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16556490 No.16556490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>just do it
>conquer your fear
>don't harm others
>follow your dreams
>do it for love

Do you choose to walk the narrow path of /fit/ + /lit/ + /x/?


>> No.16556495
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>Start by reading Joseph Campbell, Jung (especially his Red Book), and Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell.
>"Thou Art That." You are a holofractal representation of the whole, the One. You are an eternal being tightly interconnected with the rest of the universe.
>We are all living mythological arcs. From the persecution to Jesus to Jason and the attainment of Golden Fleece, the stories of humanity permeate all of us and guide our lives from on high.
>A balancing of male/female energies. Slaying the ego can also be seen as the opening of the “third eye” or ajna chakra – the Shiva/Shakti energies then reside in the heart center in their merged, primordial state as the Ardhanarishvara. Know your anima.
>A reconciliation with the shadow. During awakening, one should expect to engage with many negative/evil aspects of yourself and society as a whole. This is known as the "dark night of the soul". This may be construed as a confrontation with evil.
>Synchronicities. They serve as guideposts for your personal "arc" or your "infinity narrative"
>Spiritual Alchemy is a real process. Everyone can turn a leaden soul into spiritual gold by undergoing the hero's journey, reconciling the above aspects within yourself and finding peace within and true love without.
>Living simply with a dedication to a craft alongside a loving family within a strong, local community is key to sustained happiness
>Planet Earth needs to heal
>Each religion contains a piece of the spiritual tapestry.
>It's about unlearning as much as it's about learning. Getting comfortable with paradox is important.
>Untangling yourself from negative karmic webs is tough, but worth it
>Ask to help as much as you ask for help

>> No.16556500
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The dæmon (δαιμόνιον) or genius (as the Romans would have called it) is one's divine personal companion. In the Christian tradition, this is known as the guardian angel.
Dæmons/genii/angels follow each person from the hour of his birth until the day he dies, and beyond.
Highly connected to the Jungian concept of the anima and higher self of one's other half - Dæmons are usually of the opposite sex to their human.
The Higher Self brings meaning and purpose into our lives, and defines the πρόνοια (providence, destiny) governing all humans.
To live meaningful, significant lives, then, we should live in conscious, intentional accord with the destiny of the universe. Jung called this lifelong process individuation, because through it a person becomes individuus, that is, undivided, novel, integral, unique.


>> No.16556502

Just lit + sci. Too much weight makes me more stable but I'm getting older so less need for that crutch. Plus being skinny I think more and less of a target on my back and more confidence if something I do is mistaken, I'm not considered a threat. Thought long and hard about this anon. In better times sure.

>> No.16556508
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Fulfill your potential:

Your Higher Self is like the platonic form of yourself. It is very real.
You are a projection from the realm of spirit into the realm of illusory matter (Purusha -> Prakriti)
Purusha (Spirit, Being) and Prakriti (Matter, Becoming):
The recursive paradox of the whole situation is that it is you NOW that is empowered to define who exactly that perfect self IS and WILL BE
The One/All splits into Purusha and Prakriti so that it can experience itself evolving / becoming. We are "simulating" (within Prakriti -Nature/Matter) archetypal Forms that exist independently in Spirit.
Form exists at the limit where Becoming approaches infinity. Pure Being in archetypal spirit-space. Strive to become more like the perfect Forms, the Logoi, in your everyday life.
This Higher Self, in turn, has a life of its own and a "higher-higher self"; it lives, sleeps, dreams, just like you and I, only in a higher dimensional resolution.
The process of becoming is an infinite journey - like the concept of an asymptote in mathematics. Prakriti, Matter, Kundalini "fuels" the individuation process

>> No.16556516


Whatever works - good for you anon


>> No.16556520
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Throughout history, nomadic-missionary caravans came to embody the transitory yet continuously regenerating nature of the soul itself. The word caravan itself roughly means ‘sun god will protect souls.’ To always be moving, to renounce attachment to the material, to harmonically engage with one’s environment are each virtues that the lifestyle facilitates. This quest for balance and harmony ultimately leads one to the very essence of the universe and the underlying structure of duality; balance, reconciliation, and integration between the spiritual and material, light and dark, conscious and unconscious, male and female, yin and yang, subject and object, linear and nonlinear, causal and acausal. By synthesizing and spreading these concepts via the Silk Road, the wanderers were crossing another threshold, bridging another duality: East and West, in both a geographical and philosophical sense.

