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/lit/ - Literature

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16551764 No.16551764 [Reply] [Original]

Enough of these ESL's who have taken over the board: This thread is for English native speakers only for the discussion of work from those of the anglosphere. /lit/ shouldn't be a hookah cafe full of people who don't speak the King's.

>> No.16551798

>Muh Goethe
>Muh Balzac
>Muh Cervantes
>Muh Dante
>Muh Camoes
>Muh Tolstoy

Shakespeare contained them all.

>> No.16551808

Shakespeare was merely a decent playwright and a dreadful sonnetist. He certainly didn't contain Dante and Cervantes, much less the übermensch that was Goethe.

>> No.16551816

>GermanESL here

>> No.16551826

Proved wrong by Maestro, try again a*gloid

>> No.16551828
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It sure smells like fear and despair in here.

>> No.16551836


Most of the people you offer in return would disagree.

>> No.16551845

What other books read like Alice in Wonderland? it was a very enjoyable read. sorry if i made any mistakes i am ESL

>> No.16551847
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>Ah, yes... the language of my people.

>> No.16551858

No racists allowed in the anglo supremacy thread.

>> No.16551868

I posted that unironically; Death and the King's Horseman is based.

>> No.16551871

>niggerloving cuck
par for the course

>> No.16551894


>> No.16551946


>> No.16551960
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Can you ESL's fuck off? I don't go into your generals to shit it up. What is it about us that makes ESL's seethe so much? I made this thread so I don't have to deal with you idiots seething about anglos 24/7.

>> No.16551969
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>> No.16551970

I think it's the fact you made the thread with the sentiment of insulting everyone else at the forefront, I don't think anyone would care much had you just made an anglo general with a decent introductory OP

>> No.16551984

>almost every other poster is an ESL
>foreign generals taking up the board like it's /int/
Everyone was thinking it, I just decided to say it. I'm sick of seeing some tard seething about "muh a*glos" every thread. This thread is for English speakers only.

>> No.16551985
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>the King's.
what king? all you have is an ugly crone

>> No.16551999

Outside of Shakespeare and the English Romantics, practically all lit I've read comes from outside the Anglosphere and wasn't written in English. That said, I can't read very well in anything but English, so the majority of what I've read is translations.

>> No.16552003
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>Everyone was thinking it, I just decided to say it. I'm sick of seeing some tard seething about "muh a*glos" every thread. This thread is for English speakers only.

>> No.16552014

I'm sorry I really wanna read somehting like alice in wonderland again
it was so short but it was very beautiful
english is a beautiful language
and yeah im spgt i don't share the same anti-anglo sentimalism others from there do

>> No.16552032

They're actually even dumber about it than /pol/ is about Jews, /pol/ at least only calls people kikes if they say something left-leaning. These retards just call completely random things that they don't like 'fucking anglos blah blah', it's actually mental illness.

>> No.16552037

Read the metaphysical poets. Also, checked.

>> No.16552041

Based. Not anglo myself but most of the anti-anglo garbage on this board is obviously from bitter krauts and seething frogs

>> No.16552046

also i just wanna add, and don't get butthurt about this, but before the century turns over, america will be speaking spanish de-facto which means 4chan will follow suit, becuase we sure as hell aren't forced to type in english due to an irrelevant country such as britain or canda or australia
again i don't mean to antagonize you guys and if it comforts you every other spanish speaking co9untry is irrelevant as well, though that is changing due to america's defacto language becoming spanish soon

>> No.16552064

>can't deal with the bantz
weak-willed angloid in spirit

>> No.16552074

Incredibly stupid post

>> No.16552077

I wouldn't mind that happening, but I doubt it will. Spanish unfortunately has quite the stigma of being the language of uneducated immigrants from Latin America, and American Spanish literature is very underdeveloped. At most, I think many Spanish words will seep into American English over time.

>> No.16552086

That won't happen because the only people that will only speak Spanish will be the underclass. The elite composed of wasps, jews, asians, and various minority representatives are going to stick with English, so all the lower classes will continue to imitate them.

