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16553697 No.16553697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So when there is no God, there is also no holy scripture and there is no son of God like Jesus Christ to save you, and there is no meaning in the pope who represents Jesus Christ who is the son of God who does not exist. Can you be a son of someone who does not exist? To be a son of someone who does not exist simply means you are a crackpot – and the pope is representing the crackpot, Jesus Christ, and he goes on saying that he is infallible. And each pope has contradicted other popes. In these twenty centuries there have been many instances when one pope acted in a certain way and another pope demolished it and changed the rule. Both cannot be right. Both cannot be infallible. Both can be fallible, but both cannot be infallible. One has to be fallible. But if one pope is fallible, then what is the guarantee that other popes will not be fallible too?

And the pope is elected. Do you elect a buddha? Do you decide who is a buddha by election? Then your politicians will become buddhas, and your buddhas will not have any votes because your buddhas will not go begging for them. A buddha is unconcerned whether you think him a buddha or not.

The pope is elected. And you will be surprised to know that even Jesus Christ, three hundred years after his death, was elected as a divine being by a conference under the Emperor Constantine. The conference is known as the Nicene Council. It was decided that Jesus is holy by election, by voting.

You cannot decide by election that Jesus is holy. You cannot decide by election whether Albert Einstein is right or wrong – by election, by people who don’t know any mathematics, who don’t know any physics. People who don’t have any experience of the holy are voting for whether Jesus is holy or not. After three hundred years, people who have not known Jesus and people who have no idea and no experience of holiness are deciding by election!

It was just because of the power of Emperor Constantine; he forced people to vote for Jesus Christ as a holy man. Because they could not go against the emperor, they had to vote. And then the second thing he wanted them to vote on was that although Jesus Christ was holy, was a messiah, he had failed in his mission. Constantine asked the conference, “Now vote for me. I am the real messiah and a successful one.” He turned the whole Roman empire to Christianity. That’s why the Vatican exists in Italy. Italy’s old name was Rome. The whole Roman Empire under Constantine converted to Christianity. Of course he was far more successful than Jesus.

>> No.16553699

You can’t think of Jesus as a success. He was crucified, poor fellow. You call that success? Crucifixion? On either side were criminals and even they were laughing. They were crucified, but they had committed crimes so there was no question; they knew that it was absolutely justified.

Jesus told those two… First, to one he said, “Don’t be worried, you will be coming with me to paradise. I am the son of God so I will help you to enter paradise.” Then he told the other the same thing. Both started laughing and they said, “You cannot save yourself! We know you are not a criminal. You have not committed any crime, and you are being crucified. You cannot save yourself and you are promising us that you will save us?”

But Constantine forced the council of Nicene to accept him as the real messiah. He was certainly successful; he converted the whole of the Roman Empire to Christianity.

Jesus had only twelve apostles – uneducated, carpenters, fishermen, uncultured. Not a single rabbi, not a single learned man was ever his follower. No educated, no cultured people ever gathered around him.

>> No.16554103
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>> No.16554108

ah bloo bloo

>> No.16554140 [DELETED] 
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Jesus is lord.

>> No.16554142

>science, buddhism > christianity

>> No.16554177


>> No.16554194

Poos are some of the people least able to understand Christ.

>> No.16554200

>So when there is no God...
God is so great that he gave you the choice to believe in him or not. Christ is holy because he put all his faith in God with no proof whatsoever.

>> No.16554204

I don’t think you understand what that even means.

Christ is not merely holy. He is God.

>> No.16554262

Why do you assume I don't agree? Christ was a man and he was God. He still lived his life as a man. He still had to make a the choice to follow God, as a man.

>> No.16554264

Chris was God, not a man. Retard.

>> No.16554271

Christ was a man, and God. Christ is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

>> No.16554273

im not a catholic lmao owned

>> No.16554303

God is not a man. Men can't be God.

>> No.16554328

The only man who ever was God is Jesus Christ.

>> No.16554426

Why dont you both just go full circle and keep asserting the truth of statements about undefined terms for/against which no evidence is imaginable.

See where that gets you.

>> No.16554443

It will get us to the Truth, and the Life, and the Way.

>> No.16554454

As long as you preserve your tautological definitions of those things and exempt yourself from critical thought, sure.

>> No.16554456

Even jesus doubted his retarded desert cult in the end. And Charles Manson had more than twelve followers. You are just a moron.

>> No.16554465

Critical thought is first to know the place of thought in life. Thought cannot grasp anything of the immaterial. As God lives in Heaven, He is untouchable by critical thought.
God is Tautological. How can something come from nothing?

>> No.16554468

He doubted, and that is the mark of his humanity.

>> No.16554480

You've outlined a question. I, too, am existentially uncertain. But I don't fill the void with play pretend.

>> No.16554485

>The limits of what I understand must be the limits of what can be understood.
This must be a comforting bit of mental and emotional masturbation.

>> No.16554487

I don't fill the void with anything. There's nothing there except Light.

>> No.16554496

There is no limitation here

>> No.16554497

You dont get to claim privileged access to truth and claim that that truth is inaccessible. Moron. You are a detriment to everyone who is ever gullible enough to look to you for perspective. Every young child who could be developing critical thinking skills missed out on some of their potential every time you repeat this trash just because you are too weak and stupid to just be uncertain.

>> No.16554501

>untouchable by critical thought.
>no limitation.

>> No.16554506

Truth is singular.

>> No.16554507

Light is detectable by material instruments. What you're referring to is emotional elation caused by exempting yourself and your ideas and worldviews from adult-level scrutiny. It requires an astonishing level of shamelessness.

>> No.16554511

Wew, Snoop Dog didn't age well.

>> No.16554513

You are making assertions about something while claiming that something to be unassailable to assertion. You are claiming to have this be verified while treating its unverifiability as its essence. You are just engaging in reflexive doublethink.

>> No.16554516

electromagnetic waves are detectable, yes. I'm speaking of the light of God, specifically.

>> No.16554521

electromagnetic waves are detectable, yes. I'm speaking of the light of God, specifically.

No, you're engaging in thinking to try to refute me. I'm just telling you what I believe.

>> No.16554524

>I'm speaking of the fliplityflop of hoopajoo.
Strings of nonsense noises with no definition. You methinks you have conveyed anything at all other than your own inability to cope with the same existential uncertainty all adults have to face.

>> No.16554528

Exempting your ideas from scrutiny does not make them more meaningful. It makes you an idiot and a detriment to everyone around you.

>> No.16554533

Surely you must be joking. Everything is a play of light. get over yourself.

What idea is exempt from scrutiny?

>> No.16554535

range ban americans already

>> No.16554552

Your entire post is just retarded bait word salad, but I'll just focus on this one bit of mental retardation.
>It was decided that Jesus is holy by election, by voting.
People didn't vote whether Jesus was holy or not, people were voting whether they should consider Jesus holy or not. It's like if a bunch of people sat around and decided to vote for what political system they will use. Let's say they pick homonationalism. The fact that they voted for homonationalism doesn't make homonationalism correct, the right ideology, in fact it doesn't change anything about it besides that this one group of retards now bases their country or whatever on homonationalism. If we went by your retarded logic those people, by virtue of voting for homonationalism, proved that homonationalism was right, which doesn't make any sense. Think a little bit before you make retarded word salad arguments.

>> No.16554556

Osho was very clever devil worshipper