>> No.16556527
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Threshold crossing, or “going down to the crossroads” is a fundamental aspect of a nomadic lifestyle and the theme plays a pervasive part in many myths and legends. Hermes (who is also variously known as Atlantiades, Thoth, Enoch, Mercury), the messenger of the gods or “god of travelers”, literally means “heap of stones, boundary marker.” The duality from which this reference stems is life and death – the heap of stones at a gravesite that stands at the threshold between the material and spiritual. Similarly, the word hermaphrodite, which shares the same root, is characterized by having attributes of both sexes – a literal manifestation of a higher level integration of the anima/animus. Similarly, Shiva and counterpart Parvati/Kali/Shakti were originally a merged entity known as Ardhanarishvara. Symbolic crossings of fertile, life-giving rivers is another related, consistent theme: the Egyptian Pharaohs’ ritual crossings of the Nile symbolically represent the Sun crossing the “starry waterway” of the Milky Way and passing into the underworld (the duat). This spiritual journey is symbolically represented on Hermes’ staff, the caduceus – the snakes of the kundalini (representing Shakti energy of earth) wind their way up the spine, activating each chakra, until they ultimately set the soul free into the astral heavens (represented by the wings at the top of the staff).

>> No.16556534
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One’s seeking reaches a milestone pivot point when it confronts and integrates the duality within its own soul, recognizes its oneness with the universe, and the eternal nature consciousness. This awakening event is metaphorically deeply ingrained in many myths and cultures across the globe: the search for the Holy Grail which endows eternal life, the alchemist’s quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, which transmutes base instincts (ignorance) into spiritual gold, and Jason’s mythical search for the Golden Fleece of a holy ram are just three examples. The parallels between these traditions were recognized by the Rosicrucians, who reframed the common, underlying spiritual quest in Christian symbology. The Rosicrucian inscription “Ingi Natura Renovatur Integra” is reminiscent of the Romani flag’s symbolism and means “By the (divine) Fire (of Love) all Nature becomes renewed.”

>> No.16556538
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The integration of the unconscious anima/animus by the conscious mind and resultant rebirth is perhaps best demonstrated symbolically however by the depiction of the violent interplay of the primordial demon-slaying goddess Kali (unconscious raw energy) trampling on her husband Shiva (the substrata of universal consciousness) while holding the decapitated head of the ego. Slaying the ego can also be seen as the opening of the “third eye” or ajna chakra – the Shiva/Shakti energies reside there in their merged, primordial state as Ardhanarishvara. The integration yields Isis and Osiris: the hard edges and the soft lines, the Golden Ratio, the balanced male and the female. Everyone is an embodiment of the divine masculine and feminine. This dynamic is also reflected in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as the intertwined relationship between Chokmah (male) and Binah (female). This unifying & balancing experience – while painful – pales in comparison to the inevitable world-destroying trauma of an ego left unconfronted and unchecked. Once the male and female principles have reconciled, they reside back in the heart center.

>> No.16556543
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Enter the dragon. The man who has conquered fear, integrated his anima, and undergone a spiritual transmutation is now primed to reenter the material world and embark on the next phase of his journey. This phase is best represented archetypically as the slaying of the dragon, which in turn is rewarded by the love of a princess. Perhaps the most foundational myth of this type is that of Perseus and Andromeda. Perseus, having slain the serpentine Medusa (the embodiment of his fear), releases the winged Pegasus from her neck, is given winged sandals by Hermes. Perseus flies to Ethiopia to kill the sea monster guarding the princess and ultimately marries her. Andromeda – to Perseus, the collective consciousness, and the field of astronomy itself – represents fundamentally something that is “more than meets the eye”, a continuously unfolding revelation. Just as Perseus discovers she is not merely just a princess, but in fact the key to both of their spiritual enlightenment and immortality, the world discovered that the constellation of Andromeda of 12 stars actually contains within it an entire galaxy of more than 1 trillion stars (more than twice the number of our own Milky Way galaxy).

