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16545285 No.16545285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Itt Books on trans

>> No.16545293
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>> No.16545296

a good book on knots

>> No.16545299

Hemingway’s Garden of Eden

>> No.16545309

Deidre McCloskey's autobiography. Moral of the story is if you become a tranner when you're a middle aged man with a wife and kids your relationships will be totally ruined. So uh don't do that.

>> No.16545318

Industrial Society and its future

>> No.16545331
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>> No.16545332

What's even sadder is that the trannies OP makes fun of are probably happier than he'll ever be

>> No.16545345

Probably. I can't even imagine the person who took the time to draw that particular wojak without feeling pity.

>> No.16545355
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>> No.16545362

Statistically unlikely

>> No.16545372
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>a good book on knots

Satyricon, Orland, Middlesex. Go away

>> No.16545374

This. That's why statistically most of them kill themselves before the age of 40, they're obviously content and satisfied individuals with a rich and fulfilled life.

>> No.16545376
File: 131 KB, 500x535, reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditors whine about people who at least make OC

>> No.16545383
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>What's even sadder is that the trannies OP makes fun of are probably happier than he'll ever be

>> No.16545407
File: 985 KB, 1200x4229, Gtimplying+they+will+ever+look+that+good+_8e125dc8b467f82d5d77efaf9885b6a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies cannot be happy. Instead of cultivating their inner self they focus entirely on the aesthetic. And what makes it worse, its a subjective aesthetic that is obviously false. They convince themselves that they are what they are obviously not, and it creates a paradox within their souls that they cannot overcome. The end is only and obviously perdition. Better that instead of focusing on their genitals they had just gone to church or some charitable endeavor. Instead they focus on madness and so condemn themselves to death.