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16557639 No.16557639 [Reply] [Original]

i need catholics to stop making so much sense. i don't want to convert.

>> No.16557662
File: 7 KB, 217x233, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scan it and post pdf

>> No.16557688

What's it like? Post the index

>> No.16558229

>i don't want to convert.

“When one enters the Church, he finds that the Church is larger on the inside than it is on the outside.”
-G.K. Chesterton

>> No.16558233

Jesuits need to stop shilling for their papist theology here. Go worship Moloch somewhere else

>> No.16558237

Moloch is the one true god, submit goy.

>> No.16558245

Ok, Jesuit

>> No.16558295

Midwits need to come to terms with the fact that science's scope isn't infinite, and asserting that it has the power of revealing every absolute truth is pure dogmatism.

>> No.16558300

prove that truth exists

>> No.16558315

The Jesuits invented modern science. What is your point

>> No.16558362

Silence emotional woman. Prostrate yourself before the masculine empirical might of science.

>> No.16558875 [DELETED] 

This guy is a total brainlet tho

>> No.16558894

Calvin was the end of Christian theologic development

>> No.16559230

calvin collapsed instrumental and principle causality into one thing, ergo; he was retarded

>> No.16559309

Isn't this nigger gay?

>> No.16559315

Science is theologically christian.

>> No.16559373

if truth doesn't exist then there are no proofs as there is nothing to prove

>> No.16559393

Christianity is epistemologically science

>> No.16559664
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>> No.16559678

How do you even convert? Theres so much to learn about a million feast days or whatever

>> No.16559707

>talk to priest
>yo nigguh I wanna be baptized
>okay nigguh here are my instructions
>thanks nigguh, God bless
Its really this simple. If the priest isnt helpful find another one.

>> No.16559717

You only really have to know some of them, seeing as some will be more culturally relevant depending on where you live. That being said if you just go to Mass the father will likely announce all the upcoming things so you'll stay in touch. Just go to your local parish and ask around, it's all community-centered.

>> No.16560158

what's this book about. Does it say something new?

>> No.16560181


Logos is not a "Catholic" word. I hate the way this fucker has stolen it from ancient greek stoic philosophers.

>> No.16560183


>"Suffer not the witch to live."


>> No.16560197

yes it is. John 1:1 etc. The gospels were written in greek.

>> No.16560283

E. Michael Jones is such a bad writer, scholar and thinker. That conspiratorial mindset is a real trap for reactionary-religious inclined neophytes - they get caught on Jones and other less nutritious fish floating on the surface before they can discover the rich coral reef below. Arrested spiritual development. The worst part about it is it teaches them to reject things that seem ‘modernist’ (whether or not they actually are) rather than to engage with them with an open yet critical mind. It really has nothing in common with the fine-tooth comb intellectualism of the medieval theologians.

>> No.16560294

Wait until you study Mormonism. Completely BTFOs Catholicism.

>> No.16560417

Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.16560476

That line was famously a mistranslation. It meant something more along the lines of "thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live"

>> No.16560761

upon discovering he could manage to fit his fat ass inside a physical church.

>> No.16560814


>> No.16560819

That is was a mistranslation is a misnomer.
"Poisoner" φαρμακούς is a greek translation of a Hebrew word in the Septuagint.
In greek φαρμακοὺς is a "physician, pharmacist" in good contexts, "sorcerer" in negative contexts, implying potion-making; one who prepares potions and drugs by magical means. It's not simply poisoner.
It's not a mistranslation to say "one who makes potions by magical means" is a "witch".
The same word in hebrew is listed as an abomination in the hebrew bible along with spirit summoners and necromancer, which lends credence to a negative and magical interpretation to the word.

>> No.16560841

Are you implying witches don't exist?
In an age of LGBTQ+ feminism? Really, anon?

>> No.16560853

There are some great, convincing arguments for the existence of God. Despite this, I've never once seen an argument for God existing in the capacity by which he's depicted in any religious text. Atheists and Abrahamists alike want to boil everything down into a false dichotomy: either God exists and he exists in the way the Bible says he does, or he doesn't exist at all. Neither have any good arguments against the idea that God does likely exist, but that he has never once been depicted accurately in religious text. If you really get into theology, it becomes obvious eventually that the God argued for can exist completely independently of the Bible, and that the most compelling arguments are not beholden to it at all.

>> No.16560950

>spend hundreds of hours of your time for me
hello incel.

>> No.16560964

You can just build a simple machine to dismantle the book, scan each page, compile it into a pdf, then rebind the book for you. It's not hard anon.

>> No.16560969
File: 24 KB, 500x396, 1501607920118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to bad the pope makes 0 sense

>> No.16560976

go to Jay Dies YouTube channel to se you favourite version of the monad dismantled

>> No.16561739


>> No.16562060

You're being pretty disingenuous. If you were talking about Taylor Marshall or some other radtrad I would agree with you. However, Jones talks mostly about current societal issues, so, of course he can't really compare to the Medieval scholastics and mystics. The merit of his work can be debated. I disagree about many of the specific he sometimes brushes over in his wide wath of material he discusses, however to brush him off as merely a conspiracist shows more of your ignorance than of his faults.