>> No.16556549
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Spiritual liberation can thus be seen as a four step, sequential, duality-bridging process. The female aspect first liberates the male spiritually (integration of the anima), the male liberates the female materially (the slaying of the dragon), the female liberates the male materially (the holy marriage), the male liberates the female spiritually (the integration of the animus) – this final step is hinted at by Andromeda’s very name, which means “to be mindful of man.” In Jungian terms, the result is a quaternio hieros gamos – a holy marriage between the four aspects of the two individuals.

In every corner of the universe, you can find your lover. If you tap into this, you become aware that the universe is founded on this interplay between male and female, the one verse, "I love you."

>> No.16556558
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"Nothing is possible in love without death,” says the Sufi.
The soul’s love for God frees us from our self, and yet this freedom can seem like death,
as we die to the person we think we are.
Again and again we die to our limited sense of self
in order to step into the vaster dimension of our being.
This dying is what separates those who want security and stability
from those who are reckless,
crazy, or driven enough to venture into the depths.
What security is there for us here in her caravanserai
when every moment camel bells cry, “Pack up the loads!”?
The dark night, the fear of waves the terrifying whirlpool,
how can they know of our state, those who go lightly along the shore?

- Hafiz

>> No.16556565
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God is what most people call "Universe" and It is in a constant state of change due to It's fractal nature and death-rebirth cycle forever, and the fact, that It always was and always will be (just in different states) is a proof in itself, that It is above and beyond all, because human logic dictates, that everything at least must have the beginning, so if something didn't "begin", yet it always was and is, then it has a quality of what people assume only God would have. God is the Universe itself and everything in it, that includes you too, the air we all breath in is also part of God, the soil on which we all walk is part of God too - put it all together, all that exists and you have the One, God - the source of everything. Universe/God/Nature - whatever you want to call it - it's one and the same thing. Everything is alive, everything is pure consciousness - physical "reality" is just our perception and consciousness is the most basic "building block" from which everything else is created. Creator and Creation is not separate and THE ULTIMATE POINT OF IT ALL is to gather all the pieces together and become One again. The Universe is like an egg. What physicists call the "Big Bang" is the shattering of an egg, so all the contents spill (death of the Universe). The expansion of the Universe is the process of spilling contents of the egg, then the Universe will begin to shrink back (kind of like a gestation process) to It's original form of One, where all the contents of the egg are inside it and the Universe is in one extremely small and extremely dense "point". When that happens, then due to It's extreme density, internal "pressure" will cause It to explode again and It's going to "die" again (Big Bang / shattering of an egg), rebirth again and die again and rebirth again and so on for infinity.

>> No.16556573
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Here's some /sci/ for you all:

TFW you are an eternal being of light having a human experience.

Heaven is the Sun & “God” is just the collective of all stars, who themselves are each a collective all of their planets harvested, sentient entities of Good - the wheat as opposed to the chaff.

This “collective of collectives” co-creates reality for each other.

Every star is a sentient collective. Every star is a heaven unto itself. If you love in this toughest of dimensions, you get harvested into heaven when you die, where you live forever with everything you loved in this life and it is beautiful forever.

You traverse the universe via the aether as sentient light. (basically)

Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system

>Infinite: Egyptians interpreted this as a recursive type of infinity, which can be best seen in the Ouroboros or the geometry of the Torus. The beginning is the end is the beginning.

>Negentropic: light and life is inherently anti-entropic. This is achieved through orthogonally-stellated dimensions.

>Holofractal: the all is reflected in the individual. The Big Bang, the Nile, Ptah, Pangaea, your conception - these are all holofractal representations of the same thing: the beginning of a universe.

>Lorenz system: a fixture in chaos theory, these systems describe how a polarized order emerges out of chaos.

Light never dies.

Heaven and Hell are forever - the seeds of which are sown in this life.

