

yeah, it was great

>> No.16564674

well, at least he died knowing he had some fuckin' sweet sword moves

>> No.16564706
File: 103 KB, 1200x1200, 1596442843941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, she's pretty cool, but she isn't the best

>> No.16564749
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>> No.16564785
File: 56 KB, 350x339, 1573868452253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16564787

>Define burgerpunk
Time travel by way of various degrees of social Darwinist levels of cultural and social isolation and divergence -- one urban block is burnt out Mogadishu, three over is palatial techno-futurist commerce center; an hour over state lines is pristine wilderness with opiate addled derelicts speaking in 17th century dialects; half a world away, complete Bedlam in Babel with as many competing ethnic fiefdoms as gangs

>> No.16564806

>kind of corporatist oligopoly hellscape of tightly controlled and closed systems for dumbing-down the masses
The removal of presence in everyday life and interactions moving from the analog tech world into the digital, demonic hollowing out

>Use less words. This post doesn't sound as articulate or clever as you think it does.
Disregard this faggot

>> No.16565020
File: 64 KB, 640x461, 640px-US_Crude_Oil_Production_and_Imports.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak oil
90s meme that didn't come true

>> No.16565035

Brutalism is beautiful.

>> No.16565053


>> No.16565065

No, that not the chart. There’s a finite amount of oil left and we’ll never have as much again. Tar-sands and digging deeper may just help us pollute the atmosphere even worse, but we’re burning through it at an incredible rate. Helping the earth take a shit. All over us.

>> No.16565070

How is Germany leftist when its been running on austerity policies for the past ~2 decades?

>> No.16565080

Needs white fragility

>> No.16565105

His form is surprisingly good. He really has spent years studying the blade

>> No.16565121

Leftist, Merkel, pick one. She's fucking CDU, are burgers really this retarded?

>> No.16565123

when i read this thread i dont understand if burgerpunk is used pejoratively or not

>> No.16565208

It's ironic meta sincerity, so it's both.

>> No.16565464

How is that possible? How is he alive? How did he go through puberty? How does an animal grow with such limited supply of nutrition?

>> No.16565467

ITT pseuds describe McDonalds and Walmart

>> No.16565567

He said that because in comparison to PR it was MUCH better. Anyplace with less Sub Saharan African genes will be better than a place with more.

Quality of Life
PR < Atlanta < Germany

Quantity of Negro genes
PR > Atlanta > Germany

Leftism is the willful denial of this.

>> No.16565583

>no migrant would ever criticize the country he moves to though
In the US as soon as they get here they are trained to do just that.

Also, there is no such thing as "migrant". There is only foreigner willing to be exploited. The term "migrant" was made up by the Globalist class who don't want to pay local people a fair wage.

>> No.16565832
File: 26 KB, 554x554, 1602264141707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet something is alluring about burgers

>> No.16566147
File: 185 KB, 600x979, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a little anime girl eat burger thread

>> No.16566151 [DELETED] 

We should had this exact same thread last month on /d/

>> No.16566161

We had this exact same thread last month on /d/

>> No.16566504

A proto Fordist utopia/dystopia that is built upon the backs of people they seek to keep content with the onions green and opioids, it's only a matter of time until processes of unintentional eugenics start to turn people into epsilons and the like, just think of it as a more realistic version of brave new world with cyberpunk elements and a slight chance at viability.

>> No.16566523

Go back to pol you fucking faggot

>> No.16566545
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 1602164461299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your irrelevant country will never have anything comparable to the comfiness of rural New England which the trascendentalists experienced

>> No.16566554

It is an example of the failure of dispersed and aesthetically incoherent internet natives to produce new ideas in postmodernity (typified by the rehashing of the "-punk" suffix for new items exactly like the rehashing of stock, mass-produced ingredients for each meal of the McD's menu). "Burgerpunk," exactly like the condition it attempts to thematically organize, is necessarily empty.

>> No.16566565

All these definitions of burgerpunk, but I see not literature.

>> No.16566568

Sound like my country, except the parent part, they definitively had a harder life. You probably think I'm some euro guy or something, I'm not.
What really annoys me of my generation here is how they all act like americans, listen to american music, watch american shows, copy 4chan memes and slang (1-2 years late). They are late to everything, their, we, are imitators now.
Americans are criticised for not having culture, or having one completely manufactured by corporations, I don't know. But your culture is definitely the source of everything now, even more now that internet is available everywhere. We talk a lot about our traditional music and dances, our tv, but at the end of the day It so obvious that american media is the one that influences people the most. That's why being American seems like quite the experience, it's THE country to live the 21th century, it may be shit, but's it's not an imitation.

>> No.16566569
File: 814 KB, 1440x1800, f5gfb5h98ks51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butters, I'm this far in the thread because I'm reading about the saga of pedoweeburai, the man who could not swim. I don't need to be reminded that capitalism is destroying the world for my hypothetical children.

>> No.16566579

You must be Latinamerican

>> No.16566590

He was like 20 years too late for the warning to do anything

>> No.16566892

A nation defined only by its screams. You are either extremely high pitch or extremely loud roar, extremely bark or extremely staccato, you are either surprised by the notation or you rote it, our fat people are bass, or voices are loud, and our sense of sonic importance is astronomical.

>> No.16566905

Search for "light rail avenger" and listen to his interview. The man had an 8 step 5d keikaku going on and was about to hitokiri battousai a bunch of joggers on the train. He will be missed.

>> No.16566989

That's not what peak oil means at all, otherwise it would've been reached thousands of years ago because there would "never be that much again".
Peak oil is when he production of oil has peaked and, no matter what, that rate of production would only ever fall from that point on.
This was widely believed to have happened in the 70s (in the US) and the late 90s (globally), shit like the Iraq War was blamed on it, oil wars were predicted to become commonplace, oil would be 50 dollars a gallon, buzzwords were coined that didn't make sense in that situation ("peak water", impossible in a closed systemw where water isn't destroyed) only for the rate of production to start spiking in the late 00s surpassing the 1970s peak.
It isn't that it won't happen, it's that it didn't happen when everyone thought it would and when it does happen it won't actually mean anything. Oil sands and tight oil were disregarded entirely, since they were assuming technology would never reach a point where that would be profitable.

>> No.16567195

I like this

>> No.16567460


>> No.16567824

>The moth has taken over another thread
Unironically ruining the board. I have her filtered and every thread I look at is half hidden.

>> No.16568819


Argentina NEVER was a developed country, now gtfo.

>> No.16569015

S-senpai, i p-posted a n-new chapter of my burger punk book. W-what do you think?


>> No.16569387

i share his feelings despite being british

>> No.16569515


>> No.16569660
File: 182 KB, 630x260, subrosa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub Rosa, duh video game

>> No.16571341

>it's the only thing this town has

>> No.16571433

wtf how did they make a cat do that?

>> No.16571453


Is that from the content or the medium?