>> No.16562197
File: 28 KB, 720x688, FB_IMG_1540980161752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad the ecumenical patriarch of constantinople makes zero (0) sense

>> No.16562253
File: 632 KB, 828x620, exegetai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want radical sense making.
According to Augustine
>How Much the Platonists [neoplatonists] are to Be Held as Excelling Other Philosophers in Logic, i.e. Rational Philosophy.

>> No.16562275

>Stoic philosopher.
Ah yes Herakleitos, my favorite stoic philosopher. How about you log off of reddit and give your head a shake.

>> No.16562298

heraclitus isn't even mentioned in the post you're responding to

>> No.16562325

That's the point, he's attributing the term "logos" to stoic philosophy.

>> No.16562330
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>> No.16562334 [DELETED] 

Holy shit

>> No.16562339 [DELETED] 

God you christcucks are so fucking insufferable

>> No.16562350
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1597172889889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They believe that there are two principles of the universe, the active and the passive. The passive, then, is unqualified substance, i.e., matter, whereas the active is the rational principle [logos] in it, i.e., god. For he, being eternal and [penetrating] all of matter, is the craftsman of all things. Zeno of Citium propounds this doctrine in his On Substance, Cleanthes in his On Atoms, Chrysippus toward the end of book 1 of his Physics, Archedemus in his On Elements, and Posidonius in book 2 of his Account of Physics. They say that there is a difference between principles and elements. For the former are ungenerated and indestructible, whereas the elements are destroyed in the [universal] conflagration. And the principles are bodies and without form, whereas the elements are endowed with form.

>> No.16562390
File: 25 KB, 340x270, 1599584021385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to Apollodorus in his Physics, body is that which is extended in three [dimensions], length, breadth, and depth; this is also called solid body. Surface is the limit of a body or that which has only length and breadth but no depth. Posidonius, in book 5 of his On Meteorological Phenomena, says that it exists both in conception and in reality. A line is the limit of a surface or a length with no breadth, or that which has only length. A point is the limit of a line, and it is the smallest [possible] mark. God and mind and fate and Zeus are one thing, but called by many different names. 136. In the beginning, then, he was by himself and turned all substance into water via air; and just as the seed is contained in the seminal fluid, so this, being the spermatic principle {spermatikos logos} of the cosmos, remains like this in the fluid and makes the matter easy for itself to work with in the generation of subsequent things. Then, it produces first the four elements, fire, water, air, earth. And Zeno discusses this in his On the Universe and Chrysippus [does so] in book 1 of his Physics, and Archedemus in some work entitled On Elements

>> No.16562414

God is an animal, immortal, rational, perfect in happiness, immune to everything bad, providentially [looking after] the cosmos and the things in the cosmos; but he is not anthropomorphic. [God] is the craftsman of the universe and as it were a father of all things, both in general and also that part of him which extends through everything; he is called by many names in accordance with his powers. They say that Dia [a grammatical form of the name Zeus] is the one ‘because of whom’ all things are; they call [god] Ze¯na [a grammatical form of the name Zeus] insofar as he is cause of life or because he penetrates life; and Athena by reference to the fact that his leading part extends into the aither; Hera because he extends into the air; Hephaestus because he extends into craftsmanlike fire; Poseidon because he extends into the fluid; and Demeter because he extends into the earth. Similarly they also assign the other titles [to god] by fastening onto one [of his] peculiarities. 148. Zeno says that the entire cosmos and the heaven are the substance of god, and so does Chrysippus in book 1 of his On Gods and Posidonius in book 1 of On Gods. And Antipater, in book 7 of On the Cosmos, says that his substance is airy. Boethus [says] in his On Nature that the sphere of the fixed stars is the substance of god. Sometimes they explain nature as that which holds the cosmos together, and other times as that which makes things on earth grow. And nature is a condition which moves from itself, producing and holding together the things it produces at definite times, according to spermatic principles, and making things that are of the same sort as that from which they were separated. They say that this [i.e., nature] aims at both the advantageous and at pleasure, as is clear from the craftsmanlike [structure or activity] of human beings.

>in him we live and move and have our being

>> No.16562429


>> No.16562455

Taylor Marshall is one of the best out there. I don't understand your hate.

>> No.16562526

he seems to have a pretty comprehensive grasp on theology, history, and also speaks at least two languages. hardly seems like a brainlet, but surely you have some legitimate criticism?

>> No.16562530


The point is that Heraclitus (who heavily influenced the Stoics) used the term first. So if anyone was "stolen" from it was him.

>> No.16562534

Science involves the testing of hypothesis using quantifiable physical evidence. Christianity does not, whenever a Christian hypothesis can be falsified; it is redefined is such a way as to make it unfalsifiable. This is almost the opposite of the Scientific Method. The object of the Scientific Method is to close any line of inquiry which is either untrue or is practically useless. The object of Christian theology is to defend dogma.

>> No.16562750

Both ‘logos’ and ‘catholic’ are greek words.