>> No.16556580
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It's about Being and Becoming and striking a balance between the two:

These two pictures demonstrate the same dualistic principle: Being / Becoming; Prana / Kundalini (the snake)

Geb, the father of snakes on the bottom, represents the Becoming force, the serpent, satan, the drive for evolution, novelty. Nut, the sky mother, represents the source of the divine spark of conscioussness, pure Being. Both forces are in balance in this picture.

In the other picture, the genders are interestingly reversed, but Shiva represents eternal consciousness that the shakti enegy (Kali) overwhelms. In this picture, the forces are out of balance, Kali (the Becoming, serpent, shakti) is trampling on her counterpart, Shiva (Being, consciousness). Sometimes the shakti overpowers conscioussness (in this case, to destroy evil).

This is the higher aspects of mind and spirit (the connection to source, i.e. holy spirit, the eternal atman) vs. the vitality of matter (the serpent, kundalini, dragon, i.e. the magnetic base that attempts to climb it’s way back to source through the novelty generation);

In other words: the steadfast sustaining life force (Being) vs. the chaotic evolutionary force (Becoming)

>> No.16556606
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>This is the astral plane, you've been here before and if you have experienced astral projection you know this place well
>You just died. Was your life a dream?
>If you have strong attachments it may be difficult to pass on. You may cling to your loved ones.
>Travel is difficult on this lower plane. It will feel as if you are moving through thick water. If you focus on your home or places you know well you can travel to them.
>You can see family members, though often they will appear distorted, their features obscured. If you a strongly connected to someone you may see them more clearly, but it is better to pass on.
>You can dwell here for as long as the will is strong, but you will be better served to trust that the next phase is better.
>When you have released these attachments the judgement phase will begin. Here you will relive every moment of your life in reverse. It is like a living film.
>Every thought you have ever had will be rethought. You will see all of the things you've done and all of the things you could have done. Unless you've led a particular saintly life this stage will come with deep regrets. It will be unpleasant but you must allow it to happen. When it is over you will be better for it.
>When this phase ends you may ascend to the Sun. Some call this place Heaven, some call it Elysium, the Field of Reeds, some call it the Harvest. It is a realm in which all your Earthly desires can be met. If you had a dream home you'd hoped to live in it may be there. If you had pets that passed on they may be waiting for you. If you had friends and family you had attachments to in life that have passed on they will be here should you want to see them. It is a state of mind, but it is also quite physical. Plants, animals, cities, mountains, forests, seas, all of the things in Earth exist here in various places. You will sleep, you will work although not for a living per se. You will eat and drink and make love.

>> No.16556612
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>Being and Becoming

It's an eternal dance where the ratio of Being to Becoming increases in the archetypal spirit space. Matter evolves into spirit. Becoming becomes being.

Put another way, Becoming is the Evolving force - the vitality of matter, the drive for change, profit, novelty, and procreation. Pretty much every time you see a snake in world mythology (from Eden to Queztacoatl to the Uraeus to the kundalini), we're talking about this force. It's inside of you, because you are made of matter.
The counterpoint to this is the divine spark, the eternal atman, the holy spirit, the connection to source, the breath of life, whatever you wanna call it - pure being, pure consciousness. You have an eternal soul and what you sow in this world, you reap in the next. We are all connected via this source.
A primary task of man and woman in this realm of duality is to reign in their serpent, become the master of it (and importantly - not suppress it entirely) to achieve balance, harmony, and find love.
Jesus himself likened himself to Moses’ snake on a rod (nehushtan - like the caduceus) and said “Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”


>”Apollo and Python, Osiris and Typhon, Christos and the Serpent, are all convertible terms, all Logoi. "One is unintelligible without the other." They are spiritual saviours and physical regenerators; the former ensure immortality for the Divine Spirit and the latter give it through regeneration of the seed. The serpent or saviour has to die because he reveals the secret of the Immortal Ego.”

Jesus is another serpent-redeemer, just like Apollo and St. George.

This is duality playing itself out, getting itself off - an outcome of natural cosmic law.

