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/lit/ - Literature

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16541228 No.16541228 [Reply] [Original]

Time to settle this, /lit/. You have 45 seconds to prove you’re not an anti-intellectual culturelet. Post a list of the following:
> five novels that inspire you
> five philosophical works
> five composers you enjoy
> five paintings or works of art
> five works of cinema
>inb4 literature is the only valid artform
culturelet filtered

>> No.16541232

I want Scarlett Johansson to sit on my face.

>> No.16541233

I am a pseud

>> No.16541252

It's going to take longer than 45 seconds

>> No.16541263

Take your time, pseud boy

Valid response

>> No.16541281

I'm struggling with the inspired by novels section.

>> No.16541285

i'll try without google.
> five novels that inspire you
memoirs of a madman, nothing else.
> five philosophical works
beyond good and evil, the gay science, the birth of tragedy, on the genealogy of morals, my twisted world.
> five composers you enjoy
petrokov, bach, satie, that's it.
> five paintings or works of art
rythm 0.
> five works of cinema
joker, monthy python's flying circus and the holy grail.
bing bong.
45 secs.

>> No.16541295

No poetry. Brainlet.

>> No.16541296

The very idea of this fucking thread anon proves you're a pesudo. I went to...a top 3 ivy in humanities and did quite well. I cannot do this--esp in 45 seconds-- as I have zero artistic talent. Of course, I can name a few major artists or works like..IDK, Holbein's Madonna, whatever but the entire idea of this, you're a state college sophomore.

>> No.16541300

Here's one, thoug there
s no way of testing it to prove you're not cheating. I can do it, I doubt anyone here can. Recite/put down 10 of your favorite poems , all by different poets, and over 20 lines that you have committed to memory....

>> No.16541302

I think repeatIng authors in the same category is suspect.

>> No.16541306

i don't read philosophy. only nietzsche as a teen.

>> No.16541307

>songs of maldoror
>against nature
>divine comedy
Philosophical work
>hans jonas verantwortung prinzip
>gravity and grace
>velasquez’ crucifixion
>bruegel’s hunters in the snow
>caravage’s beheading of st-john
>bosch’s nef des fous
>carpaccio’s st-augustine
>the sacrifice
>cries and whispers
>murnau’s faust
>the rule of the game

>> No.16541317

you'd have to type 10.3333... symbols per sec, to write that in 45 seconds.

>> No.16541321

You pass. Non-pseud confirmed

OP here, i tried and couldn’t do this in 45 secs. Time limit removed, but you mustn’t use google. Go

>> No.16541338

also pseud.

>> No.16541345

Favorite poem, a quick analysis of it, why you like it. Me...the Wasteland by T.S. Eliot. How can you not love it? Yes, he has a giant ego and takes one of the greatest works of literature in the first line-- "The Canterbury Tales--" He takes on and inverts it. "April is the cruelest month..." From April is the Sweetest month...long to go on pilgrimages, etc.."
As it goes on, the second stanza takes on "The Rape of the Lock," and the husband "I Think we are in rats' alley/Where the dead men, lost their bones."
I could go on for hors about "The Wasetland" just by itself. I think someone could devote their life to it and never fully really "get it." The genius of Ezra Pound to be able to edit it and hammer it out into a comprehensible form.

>> No.16541356

self-obsessed pseud used more than 45 secs just to let everyone know how much of a pseud he is. this has to be a troll.

>> No.16541359

>five novels that inspire you
I don't read novels
>five philosophical works
I don't read philosophy
>five composers you enjoy
I don't listen to music
>five paintings or works of art
El Greco, fuck everyone else
>five works of cinema

>> No.16541364

i want to smell her feet

>> No.16541369

just make rateyourmusic and goodreads if u want to spend your time doing this dumb shit

>> No.16541371

>Wagner's corpus

>> No.16541379

fuck you retard

>> No.16541383


>> No.16541386

Gonna use this as a recommendation thread, give me recs based on the pieces.

