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16544420 No.16544420 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I have been diving deep into the idea that civilization is much older than we are commonly told. I have read Fingerprints of the Gods years ago, and of course I can look into the books written by the speakers I have been listening to, but I was curious if any anons have recommendations on this. Furthermore, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on translations of the following:
>Vaimanika Shastra
>Samarangana Sutradhara
>Rig Veda
>Arthasastra of Kautilya
Or anything relating to Merkabah mysticism. I'm also trying to trace the legend that the freemasons claim to trace back through the mystery schools of Greece to at least The Flood. So far I have heard of something called "The Gothic Text" of the Knights Templar that refers to a group who call themselves the freemasons (before they should exist) and that they "follow the religion of Noah" but I haven't found it.

Let's talk about books fellow kings.

>> No.16544453

Based thread. I can only think of stuff like "Arctic Home in the Vedas" at the moment.

>> No.16544618

The really funny thing about this stuff with the breakaway civilizations is listening to guys who have written like 25 books about NYMSA and the Sonora Aero Club and nazis before during and after the war, and they can rattle off dozens of German officers and titles and rigimines with a perfect accent and you can just feel how enraptured they are with the subject but then they have to be like
>but of course they were horrible etc etc
lol okay man

>> No.16545259

none of you Guenon or Evola fags have anything do you you fuckin' shitposters

>> No.16545329

Forum Borealis channel on youtube has a bunch of guests that deal with both of these themes. I'd also recommend, if you don't know already, Robert Sephr and specially Randall Carlson. Oh, and almost forgot, Michael Cremo's Forbidden Archaeology.

>> No.16545341

forum borealis is in fact who I have been listening to lol

>> No.16545378

Here is The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria, by W. Scott-Elliot

You may also be interested in Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs by Christopher Dunn which is just about artifacts in Egypt that indicate high technology.

>> No.16545449

Been a while since I listened to it, but I remember the host covers these and a bunch of other curious topics. I like his talks, his space is comfy as fuck. Robert Sephr is very prolific in his channel and has a couple books on the subject, he probably fits what you're searching for down to a T. Just remembered also, Manly P Hall, you can find a bunch of his lectures on youtube (the ones on Astrotheology are some of my favorites), or his book, Secret Teachings of All Ages.

>> No.16545465

again I find the guys who have dedicated their lives to writing about the nazis and pronounce everything in a perfect german accent and obviously have a lot of admiration for them and passion about the subject having to pepper in AND OF COURSE THEY WERE HORRIBLE AS WE ALL KNOW. It seems like it comes with an implicit wink wink attached lol

>> No.16545470

for got to finish the first sentence
>again I find the guys (...) *to be hilarous

>> No.16546612


>> No.16546624

All we need to do is go down into the ocean to find the remnants

>> No.16546943

The ocean and Antarctica and the deepest jungles and escavating the deserts and...

>> No.16547292

Best I can suggest is pre flood and flood myths
Aside from the account in Genesis
>Mesopotamian one
>native Americans accounts
>Egyptian mythology
There's also a Greek myth in which Zeus goes to a kings house and discovers that he is a cannibal and for this sends the flood.
Also, Prometheus (who warns deucalion) is thought by some to be a garbled version of one of the names for the Mesopotamian equivalent of Noah
This leads me to wonder if Deucalion is japeth and Helen is Javan
Beginning of our history pretty much doesn't exist outside of myths so those are always a good place to look

>> No.16547297

>I'm also trying to trace the legend that the freemasons claim to trace back through the mystery schools of Greece to at least The Flood. So far I have heard of something called "The Gothic Text" of the Knights Templar that refers to a group who call themselves the freemasons (before they should exist) and that they "follow the religion of Noah"
Tell me more

Isn't there also a city under the black sea

>> No.16548174


And in north sea

>> No.16549132
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I have heard through years of being /x/ that masons claim to trace themselves ultimately to Cain. However, the supposed origin story is Hiram Abiff and Solomon's temple which is further supposed to just be the masons religious beliefs because they are supposed to be a relatively recent organization. There is also the turbo normie cover story about how they simply had handshakes for the trade of masonry in antiquity ( I'm not saying this much isn't true just that it is not the entire story). Obviously, short of a vision from God or joining the freemasons and summoning the devil I am never going to be able to confirm that they are the descendants of Cain, but I want to dig as deeply as I can.

>> No.16549227

The Islamic tradition states that the Temple was built by jinns under the command of Prophet Solomon. It's an interesting story in light of the freemason claims.

>> No.16549271

Just thought of this.


Pāṇini is basically the foundation of linguistics and in many ways still exceeds it conceptually. He is just one late example in a clearly long tradition, yet already ancient.

>> No.16549367

he is the inventor of formal systems as well

>> No.16549370

Hes also a type of sandwich :3

>> No.16550124
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Ive mapped it all out already mang.

>> No.16551425

The only primary source on Atlantis is Timaeus. Anything else is genre fiction.

>> No.16551526

This image exists in a based/cringe superposition

>> No.16551632

You don't know that.

>> No.16552710

What if he did?

>> No.16552735

Has anyone else read the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas? What were you thoughts on it?

>> No.16553084

There was that independent journalist who, along with a geologist, proved the sphinx was much older than the Pyramids...possibly pre-flood. Interesting stuff.

