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16548622 No.16548622 [Reply] [Original]

I dont get it.

>> No.16548641

pussy transcends space and time

>> No.16548656

What do you not understand?

>> No.16548668


>> No.16548674

There's nothing to get. Just enjoy the ride. 8-)

>> No.16548685

The scene of Profane and Rachel (I think it was Rachel) sitting on the car in the garage is one of the most tender and touching scenes Pynchon has ever written

>> No.16548888

V is a lot of things and all these things build atmosphere, or rather a spirit du temps


>> No.16549074
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>> No.16549088

I used to love Pynchon when I first got into reading but now realize that he’s a hack.only good thing he wrote was M&D and parts of GR

>> No.16549100

No it sounds like you got it

>> No.16549104

t. started reading /lit/ memes 4 years ago

>> No.16549353

That sounds about right

>> No.16549377
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>> No.16549673

Wtf is wrong with her face?
(She's cute still)

>> No.16549740

Great book.

>> No.16550272

V. is great, anyone who likes any other Pynchon should consider it a must-read

>> No.16550308

>op gets PYNCHED
many such cases

>> No.16550670

Repisting another anon's analysis from a few years ago that I liked.

With Pynchon there’s always some revelation just teetering on the edge of perception, both for the characters and us readers. His stories get very dense, to the point where we get so deep into the muck that we ourselves experience the anticipation of a revelation, some profundity so close to being understood, a sort of paranoia, and if we just plow on we’ll unravel the truth about the plot. Then the story ends and we’re left wondering, perhaps our attention slipped for a page and it escaped us? V. symbolizes this striving for something which probably isn’t really there, but we’d like it to be, so we keep looking, and keep believing, and it’ll keep evading us.

>> No.16550683
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I dont get it

>> No.16551103

He goin after that Vagana.

>> No.16551206

It's about a group of veterans being unable to cope with the meaninglessness of urban civilian life, and you're following a character who embraces nihilism, and one who denies it by stitching together a conspiracy only for it to be obvious that the individual war stories reveal absurd nihilism at every level. It's been a few years, but that's the main gist of the story, right?

>> No.16551240

I don't know if I'd categorize Profane as a nihilist, but that sounds about right.

>> No.16551397

I don't see how you can praise "parts of GR" and not love the best Stencil chapters.

I think veteran is maybe overcooking it. Profane is in the (post-war) navy but he's never done a thing of worth there. More like the post-war generation encountering nihilism and the one guy trying to use History to find a key, or a moment of disintegration.