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16545237 No.16545237 [Reply] [Original]

Literally name one (1) woman writer that can even compete with James Joyce. You fucking can't.
Also no, Vagina Woolf sucks.

>> No.16545267
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Gertrude Stein. There, that was easy. Read The Making of Americans.

>> No.16545270

Lucy Ellman and A.S Byatt come to mind. Also, if you really think Virginia Woolf sucks, but love James Joyce, you're a fucking pseud or poser or both.

>> No.16545278

Christie Golden. She's no Knaak but she writes the hell out of a book

>> No.16545292
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Anne Carson

>> No.16545310

Stein is trash

>> No.16545442


>> No.16545451

no, unfiltered trash.

>> No.16545458


>> No.16545472

>Literally name one (1) woman writer that can even compete with James Joyce
>Except the ones that can compete because this isn't a literature thread, it's just for trolling.


>> No.16545478

All of them. Joyce writes like a woman.

>> No.16545488

Lol Joyce doesn't talk about his vagina in every sentence, you idiot

>> No.16545494


>> No.16545496

Jokes on you Joyce was a tranny

>> No.16545504

Neither does A.S Byatt, Lucy Ellmann, Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, Anne Carson, or many other woman writers.

Also, sure Joyce was a master at prose, but his poetry was fucking godawful.

>> No.16545506

For me its Jane Austen

>> No.16545549

Ulysses is prose poetry. Also his poem's aren't that bad, they're not great, but certainly not "godawful".

>> No.16545619

have sex

>> No.16545622


>> No.16545631

They are cheap imitations of Victorian verse. In my books, that's godawful tier.

>> No.16545640

A woman has never written a masterpiece. The best a woman could do was Middlemarch (thoroughly mediocre) but it doesn’t come close to Goethe, Homer, Shakespeare, Joyce, Milton, Tolstoy, Cervantes, Dante etc.

We aren’t saying that women are bad writers- we are saying they can’t compete with men. Cope harder femoids.

>> No.16545642

James joyce isn't good though

>> No.16545649

>women's best is mediocre
>but we're not saying they're bad writers

>> No.16545651

You've only read Shakespeare and that was because you had to

>> No.16545664

Not even other men can compete with those geniuses, though.

>> No.16545669

>Sense and Sensibility
>To The Lighthouse
>Emily Dickinson's entire poetic output
>Possession: A Romance
>Wuthering Heights

>> No.16545672

Stay in the kitchen and stay away from literature. Women can write good characters but cannot explore ideas in depth which is why they will always be second rate and never ascend to the level of greatness that Joyce did.

>> No.16545681


>> No.16545688

You’re a stereotype.

>> No.16545690

>Literally name one (1) woman writer that can even compete with James Joyce. You fucking can't.

This is actually true. It isn't that "men" can compete with Joyce either, though. Most writers, even pretty good writers, are just middlings compared to the actual greats.

>> No.16545703
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>> No.16545709

>James joyce isn't good though

Brainlet detected. But, honestly, I don't like reading Joyce but he is an unbelievable writers. The last chapter of Ulysses is from another planet.

>> No.16545715

I love all of these books but to compare them with the authors anon posted only makes them look weak by comparison

>> No.16545733

Is literature a competition? Lay out the measurements for a starter.

>> No.16545761

life is a competition

>> No.16545785
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Then she just won the highest prize J.Joyce never did.

>> No.16545791

>moving the goal posts
The idea was to provide masterpieces written by women.

>> No.16545890
File: 231 KB, 1707x2560, 1512056049439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Making of Americans is the greatest work of modernist literature because it captures all those feelings of modern fragmentation, ennui, etc., without being pretentious about it whatsoever. Unlike Joyce or Eliot, there is no claim to extraordinary genius, no great effort to produce a monumental masterpiece. It is completely natural and it's a pleasure to read. It seems to flow effortlessly from the man's consciousness, like Homer. Beside that, there's something that I can't articulate about her work that I think really makes it classical. Here's something from Kierkegaard:

"The reason I cannot really say that I positively enjoy nature is that I do not quite realize what it is that I enjoy. A work of art, on the other hand, I can grasp. I can - if I may put it this way - find that Archimedean point, and as soon as I have found it, everything is readily clear to me. Then I am able to pursure this one main idea and see how all the details serve to illuminate it. I see the author's whole individuality as if it were the sea, in which every single detail is reflected."

This "Archimedean point" in Stein's works is something like the fact that amid all the hustle and bustle of the modern world with its great ambitions and its triumph of progress and its liberation of the individual, all that it's really come to is the isolation of the individual who now instead of being subject to some tribe or religion, is lost in the sea of his own dreams. He can't find his identity because there is no more objective correlation between the inner world and the outer world, because there is no more religious or political authority imposed from above that determines who one is - everybody is left to "be themselves", and this means that everyone is free to be at once everybody and nobody.

While this was a tough read, I was completely entranced for most of the book. It’s like sitting through one extremely long Morton Feldman piece –limited sound palette, no real development to speak of, but with small changes, outbreaks of tremendous beauty. On a superficial level it sounds static, but when listening closely to the detail, everything sounds brand new. The book starts off concretely and slowly becomes more and more abstract until the end where the language is pure music.

Stein is one of the greatest literary writers of all time. She was a true talent with true inspiration.

>> No.16545918

a*glo trash

Learn a second language sometime and read French aristocratic women in the original

>> No.16545937
File: 213 KB, 648x908, 0D6F3AF9-752C-47AD-B673-2C9CA731B452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. The prompt is not “name writers who are categorized similarly to Joyce under the umbrella of modernism”. She is puerile.