>> No.16556619

Try out the I Ching


>> No.16556625
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So, in one way you could say the Crown chakra is 'Christ/Krishna consciousness' (pure Being) and the root chakra is "Satan" (pure Becoming, the raw material).

On this plane, it's about achieving balance between the two.

And where is that balance achieved? In the heart. Once you've found love.

Don't lose your ego completely. Individuate with the fuel you've been given.

>> No.16556638
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Guenon, Bentov, Evola? WHY NOT.

Here's some more:

>America is the new Egypt

2020 is the year of the breath.
>2020 is the year of the breath.

>Fire in Australia and the Amazon, symbolically named the lung of the Earth.
>Coronavirus, a disease that effects the respiratory tract.
>The mask that filters what we breathe has become the norm.
>A vast anti-racism movement was born out of a dead man screaming that "I can't breathe"
>>The hieroglyph meaning 'to unite' is a pair of lungs. Unite, as in, Upper and Lower Egypt.
>pneumatic vs. hylics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumatic_(Gnosticism)
>Age of Aquarius is an Air sign (what happens on Dec. 21, 2020? Great Conjunction in Aquarius on Solstice)
>Tiger King was huge just as COVID swept across world. The tiger symbolizes the LUNGS in Chinese medicine.
>Hermes' caduceus represents represents the breathing in and breathing out of the cosmos and unites all the dual aspects of manifested existence

>> No.16556645
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>Hermes (HER and ME)

Hermes can be thought of as the God voice in bicameralism. Hermes (who is also variously known as Atlantiades, Thoth, Enoch, Mercury), the messenger of the gods or “god of travelers/boundaries”, literally means “heap of stones, boundary marker” or “breath, wind, life.” The duality from which this reference stems is life and death – the heap of stones at a gravesite that stands at the threshold between the material and spiritual.

Find HER

>> No.16556651
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And for fuck's sake read Ulysses by James Joyce:

And Finnegans Wake:


Human consciousness is a self-similar reflection of the day-night cycle of Earth. The active conscious mind, just like the Sun, outshines all subconscious influences. Those subconscious influences are always present, however, just as the infinitude of stars are always in the sky, whether we can see them or not. When sleep approaches, the conscious mind slips below the horizon, and the variegated influence of a distributed infinity dominates.

Think of the mind as having a primary locus (consciousness) with an infinitude of secondary, subconscious influencers, of varying magnitude.

All is one; your mind reflects the consciousness of every star whose light touches it.

A corollary to this is that you as an sentient entity, are present in the minds of everyone you know as a subconscious influencer. All of humanity is linked in this way because we are all one.


Also: read Ulysses by James Joyce

"His (Bloom’s) logical conclusion [about life, existence], having weighed the matter and allowing for possible error?

That it was not a heaventree, not a heavengrot, not a heavenbeast, not a heavenman. That it was a Utopia, there being no known method from the known to the unknown : an infinity, renderable equally finite by the suppositious probable apposition of one or more bodies equally of the same and of different magnitudes : a mobility of illusory forms immobilised in space, remobilised in air : a past which possibly had ceased to exist as a present before its spectators had entered actual present existence."

>> No.16556667

No I walk the path of /fit/ /lit/ and /out/ with a little bit of /k/.

>> No.16556672
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this the greenpill

>> No.16556689


Fair enough.

Read Jung's Answer to Job - he goes in depth on how Yahweh's evil side is really just his suppressed feminine half


>> No.16556706
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Also, let's bring Osiris into this discussion:

Don't want to read Finnegans Wake, read this instead:


You can always rise.

Is the Green Man/Liber/Osiris our guy?

>There are legends of him (Khidr) in which, like Osiris, he is dismembered and reborn; and prophecies connecting him, like the Green Man, with the end of time. His name means the Green One or Verdant One, he is the voice of inspiration to the aspirant and committed artist. He can come as a white light or the gleam on a blade of grass, but more often as an inner mood. The sign of his presence is the ability to work or experience with tireless enthusiasm beyond one's normal capacities. In this there may be a link across cultures, ... one reason for the enthusiasm of the medieval sculptors for the Green Man may be that he was the source of every inspiration.

