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/lit/ - Literature

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16547594 No.16547594 [Reply] [Original]

The Return Third Edition

I feel I owe it to all those who have submitted for volume 2 to just be patient and look for a few more submissions so I can finally finish this.

Volume 1: https://www.docdroid.net/qD1kL4v/guenonmag1.pdf

This is for discussion of volume 1 and submissions for volume 2.

Please submit any work to guenonmag@protonmail.com

>> No.16547690

Is it possible for a westerner (avarna) to become a sannyasi and be instructed in the Vedanta by a guru in the line of Shankaracharya? And if so, how do I go about it?

>> No.16547862

Lol is that a play on words?

>> No.16548444


>> No.16548572
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Keep the dream going

>> No.16549615


>> No.16550685
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These are the words of Shankara, though I assume the footnote is the translators (Alladi Mahadeva Sastry). Does that mean this is wrong?

>> No.16550709
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Where does Guenon refute Darwinism? Which book?

>> No.16550736

It's not in a book, his face is his direct refutation of evolution. Nothing that elongated could have developed naturally. Guenon was known to utter shaths that his face was longer than Allah's, that his face was so high that the crown of his head pierced the clouds and his eyes remained permanently in the realm of forms.

>> No.16550901

/lit/ is eerily similar to /x/ these days and I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way.
I came across this guy during my perrenialist journey, where should I start?

>> No.16550944

Start with the Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines.

>> No.16550960

/lit/ and /his/ are the only places on 4chan to have legitimate occult discussion. /x/ is full of ignorant degenerates

>> No.16551036

I am glad I see this type of conversation on /lit/ - I tried looking into /x/ but it's just schizo shit, "paranormal" garbage and occasionally actual soul poison.

>> No.16551184
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/lit/, /his/ and /x/ are my favourite boards. I am disliking /his/ more and more these days, and while the vast majority of /x/ is schizo tier, there are some genuinely fascinating threads there. /lit/ is the comfiest board for me

>> No.16551276

Art college grad should be a furry or anime girl

>> No.16551287

Most likely, doesn't mean they enjoy such work

>> No.16551529

I've browsed a bit of /his/ but it seemed pretty low quality. /x/ I already described. /lit/ on the other hand seems to have a good proportion of people who actually read and more importantly, people who read broadly.

>> No.16551559

I agree. /his/ is largely filled with people who are asking questions when they have already chosen an answer beforehand, /lit/ is the only place I find genuine arguments and discussion, and people who are intellectually curious.

>> No.16551585

I worked with a Swiss girl in the office, who had such a long face, I think its a genetic trait of people of that region.

>> No.16551949

Complaining about /x/ being schizo is like complaining about there being clouds in the sky. It's on par for the course. The board's very nature is meant for schizo posting.

>> No.16552044

Yes, but I don't go there to look at schizoposts. I go there to look for hints on how to achieve a Hermetic initiation. Do you see my problem?

>> No.16552899

Yes, but you have to go to India and become an ascetic monk for life and abandon all of one's possessions. From what I understand, the Dashnami Sampradaya sannyasin order which traces its origins to Shankara as well as the 4 main Advaita mathas (temples) and their associated monk organizations don't discriminate and disallow people from taking on sannyasin on the basis of caste, which is one of the few ways they differ from Shankara's writings.

You would have a better chance of succeeding if you can become fluent in a modern Indian language spoken where one of the mathas is located, like Kannada for the Sri Sringeri Mutt or Gujarati for the Dwarka Sharada Math, so you would be able to converse with most of the monks and other people there, as well as having some familiarity with Sanskrit already. None of these are things that will cause them to disqualify someone for not having them as far as I'm aware, but if you have these it will show that you are really serious about it.

You can also be initiated as a westerner into certain non-dualist and qualified non-dualist Hindu traditions while remaining as a householder with a family etc, The householder initiations in the Sri Vaishnavism of Ramanuja or in the non-dualist Lingayat Shaivist tradition are both given without any caste or heritage requirements.

That article doesn't reflect the traditional views of Hindu sects but is just one guys interpretation.

>> No.16552918

>And if so, how do I go about it?
Just go to one of the 4 main Advaita temples in India and ask them to allow you to take initiation into sannyasin or find some of the wandering Dashnami Sampradaya order gathered at a large festival like Kumbh Mela and ask them the same


>> No.16553339


>> No.16553526

post-human AI singularity seems based af

>> No.16553875

Thank you, friend. I am already working on the languages. I'm not ready yet for a number of reasons, but one day perhaps.

>> No.16554071

I'm a Tamil brahmin Indian who's family has historically abided by the school of Vishishtadvaita, but in the present-day context, they are all engineers and don't really care about religion and tradition anymore.

As a result, I was brought up in a westernized middle-class context and have finally woken up to the significance of my tradition and history after reading a bit of Guenon. Nobody in my family and the other brahmins that I've met really cares for it though. There was always something phony about the way they went about Hinduism, as I could see that they seem to use religious texts as a way to virtue signal their superiority over others and the truth seemed to be only of secondary importance to them.

Therefore, I'm a bit skeptical about a lot of the modern Indian monks and schools which would initiate an individual, for having been to many ceremonies and religious functions over the years, they all care far too much about money than tradition.

For instance, my grandfather passed away earlier this year and the priest who was to do the funeral ceremony demanded us to spend a lot of money on several articles, such as silver cups, rings and such, which seemed far too excessive. However, we still went with it because my father feared that not listening to the priest might interfere with my grandfather's soul and prevent him from attaining peace. This is just one of the many ways in which fear and gatekeeping can be used by these religious custodians who you depend on in India.

I suggest that those of you who are considering to seriously convert and follow Hinduism to keep this in mind when if come here. Many of these monks know very well that hordes of Westerners flock to India every year seeking to know the truth and they also know that you guys have a lot more money than they do. There is a chance that you will be quite alone in your search for the truth and not everyone will look for your best interest here.

I'm not as well versed in Hinduism and tradition as most of you are, for I've only begun studying this stuff seriously for a month now. Along with this, I've lived in the city for all of my life, which are all very westernised. Therefore, I'm probably biased and having a one dimensional outlook as there are definitely several places where authentic knowledge is being passed in India. I'm sure you all who are well-read can distinguish between phoney and authentic sources of knowledge. However, do keep in mind that things may not exactly turn out the way you expect it to.

>> No.16555484
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Divine transcendence or Thaumaturgic Utopia-Arcadia for me

>> No.16555513

send articles please?

>> No.16555542

I used to barely, if ever spend time here. But lately its the only board I care about because I actually learn something fucking useful and people have a wide knowledge that doesn't devolve into mindless shitflinging, if anything it points into the right direction.

You could call it help towards enlightenment, actulization, individuation, whatever. Its the stuff that'll carry us through these shit times.

>> No.16555567
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Very much this. This board does devolve into /pol/ tier discussions sometimes, but it is much rarer than elsewhere. Iv learnt alot about where to look for spiritual and practical knowledge from this board, and when the discussions are good here, they are exceptional

>> No.16556642


>> No.16556902

Unironically what does someone born in the west do? I tried going to church, but the people there were actual unrepentant hylics.
Do I have to convert to Islam and move to Egypt to join a Sufi order? Is there no other way?

>> No.16556916
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Your Higher Self is like the platonic form of yourself. It is very real.
You are a projection from the realm of spirit into the realm of illusory matter (Purusha -> Prakriti)
Purusha (Spirit, Being) and Prakriti (Matter, Becoming):
The recursive paradox of the whole situation is that it is you NOW that is empowered to define who exactly that perfect self IS and WILL BE
The One/All splits into Purusha and Prakriti so that it can experience itself evolving / becoming. We are "simulating" (within Prakriti -Nature/Matter) archetypal Forms that exist independently in Spirit.
Form exists at the limit where Becoming approaches infinity. Pure Being in archetypal spirit-space. Strive to become more like the perfect Forms, the Logoi, in your everyday life.
This Higher Self, in turn, has a life of its own and a "higher-higher self"; it lives, sleeps, dreams, just like you and I, only in a higher dimensional resolution.
The process of becoming is an infinite journey - like the concept of an asymptote in mathematics. Prakriti, Matter, Kundalini "fuels" the individuation process


>> No.16556923
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it's eternal process of BECOMING balanced with BEING. like the concept of an asymptote, you're always approaching the Platonic Form of yourSelf.

You're always in the process of being perfected.

What about Sufism?

Spiritual liberation can thus be seen as a four step, sequential, duality-bridging process. The female aspect first liberates the male spiritually (integration of the anima), the male liberates the female materially (the slaying of the dragon), the female liberates the male materially (the holy marriage), the male liberates the female spiritually (the integration of the animus) – this final step is hinted at by Andromeda’s very name, which means “to be mindful of man.” In Jungian terms, the result is a quaternio hieros gamos – a holy marriage between the four aspects of the two individuals.

In every corner of the universe, you can find your lover. If you tap into this, you become aware that the universe is founded on this interplay between male and female, the one verse, "I love you."

>> No.16556978

I just want a church full of young people like me, not this autism. Thank you very much.

>> No.16557046
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>> No.16557112
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for me, it's Megacorporate Totalitarianism

>> No.16557183

Thanks for sharing your experience. What you described with your uncle is certainly a very real risk. I wouldn't recommend that anyone try to personally get involved in seeking out a school without first extensively researching it, reading their texts, reading the history of them and their doctrine, etc to make sure that one is not getting taken advantage or or not being initiated into the real thing.

Also, have you taken or have you thought about taking Samasrayana?