>> No.16545948

No woman can compete with Joyce specifically. Most of this board is illiterate so you just view him through the received opinion of “muh prose guy”. But as Joyce himself said, women writers can’t compete with men because they do not have philosophical systems. Joyce, despite being misconceived as an aesthete, was a grand systematizer and no woman approaches him for that reason alone. Plus all the other good qualities.

>> No.16545968

George Eliot’s Middlemarch is on par with Ulysses but you wouldn’t know that because you haven’t read it, lol.

>> No.16545972

Did you need to breath through mouth while typing that?

>> No.16545991

Hate with strong words and no substance. Typical pseud shit

>> No.16545993

You have no argument. My post probably brought you to tears. I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention. I am just here to educate.

>> No.16545999

Not an argument lol.

>> No.16546002 [DELETED] 

Is “we” the bastion of so-called classicists who can’t comprehend anything but the most flamboyant, bardic literature? If you don’t know how to appreciate Eliot, Dickinson, Eyre, Woolf, or the like then you’re embarrassing yourself more than this site will have you understand.

>> No.16546006

Neither was the critique, really drivel, that you posted. Just the ramblings of a petulant man-child

>> No.16546019

There are thousands of women who have sold millions of copies of their books-- try giving away copies of anything written by James Joyce for free on any given street corner, and see if you get any takers.
Reading James Joyce should be a punishment down in Guantanamo along with waterboarding.

>> No.16546035

I'd make them read aloud that final rambling of Ulysses and electrocute them if they falter.

>> No.16546061

Lol I’ll bite. On what grounds have you decided that “systematizing” is the highest rank of aesthetic value in literature? If you think Joyce is sovereign for his intellectualism then you have a very boring (not to mention blatantly inexperienced) understanding of art and Joyce himself would likely wince at you. Middlemarch is easily more moving, immersive, and charming than anything Joyce has written and even those qualities don’t designate a particular rank. They highlight the fact that literature, like all art, flourishes in variables that must be assessed uniquely to discern their quality, without prioritizing one skill over another, but with careful consideration of the full effect produced by the work. It’s juvenile to base grandeur on style alone and it’s embarrassing that you attempted to do so here (yes, “systemazation” is just a style of writing and not an actual proof of substance). Joyce is an obvious genius that’s credited the English language more than most to write in it, but your basis of aggrandizing him above others is beyond ridiculous.

>> No.16546071

Is “we” the bastion of so-called classicists who can’t comprehend anything but the most flamboyant, bardic literature? If you don’t know how to appreciate Eliot, Dickinson, the Brontes, Woolf, or the like then you’re embarrassing yourself more than this site will have you understand.

>> No.16546077

Still not making an argument. Weird.

>> No.16546089

Anglo trash. Glorified kitsch. Protestant paranoia.

Learn Portuguese and read Camões.

>> No.16546096

>If you don’t know how to appreciate Eliot, Dickinson, the Brontes, Woolf, or the like
Shut up roastie cunt. We all appreciate them while acknowledging that they are nowhere near the greats. Name a masterpiece written a by woman than can seriously be compared to Don Quixote.

>> No.16546108

The Making of Americans by Gertrude Stein

>> No.16546117

About 600 pages too long. An undergraduate trying to pad out their term paper. Conversely, Cervantes doesn't repeat himself over and over again.

>> No.16546120

Anglo delusion.

>> No.16546129

Lol so what point are you trying to make here? And for whom? It’s weird to get on a site of mostly men to talk about how much better men are than women using authors no one would disagree with you on. Which insecurities do you think this helps you with?

>> No.16546136

Respond to >>16546061

>> No.16546138

I love DQ but one of the common complaints about it is that it’s repetitive

>> No.16546160
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Mary Renault

>> No.16546175

>Dickinson literally is the root of American poetry
>Not great
Fucking moron

>> No.16546194

I'm gonna need a direct source where Joyce says "women writers can't compete with men".

>> No.16546209

Women can't even compete with mtf trannies in sports. Just give up and accept being the inferior sex.

>> No.16546211

>American poetry

>> No.16546214

>Thinking that sports=literature
Man, you're such a retarded faggot. Also, still waiting for that source.

>> No.16546244

Wuthering Heights is based and Emily Bronte was blackpilled

>> No.16546469

I can't. Neither a woman nor a man that compares to Joyce.

>> No.16546632
File: 73 KB, 820x607, Carson_Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking this genuinely: what is Carson's appeal? It may be that she just only appeals to women and that's fine but I can't stand her translations. I've heard she's inserting her own themes into the works and is essentially hybridizing/modernizing the classics but if so I wish she would just write her own shit instead. Also she butchered Catullus and Nox is a stupid accordion book. Read the translations in pic related and tell me that Carson's translation isn't absolute ass.

>> No.16546642

Damn, transcription error in Cranstoun's translation. Line 3 should read

>"To call thy silent dust in vain, and mourn,"

>> No.16546834


>> No.16548492

The person who wrote those amelia bedelia books was a woman I think. Haha remember when she "took home plate"

>> No.16548512

Baseado e lusopilulado

>> No.16548546

>Ulysses is prose poetry
You have no idea of prose poetry.

>> No.16548596

Joyce was a terrible author who wrote thinly veiled idealized semi autobiographical schlock

>> No.16548611

Also Austen, you retard.