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/lit/ - Literature

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16553365 No.16553365 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading the Bhagavad Gita and find the ideas very interesting and worth considering further. However, I'm a bit confused about Hindu texts and what else I should read. I guess the full Mahabharata and Ramayana, but looking at Wikipedia there seems to be an overwhelming amount of literature for Hindu/Vedic thought and a bunch of it seems to be just subparts of other works.

What are the, say, 5 most crucial Hindu works?

>> No.16553480

boku no pico

>> No.16554163

I grew up in one of those suburbs that had loads of Indian families, and so I had Indian friends growing up, and whenever I talked to their parents about Hinduism they typically remarked that holy scripture isn't as prominent in Hinduism as it is in Abrahamic faiths. If I wanted to learn about Hinduism I'd probably make it my mission to talk to as many Hindus as possible, and where they can't answer your questions, ask who the most devout Hindu they know is and whether or not you can talk to them next.

>> No.16554217

The vedas and upanishads if you want it all. But I'd recommend learning sanskrit to read them. Many things were revised over the course of centuries so anything before 1000CE is good

>> No.16554258

Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita

Upanishads are said to be a compendium of the vedas and the Bhagavad gita is said to be compendium of the upanishads.

if u want to get into the philosophy of it brahma sutras are a commentary on the upanishads and obviously get a gita with a commentary by a traditional author, shankara is the most popular

>> No.16554332

This is the best answer ITT so far. The Bhagavad Gita is the only text treated anything like the Abrahamic texts in terms of being read regularly. Find Hindus and temples and ask them about the religion. The idea that the Vedas and Upanishads are the core of Hinduism is partly an artifact of western scholarship which was searching for a supposedly purer and more original form of Hinduism. Today the Vedas are mostly used for liturgy and incantations, the Upanishads are only frequently read by scholars and theologians. Hindus will be familiar with the stories contained in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas but almost never from reading the texts, there are endless re-tellings and re-enactments which are far more popular.

>> No.16554393


Only worth it if you graduate to the gospels though.

>> No.16554427
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Yoga Vasistha
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Shiva Sutras

>The Yoga-vasistha is throughout a philosophical work, in the form of popular lectures, and the same idea is often repeated again and again in various kinds of expressions and poetical imagery. But the writer seems to have been endowed with extraordinary poetical gifts. Almost every verse is full of finest poetical imagery; the choice of words is exceedingly pleasing to the ear. —Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy