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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 310x475, zinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16548019 No.16548019 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme?

>> No.16548023

It was my history textbook junior year of hs. It's the kind of book that was radical 20 years ago but I think most of it is common knowledge these days.
If you ever wonder why people hate Columbus, slavery, or the robber barons so much this is a good place to start.

>> No.16548031

Thanks for the response.
>why people hate Columbus, slavery, or the robber barons so much
You're right, that's fairly hackneyed at this point. I might still give a look for the sake of its "contemporary cultural significance"

>> No.16548060
File: 46 KB, 760x480, Africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*(((contemporary cultural significance)))

>> No.16548095

If only. At least this would make American curious about a culture other than their own. The truth is not even African-americans care about Africa.

>> No.16548114

Why are you people so fucking scared of reading?

>> No.16548118

Yes, the united states are a meme.

>> No.16548121

no dude it's a book

>> No.16548128

I have better things to do than waste my time on NYT-approved pop. history books and pale shades of Jared Diamond. Unsure of whether I should waste an afternoon on the above, I put the decision in the hands of /lit/. So there.

>> No.16548129 [DELETED] 

Get this instead

>> No.16548134

After reading mainly primary sources about Columbus, and the exploration and colonization days, I HAVE to read this book. Maybe it will help me understand why every pseudo intellectual is so fucking retarded and committed to their vacuous, uninformed sentiments.

>> No.16548135

anon that picture is a moai from easter island, not africa
it's in the british museum but they want it back

>> No.16548140
File: 30 KB, 323x500, 41ww2JLobrL._AC_SL1500_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this instead

>> No.16548162

>A People's

Instant discard

>> No.16548170
File: 503 KB, 390x555, 1583972571684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read
because it's the tale of civilization from an anarcho-primitivist

>> No.16548568

anprims are peak cringe

>> No.16548578

>written by a jew
>that cover design

Never trust anything that reeks of reddit.

>> No.16548645

ever since Good Will Hunting

>> No.16548652

jew say white bad

>> No.16548657
File: 123 KB, 511x671, AA2C045F-2DC1-4BEF-AD96-9B9B4D2C4EFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which people’s history? niggers and redskins? no thanks

>> No.16548670

>better things
like browse this board

>> No.16548716

>t. civilized person

>> No.16548845

What did you find out reading primary sources?

>> No.16548891
File: 138 KB, 1200x1187, 1590971066587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was basic leftist revisionist history similar to the 1619 project etc. It's core low iq leftist fuel. Am I wrong, hasn't it been debunked?

>> No.16548909

not him, but something ive noticed is people saying he talked about enslaving people in his diary or that natives make good slaves, thats the worst possible translation and if you look up the untranslated version he talks about making people servants/slaves of the crown or servants/slaves of god (spanish subjects or christians). letters also say that he was removed from his governorship for not allowing spanianrds to rape and pillage as much as they wanted to.

>> No.16548922

>someone approve my /pol/ opinion based on not reading books!

>> No.16548934

Its true history just presented in a whiny lefty fashion. The usual suspects butthurt over getting conquered by the white man

>> No.16548941

Kill yourself bunkerchan immigrant

>> No.16548988

This had been thoroughly debunked. Tbh I'm not sure if you've even read the primary sources because there's shit directly contradicting your claims even in the primary sources.

>> No.16548993

What exactly do you think the Spaniards had in mind when you say 'sevants/slaves of the crown' and how does it defer from slavery?
Are you going to argue that the Hacienda system is not a form of slavery??

>> No.16549005

Actually your debunking was debunked long ago, and those fake "primary sources" you present were actually forgery

>> No.16549026

I enjoy the book, but I don't understand how it can be used as a testbook in a classroom setting. The entire point of it is that it's something to be consumed after being indoctrinated with the traditional plot of American history. It wouldn't make any sense if you didn't already know all the Great Men and MUH Freedoms. I guess you could have already learned all that by junior year. I unno, I'm from Texas and the school system would never make us read something so blatantly leftist.

>> No.16549034

It was a class called IB History of the Americas it was like an AP class... IDK about the other kids, or anyone in Texas, but I was well read in American History before I left Middle School.

>> No.16549288

It shouldn't be used in a classroom setting because it's shoddy history, not because of what it sets out to do. Academic historians have castigated it for years and it persists because it fits so neatly into the modern anti-traditional view of history, regardless of the accuracy of that view.

>> No.16549314

I think he meant to post an Olmec head.

>> No.16549518


>> No.16549606

It’s because some high school teachers want to use it as a tool for indoctrination. My US history teacher used it as a textbook too.
My issue is that I disagree with Zinn on a moral level, so I’ll never agree with his presentation and framing of the facts.

>> No.16549718

>anything that doesn't view white peepo as the great white hope is "indoctrination"
/pol/tards are so fucking stupid. these tards need to be put in camps.

>> No.16549733

I think all education is indoctrination in one way or another. There is no education that isn’t also a form of activism.

>> No.16549748

/lit/ only reads wiki pages and forms their opinions of off that for shallow clout

-t. Someone who did the same thing but snapped out of it, and actually gets more fun out of engaging with the world and it’s many ideas

>> No.16549769

Also, since this always happens:
>inb4 you say your politics aren’t political, your ideology isn’t ideological, and that your ideological modes of pedagogy are anything other than indoctrination.