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/lit/ - Literature

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1655794 No.1655794 [Reply] [Original]

What languages does /lit/ speak?


>> No.1655798

French and English

>> No.1655801

English and Spanish

>> No.1655802

your pic is in latin, op

>> No.1655805

English, Farsi, some Latin

>> No.1655807

Spanish, French, German, Italian and Russian

>> No.1655809

Are you Hungarian, OP?

If so, do you like Marai? Szerb? Karinthy?

Fuck, there are so few people on this board I can talk to about Hungarian lit!

>> No.1655821

I know that.
Yes I am.There are some great authors in Hungarian /lit/ for sure.

>> No.1655822



>> No.1655826

English and Also English

>> No.1655828


Can you play a violin, OP?

>> No.1655843

English, French, some Latin, Spanish, and Japanese.

>> No.1655853

oh, i thought you were implying also some latin background
(use pic unrelated, next time)

>> No.1655860

>Pig Latin

>> No.1655864

Finnish, English, Swedish, Japanese, German

>> No.1655866

>Perfect English
>shitty Chinese
>shitty Spanish
>shitty Japanese

>> No.1655869

Bad French
Bad Spanish
Bad Italian

>> No.1655890

Dutch, English, German, some French

>> No.1655893

King's English, laddie!
And some Spanish. Like maybe enough to survive for a day in Latin America/Spain/Mexico

>> No.1655896

French (very poor)

>> No.1655913
File: 5 KB, 100x100, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write an irish poem about me ^^

>> No.1655927

Tybhrax, a stór
ba mhaith liom scaoil mo síol ort
'is do guth bhanda a glór


>> No.1655928

Nuggets of German from A level
A tiny bit of Norwegian which I'm expanding

>> No.1655936

wow, what a funny language, vocaroo anyone?

>> No.1656082

I've been told I speak English, but I require proof. Enough Germany to get into a university. Some French and I can understand a good portion of Spanish when I hear it, but reading is limited to the colour of a cow.

>> No.1656096

Cé gur Éireannaigh muid, ní fhilíocht muid go léir!

>> No.1656101

American and I'm learning French

>> No.1656108


>> No.1656139

Sure you can speak these languages, but how many of you are actually fluent in them?

One of my pet hates is when somebody says they know about 6 or 7 languages, wow aren't they so special, and it turns out they know about 8 expressions in half of them and can barely hold a good conversation in the other half.

For the record, French and Italian, but at an intermediate level, just enough to get by by the skin of my teeth. I read it better than I can speak/listen

>> No.1656213

In order learned:


>> No.1656227

>>1656213 here

By your criteria, let me clarify mine:

Spanish- perfect.
English- perfect.
French- Let's say it's a 6/10
Russian- A train wreck: 3/10 Очень плохо

>> No.1656231

English and French, you cunt

>> No.1656232

Chinese, native tongue.
Swedish, moved to Sweden at the age of 5.
German, moved to Germany at 8.
English, settled in USA.
French, a language i actually got to learn by choice...

>> No.1656242

English, and high school French (I'd hesitate to call myself fluent)

>> No.1656253

English and Crude Italian/Sicilian

>> No.1656254

german + english, native fluency because my mom is austrian and my dad is american. my english is a bit better because i was educated in the u.s. but i can read/write german well.

i'm in my fourth year of french, so i'm pretty good at that.

>> No.1656273

English, French, Spanish
know bits of: Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian, Greek, and Arabic

In my spare time, I indulge in Finnegans Wake

>> No.1656282

German - used to be near fluent, now need a dictionary for serious reading
French - not fluent but close
Ancient Greek - read and write fine without dictionary
Latin - i can get by without a dictionary, but it's reeeally helpful
Spanish - can read it and understand most of it when spoken to but i can speak only a little myself

Agus tá mé ag foghlaim Gaeilge

>> No.1656405

English, Mandarin and High School Spanish.

>> No.1658127

Spanish, including chilean and argentinian slang (a whole different language sometimes)
And now i'm learning old greek.