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/lit/ - Literature

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16545802 No.16545802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is my opinion of this piece of literature, /lit/?

>> No.16545819

Schizoid piece of shit from the amazon preview.
If there is anything worthwhile in there, you would have to dig, and there is zero indication that digging would be worthwhile.

It’s sad to see Q succumb to just mere attention-seeking.

If there is literally anything in there—literally anything worth sharing—I’d love for an anon to share it. Not gonna pay a cent for that worthless armature shit.

>> No.16545820

>when you try to push a new meme

>> No.16545827
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>When you try to push a new meme

>> No.16545831

any substantive critique, or just rhetoric? I figure if there's enough ressentiment for this guy, it's worth reading him.

>> No.16545832

No one has any opinion of it yet.
Forced memes are annoying though. You gonna read it?

>> No.16545850

Dude Q cmon man, we all know it’s you pushing this thread and shilling your book

God the transparency is just fucking ridiculous.

But no, let’s all pretend that’s not what is happening, let’s all pretend Q is someone worth reading, let’s all pretend that his “book” is worth picking up.

You now live in a world of pretend, Q. You are king in this pretend world—people like you, you have attention for being so so smart, for writing good books. The rest will be waiting when you wake the fuck back up.

>> No.16545868

dude im just some random guy. I recommend you log off /lit/ for a little while, it's going to your head. Maybe meditate, lift weights, go for a walk.

>> No.16545879

Ok brosef
Wink wink

Let’s go buy your book now.
Stupid fucking asshole. Thought you might turn into something interesting. All you did was produce more of the same cultural dribble that anyone even remotely influenced by that Brooklyn-writer aesthetic bullshit has been writing for years. Killed your chance to be something more, bud. Sad.

>> No.16545886

>brookyn writer aesthetic bullshit
Never heard of this. What are some other authors that fit this description?

>> No.16545902

Read my stories instead. I'm your e-celeb now. Thanks.


>> No.16545917


>> No.16545929


Q seriously man go fuck yourself.

You have lost your credibility and are now being openly judged, even by those who once defended you. You have not produced anything resembling art.

Just stop it, man. Just step back and try to do something worthwhile. I cared about your stuff. There was some value there. Stop tanking it. Stop making these stupid threads. Stop thrusting yourself before such fucking swine.

Cmon, man. I reply because I care. I honestly thought you were better than all this. Please prove me right.

>> No.16546690

Aye, and now the thread is dead.

Do you see now, Q? Do you see that all it takes to end one of your threads is—what? A tiny dose of honesty? That your thread cannot sustain honesty—maybe it’s time to reevaluate, yeah?

If truth is what kills the Q, wasn’t the Q already dead?

>> No.16546706

Hi Q. Will buy your book after two weeks of wageslaving and saving. I hope it's as great as everyone is talking about in that secret fan club you know where ;)

>> No.16547016


>> No.16547179

Ok Q
whatever you say my dude

>> No.16547185

Q, just put the keyboard down, we get it you hate yourself.

>> No.16547198

that bussy finna get BTFO

>> No.16547269

Hey man I read the first chapter of your new project. It's pretty good, not mind blowing or anything but I'd definitely keep reading if there was more. One thing I liked about it was the pace, you didn't rush the story but it wasn't boring either. You should try to be a little funnier though (unless you're not naturally a funny person because there's nothing worse than forced humour). Maybe try relaxing a little more and don't be afraid to be witty like Vonnegut is in Breakfast of Champions and Cat's Cradle. Goodluck.

>> No.16547273

Link to Q's schizo manifesto?

>> No.16547281
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Maestro review is out!

>> No.16548239

I have been reading it a bit and all in all its not altogether all that bad. Bit more weed and nonsensical dream stuff, as seen in the amazon preview, than fitting for a 3/5 but I am not far. I would like to know more about Tom.

>> No.16548268
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is she /ourgirl/?

>> No.16548276

It's a good thing you attracted a dumb as shit audience who'd buy this, now quit while you're ahead.

>> No.16548533

u ok Q?

>> No.16548541

Damn Q Anon is really going crazy fuck

>> No.16549486

Retarded grifter

>> No.16549499
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