>> No.16552103

plenty of mexicans refuse to learn english, i know this because i have plenty of family over there that can get by without speaking so much more than a "parquear" and get by just fine
this is particualrly ironic because I know english better than they do and I have lived in mexico all my life
anyway I havent done any profound research but I just have a great feeling that the hispanic language will be restored to all former spanish territories :)

>> No.16552108

>American Spanish literature is very underdeveloped.
It's better than that of Scandinavia, for example, which is first world and still quite underdeveloped literary-wise. Considering the amounts of crime and poverty, LatAm is doing relatively well.

>> No.16552110

Did you even read the posts you replied to? The immigrants that can't speak English are an underclass, they'll at most develop little enclaves.

>> No.16552114
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>M-my language is better.

>> No.16552113

little enclaves spanning 90% of your countries pops cause the middle class and upwards only adopt pitbulls lol

>> No.16552125


>> No.16552126

you are a homosexual

>> No.16552132
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>tfw some ESL calls you iliterate [sic] in a garbled, grammatically incorrect screed
Can't they just fuck off to their native language chans already?

>> No.16552136

You have a very weak grasp on how demographics and immigration and class structures work. In fact I dont think you have any grasp you're just resentful of Americans and are concocting revenge fantasies

>> No.16552137

He's right though and you're seething because of it

>> No.16552148


>> No.16552153

last time i checked you needed to have babies to keep up a demographic but is k, time will prove if i was wrong or right, not like we lose anything anyway

>> No.16552157

Do you really believe Spanish will become the majority language of the USA and then of the world?

>> No.16552163


Nobody is butthurt, because the people speaking it as their mother tongue aren't in charge, nor will they be. It's like the Inuit in northern Canada bragging about the majority in Nunavut that speak Inuk, double anyone else's population, and getting max butthurt because whitey runs literally EVERYTHING up there. The entire history of colonization has literally been a small group of Euros or Anglos dominating and putting themselves in charge of populations many times more.

"British rule from the time after the mutiny is often called the Raj. During this period a tiny number of British officials and troops (about 20,000 in all) ruled over 300 million Indians. This was often seen as evidence that most Indians accepted and even approved of British rule."

>> No.16552166

You lose automatically by your countries being terrible and the places you move to becoming terrible as you fill them up

>> No.16552168
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This thread is proof they can't. Look at this discourse. It's ESLs arguing about Latin America and Spanish in the US; calling it a discourse is generous—they're just calling each other gay now. The other posts are just spiteful ESLs seething at the very notion of a general they are not welcome in.

>> No.16552170

Do you not? America will literally become majority hispanic at such a rapid rate that there will practically be no assimilation (not like anyone is trying to assimilate hispanics either instead of just letting them transform the country). I don't know if it will become the world language though, as that depends on the future of America's status as the global hegemon, which is highly unlikely to go on for a few more decades

>> No.16552171

you're canadian, aren't you

>> No.16552173

It mainly from latin americans actually

>> No.16552180
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A friendly reminder

>> No.16552185

>Shakespeare contained them all.
Yes, and he was German. Angl*ids could never ascend to such heights.

>> No.16552195

true, I actually think that the mexicanization of the US means the loss of the US continued status as a global power, except that they have nuclear weapons
who knows it's anyone's guess

>> No.16552199

meant to reply to this post>>16552170

>> No.16552202

Friendlier reminder:
>Spanish may seem to be spoken at a higher speed than Vietnamese, but that doesn't make it any more "efficient." Researchers affiliated with the CNRS and Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Dynamique du Langage laboratory) have shown that human languages are equally effective at transmitting information, even if the speeds at which they are spoken differ.

>> No.16552215

>spoken language
This is /lit/, mate. We're talking about the written word.

>> No.16552216

you're point?

>> No.16552221

No, I meant Spanish lit from the USA (EE.UU.)

>> No.16552226

Learn English first, faggot.
Your graph literally measures syllables per second. What else would it be if not spoken language?

>> No.16552239

why are angloids so mad all the time? is it because their women only adopt pitties?

>> No.16552244

What is your point with the dogs why do you keep mentioning it

>> No.16552258

>Your graph literally measures syllables per second
And information density.

>> No.16552259

>America will literally become majority hispanic at such a rapid rate that there will practically be no assimilation (not like anyone is trying to assimilate hispanics either instead of just letting them transform the country).
Kek this is delusional, little Mexican children of fruit-pickers all speak English better than they speak Spanish. That's what happens when alomost all of the schools and most of the media is in English.