The Golden ass
King of elfland’s daughter
Paradise Lost
Meister Whilhem

>philosophical works

Hegel’s science of Logic
Husserl’s Cartesian meditations
The tantraloka of Abhinavagupta
The object theory of Alexis meinong
Jacob boehme’s mysterium magnum


Jupiter and semele - gustav moreau
Salome Dancing before Herod - gustav moreau
Yog Sothoth - John coultart
Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X - Francis bacon
The magic circle - John William Waterhouse

The holy mountain
The house that jack built
The passion of the Christ
The name of the rose
Tie between eraserhead and Orpheus

Here’s a list of favorite writers, poets, Visual artists and philosophers/mystics

poets: Swinburne, verlaine, Poe, Baudelaire, blake, li-he, al-hallaj, angelus, Hopkin, Robert herrick, Horace, cynewolf, Shakespeare, Chaucer, John Keats, Lu-Yu

Writers: Dunsany, huysman, Balzac, ligotti, Thomas brown, Blackwood, Borges, Dante, kafka, Milton, Goethe, Machen, Robert Burton, Johannes Valentinus Andreae, Alessandro di Cagliostro, Basil Valentine

Mystical philosophers: husserl, hegel, meinong, agrippa, boehme, John Dee, Kenneth grant, Iamblichus, Bertiaux, Abhinavagupta, deleuze, gikatila, Linji, abulafia, merleu-ponty, Ge-Hong.

List of favorite visual-artists

Gustav Moreau
Zbigniew M. Biela
Albrecht Dürer
Francisco Goya
Odilon Redon
Rodolphe Bresdin
Austin osman spare
zdzisław beksiński
carlos schwabe
Denis forkas
mariusz lewandowski
Albín Brunovský
Salvatore Dali
John coultart
Francis bacon
Sidney sime
Harry Clarke
William Holman Hunt
John William Waterhouse
Michael Angelo
William Blake
Leonardo da Vinci
Aubrey Beardsley
Max Ernst
Jean Delville

>> No.16541396

>>45 seconds
>1816 symbols
oh god, i fucking hate tripfags.

>> No.16541404

I recommend that you commit suicide

>> No.16541405

Don Quixote
Brothers Karamazov
San Mnuel Bueno Mártir
Confessions of a mask
One hundred years of solitude
Plato´s dialogues
The Enneads
Tao Te Ching
Fear and trembling
Ethics demonstrated in geometrical order
Christ crucified by Velázquez
The Night Watch
The birth of Adam
Stormy sea at night by Aivazovsky
Picasso's Guernica
12 angry men
Un chien andalou
Les invasions barbares

I though of these quite quickly but took more than 45 seconds to write obviously.

>> No.16541406

>Meister Whilhem
you couldn't have fucked that up more, could you?

>> No.16541421


> novels
Spring Snow
Runaway Horses
To the Lighthouse
Our Lady of the Flowers
Autobiography of Red
> philosoph
The Gay Science
Being and Nothingness
Zeno, works
Heraclitus, works
Kristeva, Powers of Horror
> composers
> art
Louise Bourgeois, Maman
Goya, Saturn devouring his children
David, Rest on the flight into Egypt
Susan Rothenberg, Galisteo Creek
decKooning, Reclining Figure
> films
The Silence
Late Spring
Woman in the Dunes
Veronika Voss
Last Year at Marienbad

No google used
Time: about 3 mins

>> No.16541422

>five novels that inspire you
I haven't really read anything that's inspired me, not yet at least

> five philosophical works
dont read philosophy

> five composers you enjoy
Williams and Khachaturian, that's it

> five paintings or works of art
any of the Sappho paintings by John William Godward, also anything by Frank Frazetta

> five works of cinema
The Social Network, Jackie Brown, Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and There Will Be Blood

>> No.16541428


Eh, my mistake for messing up the title but you know fully well which book I’m speaking of.

>> No.16541430

gigapseud, at least you dgaf

>> No.16541435

45 seconds.


lemme use some more thanks!!!11!!!1!

>> No.16541462

Nothing to prove, but it's useful to make the effort of thinking about what really inspired you.