>> No.16556769
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>> No.16556789

truly the best pill

>> No.16556935
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“Individuation is a conscious attempt to bring the universal programme of human existence to its fullest possible expression in the life of the individual.” Wisdom, then, is to be guided by the providence of the Higher Self.
This transcendent Higher Self also has an immanent projection, and we may identify, perhaps, the immanent Higher Self with the ἴδιος δαίμων, the personal or guardian angel, at least in some versions of that idea. The Higher Self also seems to be a likely candidate for Socrates’ δαιμόνιον.
Jung stresses that the Higher Self is paradoxical — and even contradictory — because it comprehends all the opposites. He calls it the Unus Mundus, but in Neoplatonic terms it is τὸ ἄρρητον ἕν (the Inexpressible One), which unifies mind and matter, unity and plurality, stability and change — indeed being and non-being, Being and Becoming.
The only way to bridge these contradictions, according to Jung, is by a symbolic process, which he calls the transcendent function. Synchronicities are clues hinting at one's transcendent function.
It is also important for people to be in touch with their Anima or Animus, the Higher Self of one's eternal partner, twin flame, who may be a guide into the divine realm.
This is especially a task for the second half of life, when the Higher Self (that is, the One) urges the psyche to reclaim its neglected parts — the ἐπιστροφὴ or turn toward unity; that is, the One calls us to ally ourselves with the divine and to put ourselves in service of Πρόνοια.


>> No.16557105

Start by taking your meds, schizo

>> No.16557113
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no u

>> No.16557115
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green is red

>> No.16557173

I felt a lot of like you seem to be feeling now and espoused similar ideas a couple of years ago. It turned out a manic episode. Only in retrospect did I understand what a fucking nuke I dodged by not doing any dumb irreversible shit in the grip of this 'thou art god' religious mania. Get help before it's too late.

>> No.16557190

It's raving lunatics like him that convince others to discredit the entire matter of spirituality and esoteric philosophy. They make the most baseline discoveries then want to shout it from the rooftops. No discipline or self-respect, much less humility.

>> No.16557224

based thread

>> No.16557230

Straight up schizophrenia. Finding patterns and symbols in randomness and treating them as a further verification of your delusional worldview. Textbook case.

>> No.16557263
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> Textbook case.

ah, there's your problem

>> No.16557285
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Here take mine

>> No.16557855

Hafiz is truly great

>> No.16557880

So whats the point of all this shit when I could have just stay in heaven? Every limitation and obstacle is artificially created anyway like in a videogame, no need to bother with it if it doesnt bring me any fun right?

>> No.16557896

maybe you're here to help others get there if you think you've learned all the lessons for yourself already

>> No.16557917




>> No.16557923

>Finding patterns and symbols in randomness
That's quite literally what the human brain has evolved to be, an expert pattern finder. And how exactly do you know for sure these instances are random.

>> No.16557965

I want to reiterate this:

Ultimately it's about the people you love

>> No.16557979
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>> No.16558087
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>> No.16558247
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Paradox baby. Gotta get comfortable with it.

>> No.16558261
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>> No.16558304
File: 238 KB, 862x1367, ra2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>law of one


>> No.16558647

Schizophrenia is not a real disease

>> No.16558978
File: 18 KB, 474x248, blackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the only people I love are not real? They're fictional characters, and I strongly suspect that if they were real I would hate them. Because 3D people are all shit, they are selfish, insensitive, cruel, obnoxious, dangerous. They want to swindle/exploit/hurt/mug/rape/kill you. They infringe upon your personal space and your freedom in annoying ways. Even the New Age do-gooders like you. You just want to stroke your ego by spreading your 'truth' and as soon as someone dares doubt this dogma of yours, you turn ugly. I've met your kind irl, I've seen your real ugly faces. Grow up, sheltered Murrican boy. Real life is not shonen animu/xiaxia where you're the Gary Stu hero. It's a shit world where the vast majority of people are going to be slaves and lead meaningless, unfulfilling lives. Religion is opiate of the masses and esoteric bs is just for those speshul snowflake slaves who think they're smart.