>> No.16552263

idk i'm just trying to guess why you'd be so butthurt, i have a feeling it mostly stems from this because i'd also be butthurt if i werent able to breed cause my women would rather adopt dogs
dogs are cute though ngl

>> No.16552265

>spics reading our literature

>> No.16552267

>english """"""literature""""""

>> No.16552285
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Even the frogs agree

>> No.16552295

What about Anglosphere natives who write in a language besides English?

>> No.16552303

You mean people in former British colonies who write in their native languages? Or people like Beckett?

>> No.16552323

>You mean people in former British colonies who write in their native languages?
No, I think that makes it a bit too wide. I was think more of immigrants or diasporas who write in their mother language. I am curious as to how being raised within a different culture changes ones worldview.

>> No.16552516

>It's better than that of Scandinavia
What are you talking about? Scandis still have:
>Norse Mythology (Eddas, Sagas, etc.)
As authors/works of international renown. There's only 20 million of them too.

>> No.16553282

This thread has proved that /lit/ is 80% ESL—at the least.

>> No.16553350

Which is just another variant:
>In the end, by multiplying speech rate by information density, all languages, no matter how different, may be shown to convey information at a rate of roughly 39 bits per second.

>> No.16553606

No, it isn't. Information density is snytagm length for a given morpheme. In the written word, you can't compensate an inefficient morpheme by increasing speech rate. In short, some languages can say more with less ink.

>> No.16553807
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Glück ist die Mutter des Unglücks

>> No.16555219
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Ah yes, Glück, another fine Anglo writer.

>> No.16556081

Is Machines Like Us good?

>> No.16556391

Fenian terrorist scum.

>> No.16556747

A lot of seething ESL's in here

>> No.16556803

Bi lingualism, anglo

>> No.16556804
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They're threatened by the majesty of our language. I don't begrudge them that; I only pity them that they will never be able to experience life as a first-language English speaker.

>> No.16556823

English is my first language (i can speak broken spanish) and i am not impressed by our language, romance languages mog it

Plus everything okay about english just comes from french

>> No.16556855

Ummm guys has Churchill’s statue been taken out of the cuckbox? ArchieLeroy Jackson, son of Duke Harry is visiting soon

>> No.16556915

There has never been a more irrelevantly pathetic country than Ireland. Their ONLY significance comes from their association with Britain, and emigrating to British colonies.

>> No.16556926

>he doesn't know

>> No.16556972

rootless cosmopolitan. thinking a hovel better then your own home does not make you enlightened

>> No.16556979

The greatest writer of the English language is P.G. Wodehouse. People who disagree only do so because their minds are burdened by the desire to suck cock.

>> No.16557710

But anon, that's not Robert Browning.

>> No.16558395
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here the anglo comes
from the ruins of westerndom
he who might say
alas i´m the first
NO! cries his nigger puppet
the anglo weeps
the white man´s burden runs through his veins
his puritanism
bastard daughter of Rome
who he robbed the West from its greatness
why why cried the nigger
anglo see amongs his ruins
among himself
a soulless being
chief perpetrator of madness

>> No.16559254
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>ESLs after 5 minutes of not complaining about anglos

>> No.16559401
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Reading some of John Smith's stuff in regards to his time at James Town. It is like reading about Chad conquering the Indians
>sails around trading with Indians, to the point that they follow his barge in canoes giving stuff to him in hope he will trade with them
>goes out on a trip with some hired Indians and gets ambushed
>other Englishmen take 20-30 arrows before dying
>Smith takes an Indian hostage with his pistol after being struck with an arrow in the leg that he specifically notes did not wound him
>convinces Indians he's important and needs to meet their "emperor"
>meets emperor
>goes from being a prisoner to an important trading ally by showing the Indian his compass, explaining that the world is round, what the moon and stars are, and saying his "dad" is king of the oceans and will wreck the Indians if they don't let him go
>gets lucrative deal for corn in exchange for hatchets, copper, and beads
>before letting him go Indians want him to fire his pistol to show to another tribe that they've allied with some one with guns
>Smith purposefully breaks his pistol so that they don't get to see it fired
I'm guessing Cortez's time in Mexico was a grander version of this but this is pretty awesome

>> No.16559464

>yet another literal who country is jealous of daddy

>> No.16559595
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