>five novels
Diary of a Country Priest
Sentimental Education
Moby Dick
The Future Eve
Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
(also I realized there are several more novels that inspire me and that I can still remember fondly, thanks for that OP)

>five philosophical works
Critique of Pure Reason
Genealogy of Morals
Heraclitus' Fragments (not even really a work, but Heraclitus is fascinating)
Pascal's Pensées
Brentano's Discourse on Correct Judgement

>five composers
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven obviously (pick any of those three, they're very obvious and I want some room left for more specific things)

>five paintings
Rubens' Portrait of his daughter
Grunwald's Crucifixion
Any Dührer, say the portrait of his mother
Any Giotto, say the Pieta
Greco's portrait of that ominous Spanish friar whose name I forget
turns out I really like portraits

>five works of cinema
La Maman et la Putain
The Night of the Hunter
L'Enfant Sauvage
Le Roi et l'Oiseau

All the above are things I'd rewatch/reread with pleasure.

>> No.16541476

my man

>> No.16541477

Also before someone asks, yes, I mean Giotto's Pieta (a painting in a chapel) not Michelangelo's Pieta (a scuplture)

>> No.16541487

>prove you're not a pseud and name drop some impressive titles!
oh the irony

>> No.16541521

>Kant and Nietzsche
>Pascal and Nietzsche
>motherfucking Kant and Brentano in the same top 5
I take it it's a "makes you think" list rather than going for a coherent viewpoint.

>> No.16541561

It's definitely not a top 5 list, although all those listed are dear to me. And it's not about coherence either, I'm just trying to include favorites from all strands.
Also I have read very little philosophy, with Habermas, Rousseau, Voltaire (if they even count) and Descartes that lists contain all of the philosophers I've read.

By you shouldn't underestimate the proximity between Pascal and Nietsche. Nietzsche was certainly an intellectual heir to Pascal, and he knew it. A lot of the Pensées are already very Nietzschean despite Pascal's Christian faith.

Kant alright, no contest he's not compatible with Nietzsche.

>> No.16541643

Day of the locust, at swim-two-birds, flaubert's parrot, old school, dq
>symposium, spinoza ethics, kant judgement, santayana skeps & animal faith, sloterdijk cynical reason
telemann, js bach, cpe bach, bellini, wagner
>(-ers) j van eyck, bruegel, constable, delacroix, Sargent
lady from Shanghai, Sullivan's travels, 42nd street, melancholia, virgin suicides

>> No.16541671

*substitute whistler for bruegel, please

>> No.16541717

> five novels that inspire you

> five philosophical works
republic book 1
phil investigations
beyond good and evil
thousand plats
> five composers you enjoy
handel, chaikov, beef, list, depussy
> five paintings or works of art
that one heiro bosch where they pull the flower out his head
the academy
some bullshit van goth thing

> five works of cinema
raging bull
pick at random from charlie chaplin
space oddity by david kubrick

>> No.16541741
File: 33 KB, 550x642, 2b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TOp FiVe Lists!!!
>t. OP

>> No.16541800

there, there

>> No.16541809

>memoirs of a madman
Not a novel
>monty python
Pseud confirmed
>divine comedy
Not a novel, why is everyone so retarded? No wonder you adore bergman's depravity

>> No.16541834
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>> No.16541840


>> No.16541848

cant believe im doing this
celine's journey
swann's way
master and margaritta
nietzsche's GM
fragments of heraclitus
freud's psychopathology of everyday life
plato's republic
and cant decide between badiou's ethics and lacan's seminar XI
satie, gyorgy ligetti, tschaikovsky, bach, chopin
i rarely look up names, but pic rel, then
schielle's death and the maiden
goya's witches in the air
munch's vampire
phil hale's work (dont know names)
trier's melancholia
tarkovsky's solaris
the master
sunshine of the spotless mind
call me by your name

>> No.16541855
File: 56 KB, 431x640, Matthijs_Maris,_Extase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picrel

>> No.16541866

>The Idiot
>Crime and Punishment
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Myth of Sisyphus
>The Rebel
>Fear and Trembling
>The Sickness Unto Death
>Ecclesiastes + Proverbs + Job
>love solfege
>The Ancient of Days
>Belshazzar's Feast
>Dorchester Rescue
>Martyrdom of Stephan
>Martyrdom of Saint Stephan
>Ghost in the Shell
>End of Evangelion
>Passion of the Christ
I really do enjoy what I listed and that has more weight in my mind than the opinion of a gay retard thotposter.

>> No.16541883
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forgot my weeb picture

>> No.16541914
File: 454 KB, 1920x1502, 1920px-Albrecht_Dürer_042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

five novels
>Rings of Saturn
>The Glass Bead Game
>Man in the Holocene
Five philosophical works
>Rabelais and His World
>The Concept of Anxiety
>Theses on the Philosophy of History
>I and Thou
Five composers
>Von Biber
Five paintings
>Frans Hals "The Shrovetide Reveler"
>Rembrandt "Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicholas Tulp"
>Dürer "Feast of the Rose Garlands"
>Jan Steen "Self-Portrait as a Lute Player"
>Bruegel "The Peasant Wedding"
Five works of cinema
>Conversation Piece, Visconti
>The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover, Greenaway
>Claire's Knee, Rohmer
>Au revoir les enfants, Malle
>The Flowers of St. Francis, Rossellini

>> No.16541926
File: 128 KB, 1000x621, WINTER-LIGHT-MAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> considering bergman to be depraved
filtered, see pic rel

ok here goes
bergman silence of god trilogy, cries and whispers
tarkovsky pretty much everything by him
kurosawa- dreams, ran,
fellini satyricon, 8 1/2, pasolini edipo re
onibaba, kuroneko, dreyer passion
chopin etudes, toru takemitsu, fenriz, hiromi hosono, ravel - miroirs
tao te ching, diamond sutra, bashō, deleuze, gauttari, cs peirce, psalms, job, nag hamaddi,
woolf, nin, camus - les jeux son fait, artaud, michaux, wg sebald

whew lads

>> No.16541936
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forgot artists>
fra angelico, bosch, brueghel the elder, yves tanguy, willem de kooning , hilma af klimt

>> No.16541971

This is a trick question, right? Like anyone stupid enough to, like, totally rank their favs is a fucking pseud? Good one, OP. Gotta hand it to you.

>> No.16542152

>À rebours, Mes amis, Watt, Le Baphomet, Petrolio
>Nietzsche et le cercle vicieux, L'entretien infini, Economie libidinale, Il regno e la gloria, Nachgelassene Fragmente 1887-1888
>Scarlatti, Mozart, Debussy, Satie, Boulez
>Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror, Boîte en valise, Musée d'art moderne département des aigles, Merda d'artista, Les barres parallèles
>Le testament d'Orphée, Salò, Weekend, L'hypothèse du tableau volé, Il conformista

>> No.16542317


>> No.16542326

>Der Fragebogen
>Die Leiden des jungen Werthers
>Der Seewolf
>Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frisst

Philosophical works:
>Menschliches, Allzumenschliches
>Kritik der reinen Vernunft
>Mein Kampf
>Preußentum und Sozialismus

Five composers:

Five paintings or works of art:
>anything by Bouguereau really

Five works of cinema:
>Monty Python and the Holy Grail
>Life of Brian
>Meaning of Life
>A Fish Called Wanda
>Kongo-Express (Director: Eduard von Borsody)

>> No.16542747

I dont think im a pseud as im definitely not an intellectual
>> five novels that inspire you
lord of the rings, brothers k, canticle for leibowitz
>> five philosophical works
i guess meditations and the bible
>> five composers you enjoy
Giovani valentini, purcell, mozart, buxtehude, Faure
>> five paintings or works of art
Clearing Up--Coast of Sicily by Andreas Achenbach
Wolfgang Willrich, The Aryan Family
"Dad, the Fish are Biting," Amos Sewell
Modern Rome by Giovanni Paolo Panini
archduke leopold wilhelm in his painting gallery by David Teniers the Younger
>> five works of cinema
I dont know about "inspiring" but I like lord of the rings, aguirre the wrath of god, barry lyndon, breakfast at tiffanys, the thing

>> No.16543103

45 sec. You are a cultural encyclopedia. Please, fill me. I want to soak up your culture-saturated seminal fluid, so that I too can become so knowledgeable.

