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16554989 No.16554989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It’s funny looking back at the criticisms of this book with the knowledge we have now.

>> No.16554999

All the “criticisms” were just psyops meant to make the Great Replacement go smoothly

>> No.16555783


>> No.16555801

>Perfect the globe
>Find out how small Europe is
>Not make peace with all the darkies
People are so stupid.

>> No.16555803

Can i get this book anywhere for a normal price?

>> No.16555809

What does this even mean?

>> No.16555811

Are we not allowed to come to terms with our past and move, on and survive and thrive as a race on our own little continent? Do we deserve extinction just because of our past?

>> No.16555815

Shut the fuck up, tripfag.

>> No.16555827

Moldbug has a pretty good quote about it's Orwellian nature

"Mentioning the Great Replacement is heresy, but saying the Replacement is anything but Great is also heresy."
Or something I don't remember exactly

>> No.16555833

A weird series of happenstance led to the European mindset and things turning out this way.
But it isn’t just “the white race” that’s going to go extinct.
In a world that makes its way out of the extinction event, we can make racial differences completely irrelevant.

>> No.16555846
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Can someone please cut that thinks internet connection? Noody deserves to get pestered by those tripfags.

>> No.16555849

What is this "European mindset" you speak of and how does it differ from other (presumably congenital) mindsets?

>> No.16555865

>we can make racial differences completely irrelevant.
Meanwhile mixed nations are entirely controlled by race politics, race chauvinism and racial crimes.

>> No.16555876

I understand what you are saying but I disagree with your conclusion. Part of the reason the enviornment is being destroyed at such a mass rate is mass immigration. The west is taking millions of people that have an extremley small carbon output in the third world, and bringing them to the west where their carbon output is exponentially raised.

The muxing of the races only brings the extinction event closer.

>> No.16555900
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online; it's not too hard to find.

>> No.16555913
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The one that led the around the world to plunder. These were god fearing people? I love our culture, despite the church, I love our inventiveness, but the cruelty is unbearable. You’ll claim it’s in other peoples, and we agree that they’d have done the same, but a so thought greater people went about torturing people for being different and not interested in being slaves or giving birth to their rape babies. Christianity did nothing to temper this. As a religion it failed.

IDpol is distracting people from the class war. But I’m talking about the gene manipulation where we can be blue and green and ten feet tall, sleeping naked in the woods if we wanted

True enough. Neoliberal policy to “bankrupt” the social services right out from underneath them.

>> No.16555917

Also China is developing parts of Africa so that they’re carbon increases right where they are.
But Parenti fag will spin this

>> No.16555919

Should all white people commit suicide to repent for their crimes? Or be turned into a slave caste so that they can never hurt the world again? I think it might be for the best.

>> No.16555928
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>Christianity did nothing to temper this
>literally stopped world wide slave trade after seeing what it does first hand, being a late player to begin with

>> No.16555950

No no. Just be nice.

>Dude, Christianity was only just invented in the late 1700s
Have you ever heard of the reformation? People reading the bible caused it. Don’t blame Luther or the printing press

>> No.16555961

How did christianity fail, not enough slave-morality? Also you seem to admit that this is really present in all people yet seem to think that you are somehow different. Would you too not engage in war for your own progressive ideology against percieved lesser people? Don't lie to yourself.

>> No.16555968

Europe for europeans, Africa for niggers.
Not that long ago bongs had big fucking guns on their beaches to defend against kraut invasion.
Now they have niggers swimming in record numbers through the channel and they're just sitting and doing nothing.
Europeans have become too civilized and forgotten that the rest of the world is full violent savages.
But not all is lost. We will rise again in such a bloody fashion that nobody will remember Holohoax anymore.
And you will be amongs those uncounted millions slaughtered for the better tomorrow faggot.

>> No.16555969

It's for a better cause, obviously. Only the bad people would die, those which deny equality to all man.

>> No.16555972

>No no. Just be nice.
I just hate them so much. Or maybe I'm just afraid of them. I'm not sure I can coexist with them knowing the evil they are capable of.

>> No.16555979
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>Only the bad people would die
Yeah, that sounds convincing.

>> No.16555985

You wish. They'll just continue to wallow in individualism and hedonism, and by the time their earthy comforts are disturbed enough for them to react, it will be far too late. They'll be weak and outnumbered, and will have to admit to their fate.

>> No.16556002

Spoken like a true ideologue, or idealist, but what's the difference really?
No it isn't. Anarchism is an invitation for a reset to the night prior to civilization where you will truly know that it is might that makes right and the will to power is the will of the universe. And then it will all be for nought as history, instead of ending, just repeats.

>> No.16556011

Hey retard we should of never stop conquering. The moment we stop, well surprise surprise, our rivals conquered us. Yeah it sucks but thats how this world is all about. You eat or you get eaten. Until we can find an habitable planet and leave those darkies eat eachother without the ebil wyt peepo well we have no other option to keep lower live form in check.

Easy as that. You are not happy? Go live in Africa, I was born and grew up there. Spoiler its fucking shit and now I am stuck with diseases. Per exemple I am out of there btw, I still have malaria and got a fever this summer that lasted 2 weeks.

>> No.16556014

Thanks, but I should specify I want physical copy

>> No.16556031

in English? no.. quite funny, before the European migrant thing blew up it was regularly ~£6, now the only English copies I see are £55+

>> No.16556037

>imitating a tripfag
do americans really?

