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16548428 No.16548428 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right?

>> No.16548448

idk if this is true or a meme, but muslims are just like black people and we voluntarely move them to our countries to help them, so it's not like leaving africa alone would have done any difference.

>> No.16550033


>> No.16550049
File: 200 KB, 713x347, lovecraft poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16550053

Imagine Joyce reading that haha

>> No.16550063

The truth hurts

>> No.16550069 [DELETED] 

Fuck the Portuguese and the Anglos for bringing NIGGERS to the Americas. They literally have no fucking business being in this continent. You stupid fucking retards.

>> No.16550247

Kekd but this cant be real right

>> No.16550282


>> No.16550297


>> No.16550358

Nah. Listen to black music of the 50's, 60's and 70's. Joyous, novel. Beautiful. Incomparable. I love my boi HPL but he was wrong about the blacks.

A funny and more true racist novel is that James Bond novel where he goes to Harlem. M is like "American blacks are a talented race/people just waiting for their Mozart to arise."

If you want to get your hilarious antique racism pulp vibes from anywhere, get it from the Live and Let Die novel, because it's both hilariously chauvinistic and touchingly sympathetic.

>> No.16550646


>> No.16550662

did he ever realize that africa isn't an island?

>> No.16550759
File: 71 KB, 1356x668, file-20190528-42571-4qws1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Films/Texts/Media like Dead Poets Society?

>> No.16551419
File: 434 KB, 425x456, 1580038787405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a giant island to me

>> No.16551455

whoever thinks this might be real has obviously never read Lovecraft. His writing is extremely hard and archaic even when he's just writing to his peers about how much he hates blacks.

>> No.16551509

>Cheese, young man,—real cheese—is one of the foundation-stones of Indo-European tradition. It is mention'd in the earliest writings of the Grecians, and was a staple of the Mediterranean world. The virile Goth and Viking devour'd it till their hair and beards assum'd its colour, and it is paramount in the balladry of that 13th century which moustacheletted little Chestertons exalt as the high-water-mark of art, reason, culture and toleration. It laid the foundations of that Dutch greatness which evolved a Talman, and of the Swiss liberty embodied in the maxims of a Calvin. The painted prose of a Machen is redolent of Caerphilly cheese, and in conjunction with garlic and spaghetti the Italian Renaissance derives directly from the cheese of Parma. The greatness of the New World was first manifest in caseous refinement, and no Rhode-Islander fails to sniff with pride at the Narragansett cheeses which, together with Narragansett Pacers, made famous the quasi-Virginian plantations which drowsed on the west shoar of the Bay before the revolution. One of the redeeming features of the Province of New-York was the noted cheese industry of the Catskill and Shawangunk regions, which brought the name of "the cheese of Hurley" into the popular nursery rhymes of Dutch and English alike, and gave rise to the still surviving trade name of "York State Cheese". Modern science, in studying the moon's surface, confirms (according to the view of those sceptics who go beyond the rationalism of the 19th century) the dignity of green cheese as the primal nebular material of the electron; and antiquarians find curious and significant linkages in such spontaneously evolved cheese names as Phoenix and Kraft. The Phoenix—rising triumphant from the ashes—and Kraft, significant among Devonshire surnames as the source of the Love-Kraft line; the golden crest of whose arms is very obviously a fine cylindrical cheese, despite its conventional heraldick recognition as a "tower". No, young man—if you wish to defame real cheese, pray do so to somebody else than your Grandpa! To speak against so traditional an institution is the plainest bolshevism. The only way of destroying it that I favour, is the way in which I manage to destroy from 1½ to 2 lbs. of York State Medium per week!
Was he right?

>> No.16551516

Thought I was reading tumult of the niggers for a second
When is that anon going to publish his books? I swear to god he doesn't even need to find a publisher, 4chan itself would be more than enough to make his popularity spike

>> No.16552146

i can tell by the writing that this isn't Lovecraft