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16554975 No.16554975 [Reply] [Original]

>want trad friends/gf
>they're all Christian

>> No.16554980

where do you think those traditional views of yours originate from anon?

>> No.16554982


>> No.16554992

stop consuming internet ideologies about trad this, trad that, blah blah, it rots your brain. you want trad anything? start by adopting a dog and go the fuck outside. that sense of responsibility in your life will, on its own, be far more "trad" than anything else that you're even remotely close to coming to grasp with, considering your current trajectory of incessant consumption of internet ideological babble.

go lie down in the grass, delete all your pepe images. fucking idiot.

>> No.16555029

hahahaha based

>> No.16555050
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I'll be your friend anon. Agnostic btw.

>> No.16555058 [DELETED] 

My parents have a dog that i used to take for walks to smoke and I don't want to start smoking again. Besides, he's hyperactive and it's pissing me the fuck off. I hate animals as well as human little shits and the way people act around them. Like it's just a dog you fucking moron he can't understand shit!!!
based, hi friend

>> No.16555244

>I hate animals as well
>trying to be trad
you have failed