>> No.16553107

John Anthony West and the other fella yeah. I'm already fully aboard that train but definitely interesting guys. All of the relevant dudes on this topic have some of joe rogans better interviews. Like I mentioned in the OP I read fingerprints of the gods and it made younger me do a serious think, but Graham Hancock has fallen for the 'bro psychedelics changed my life' pill so I'm hesitant to read more by him. I like to trip don't get me wrong but I don't want to read generic new agey shit

>> No.16553710

>bro psychedelics changed my life pill
this, Hancock I love you bro but please stop sucking McKenna's dick

>> No.16555407


>> No.16555451
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Check out Thor Heyerdal, especially "lasst sie endlich sprechen" which covers the ancient maya stories of white and red bearded gods coming from the east over the water and teaching them everything. America BC is also a good read.

You should also watch the following:

>> No.16555500

Indeed. I, too, lost all interest in him after he gone out of his way to shill for psychodelics like a tard. He really didn't conider what an image that paints of him to the general public.

>> No.16555541

Yes. It's okay, it doesn't give much more information than Graham Hancock.
There is a possibility that Hancock and the likes (Joe Rogan himself) are agents of the deep State in a plan of soft disclosure.
In brief, the gods they are talking about weren't necessary benevolent, and might still have a strong grip in current affairs.

>> No.16555655

Robert E. Howard. Stories about Conan the Barbarian and Kull the Conqueror, as well as his essay Hyborian Age.

>> No.16555669

i want to learn sanskrit to read this old aryan stuff, good idea?

>> No.16555709

Seethe and dilate.

>> No.16555723
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This author is liberal, but he does good research that you can then further verify.
It's a great QRD on Sundaland (glacial maximum Indonesia was a lush subcontinent) as the Dravidian Homeland, among other things, including Gobekli Tepe shit (thankfully this is on b-ok and libgen)

>> No.16555731

Also you should read the straightforward un-commentaried translations of Bhagavata Purana, Markandeya Purana, Rig Veda and most especially Ramayana by Bibek Debroy.
Ramayana is stunningly good and informative of the Persian (Aryan) invasion of Dravidian India.

And as that other guy said: Arctic Home In The Vedas

>> No.16555778

Any recommended editions?

>> No.16555780

If you're under 12 and have access to a good private tutor it's definitely worth it, otherwise no.
I had to take Sanskrit for 6 months and at the end of the class it still took me an hour to parse a handful of sentences. You're also probably going to want to learn Vedic Sanskrit rather than Classical Sanskrit for that "old Aryan stuff", whatever it's supposed to mean, which is even more archaic and with less instructional material.

>> No.16555800

'Ate floods

Ruins me crops
Ruins me house
Ruins me civ

Am anti-diluvian
Simple as

>> No.16556127

>why yes we are useless chatbot shitposters, how could you tell?

>> No.16556133

>whatever its supposed to mean
Imagine being this much of a passive aggressive little faggot

>> No.16556137

I love thor heyerdal, are there any english translations of this book, or at least norwegian? My norwegian is better than my german lmao.

>> No.16556149

What exactly was it supposed to mean?

>> No.16556173

Pretty sure, Thor was norwegian and the german edition is only a translation.

>> No.16556190

Just the copies that are on libgen (Bibek Debroy is the best translator for anything Vedic)
I think there's only the one scan of Arctic Home on archive.org so there's that too.

>> No.16556199

I just found a copy in norwegian, thanks anon

>> No.16556207
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A far out but undeniably on-to-something couple of books are The Cryptoterrestrials by Tonies and on a similar but less obvious track The Eighth Tower by Keel.

Also the first book of Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces Trilogy is good shit.

>> No.16556229
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You want these

>> No.16556337
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>In brief, the gods they are talking about weren't necessary benevolent, and might still have a strong grip in current affairs.
I have a philosophy major buddy and we discuss this for hours every week. Obviously you pretty much hit bedrock after a certain point, but we're leaning towards either "the elite are getting this basically magic from basically satan" or "the people in charge have the knowledge from before the flood, and are greedy bastards, and maybe the pre-flood society was also a massive wealth discrepancy slave society too"

>> No.16556344

>doubling down
What is it with womanly fags like you and this idea that (extremely transparently) pretending to be ignorant will paradoxically make you look like you have the intellectual high ground? This is very common. You just look like a faggot.

>> No.16556357

Start with The Golden Cord

>> No.16556417


>> No.16556424


>> No.16556472
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Green light yourself


>> No.16556561
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this thread is a misunderstanding

>> No.16556579
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>humans just hung out in the woods for 192,000 years until Sumer appeared fully formed if you just discount any new archeological discoveries of the last 5 decades

>> No.16556587
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>> No.16556685
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Triune Brain is the more compelling and explanatory model.

>> No.16556720
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>cryptoterrestrials are Umbaran
Wtf I love cryptoterrestrials now!

>> No.16556733
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Hermes can be thought of as the God voice in bicameralism. Hermes (who is also variously known as Atlantiades, Thoth, Enoch, Mercury), the messenger of the gods or “god of travelers/boundaries”, literally means “heap of stones, boundary marker” or “breath, wind, life.” The duality from which this reference stems is life and death – the heap of stones at a gravesite that stands at the threshold between the material and spiritual.


>> No.16556971

Any other channels like this ?

>> No.16556980

>Robert Sephr
holy based

>> No.16557029