>> No.16556048

Learn French.

>> No.16556091

I’m not lying to myself, but I don’t think about what could’ve been much. What’s past is very unfortunate. What we could do about it is now plain to me.
>Africa for niggers.
So all of Elon Musk’s wealth must go back to the natives who mined it at cut rate wages. Got it.
I don’t speak your sick language. Try to leave pol there when visiting here.
No on is perfect. Admit it.
>should of

>> No.16556140

Only real answer. The weaklings in our society like this fucking tripfaggot, self-guilt and self-hate bitch, dosen't realise that they are better off living their weak little life in a strong European Empire than living weak in a deteriorating rapidly non-white society.

>> No.16556214

You are pretty good at not answering questions. If you admit that all peoples are prone to engage in War out of religion/ideals/ideology/beliefs/whateverthefuck are you also ready to admit that you are no different? Are class Wars bloodless and done mercifully without spite and resentment? Do you think War will ever truly go away?

>> No.16556257

Also why distinguish the 'European Mindset' from others? What's the difference?

>> No.16556445
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Yeah its pretty insane. You think someone like Arktos will reprint it?

>> No.16556452

>the knowledge we have now.
Yeah. The rising fascism seems so obvious now.

>> No.16556460

Thankfully we haven't reached that point.

>> No.16556476

I think you meant to say "have" amirite anon? You are proud of your brothers coming together stronger, aren't you brother?

>> No.16556510

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you implying that I'm a fascist?

>> No.16556528

back up that bullshit

>> No.16556559

What the fuck are YOU about?

>> No.16556567

That fascism is dead, pretty much.

>> No.16556568

isn't there a holdup with you has rights to print, they'd make a nice profit i bet. wouldn't surprise me if progressives bought up rights to print and just sat on them to deny the transmission of ideas they abhor

>> No.16556583

Well brother we can bring it back and live the good old days back again just for the fun of it.

>> No.16556734

In a few generations we'll probably have something similar to the Singularity, or at least the ability to design genes for any phenotype, so it probably won't matter as much as you lads believe it does

I'm not saying this just to dismiss your various concerns. Just ask yourself as thoroughly as you can : "Which elements of tradition/culture/ethnicity etc. that I value do I see surviving in their current form after great technological change, irrespective of other influences such as politics that I currently blame for current negative changes?"

>> No.16557098

A.) Why would you credit Christianity with the abolition of slavery when it was specifically Western European Christians that decided to do away with it rather than say Middle Eastern or Orthodox Christians?
B.) Slavery is still around, just not as visibly as it used to be.
C.) You fail to mention that Christians were generally okay with themselves and other people practicing slavery for the first 1700 years or so of its existence.

>> No.16557107

Some anglo protestants don't count as Christians. There's literally nothing wrong with slavery.

>> No.16557143

>In a few generations we'll probably have something similar to the Singularity, or at least the ability to design genes for any phenotype, so it probably won't matter as much as you lads believe it does
It's still a few generations away in a no subhuman scenario, if it happens at all.
If the situation deteriorates fast enough, the opportunity will be more remote and possibly not happen at all.
Imagine ex-Rhodesia developing this type of technology, even giving them 2000 years?

>> No.16557174

'Slavery' as we know it was imported from Africa by Jews to supercharge their profit-making engines in the New World.

So yeah, for the first 1700 years there was no industrial slavery on an industrial scale. That's an American (meaning the New World, not just the USA) innovation.

>> No.16557271

>The one that led the around the world to plunder.
Largely unhinged psychopaths, and it's an unfortunate fact that the stronger conquer the weaker. The moral of the story of history is don't be weak and be cautious

>These were god fearing people?
No, a lot of satanists and jews

>for being different
please let this gay meme die, it was largely just about money and power

>christianity did nothing to temper this
christianity was opposed to slavery from the beginning (yes even catholics in medieval europe) and were the first civilization to outlaw the institution, it's actually a miracle

>le' class war
half true

>> No.16557747

>DA JOOS!!!!!!
Oh fuck off. I'm so tired of you fucking spergs trying to blame everything and anything bad that happened in the history of the universe or, rather, anything you personally don't like, on the Jews. There's a real discussion to be had about how nepotistic and ethnocentric Jews really are or whether they really do hold too much power in the media and government but then you schizo poltards always fuck it up by trying to turn everything into Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>> No.16557815

Fuck "Moldbug". Why people eat up his reheated shit is fucking mad. He's as establishment as it gets. Fucking idiots.

>> No.16558011

Ok, liberal.

>> No.16558079

Shut the fuck up

>> No.16558267

Based. I've spent way more time around jews than the average /pol/tard (I was basically raised by the neighboring Jewish family) and even went to a Jewish school for a few years. There are very real criticisms of Judaism as a whole as well as the different jewish cultures, sects, ideologies but /pol/ is seemingly incapable of analyzing judaism intelligently and acknowledging the sometimes profound differences between them. Criticisms of liberal reformed jew's political views, hasidic retardation, and zionism are all wrapped up into one strawman to circlejerk over. The same thing happens Islam and Christianity as well, the vast majority of criticism is aimed at low IQ overgeneralized strawmen although its more socially acceptable because they can't hide behind the holobunga