>> No.16543111

go back to /tv/

>> No.16543156

the divine comedy is not a novel, pseud

>> No.16543359

I'm a pseud at typing. I would take more than 45 seconds to list 25 titles.

>> No.16544068
File: 69 KB, 367x550, virgindestroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> five novels that inspire you
Chromos, Alfau
The Vorrh, Catling
Beckett trilogy
Book of Words, Erpenbeck
Don Quixote

>five philosophical works
Theoria philosophiae naturalis, Boscovich x5

> five composers you enjoy

>five paintings or works of art
Dante and Virgil traversing Cocytus, Doré
Untitled (Burnt-Out Europe), Ocampo
Adam, Rodin
Europe after the Rain II, Ernst
Struggle, Szukalski

> five works of cinema
Dr. Mabuse
Touch of Evil
High & Low
Man Bites Dog
The Element of Crime
My Trier nibbas

>> No.16544782


>> No.16544795

Pseuds list

>> No.16544840

>>anything by Bouguereau really

>> No.16544895

>Ulysses by James Joyce
>Waterland by Graham Swift
>Possession: A Romance by A.S Byatt
>The French Lieutenant's Woman by John Fowles
>Molloy by Samuel Beckett
I don't read that much philosophy, nor do I particular enjoy it (my field is poetry), but here are the five that I enjoyed.
>Ecrits by Jacques Lacan
>Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault
>Aesthetics and Politics by Brecht, Adorno, etc.
>Minima Moralia by Theodor Adorno
>The Sublime Object of Ideology by Slavoj Zizek
>Igor Stravinsky
>Frederick Chopin
>Gustav Mahler
>Sergei Prokofiev
>Brian Wilson (I'll fight anyone on this. Best pop composer ever)
>Saturn Devouring His Son
>The Lady of Shallot
>The Old Guitarist
>The Kiss
>Citizen Kane
>Synechdoche, New York
>The Before Trilogy (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight)
>The Lighthouse
>Annie Hall

>> No.16544909


>> No.16544991

>Moby Dick, The Grapes of Wrath, Les Miserables, Growth of the Soil, Great Expectations
>Dhammapada, What is Art?, Tao Te Ching, The Upanishads, Ecclesiastes
>Schubert, Buxtehude, Bach, CPE Bach, Handel
>The Fog Warning, The Anatomy Lesson, Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan, Doubting Thomas, The Death of Caesar
>Red Beard, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Amadeus, Harakiri, M

>> No.16545005

prove you are not an insecure adolescent weenie by not posting in this thread. GO!

>> No.16545016

>Not having poetry as a criteria
OP is the real pseud

>> No.16545019

>> five novels that inspire you
Don Quixote
Le Morte d'Arthur
Moby Dick
War and Peace
>> five philosophical works
Critique of Pure Reason
Being and Time
>> five composers you enjoy
I don't
>> five paintings or works of art
Still no
>> five works of cinema
Trois couleurs: Blanc
Aguirre: The Wrath of God
City of God
The Godfather

OP you're a bit of a retard. You barely included any literature: novels became popular only recently and they're generally bad.

>> No.16545043

seething pseuds afraid to take the challenge

>> No.16545065

the "challenge" of naming five novels and five films? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.16545085

More please.

>> No.16545094
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 1546738155996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> five novels that inspire you
War and Peace, The Man Without Qualities, Hopscotch, The Idiot, The Magic Mountain
>> five philosophical works
The Ego and its Own, Phaedo, Genealogy of Morals, Discipline and Punish, Gay Science
>> five composers you enjoy
Brahms, Beethoven, Bruckner, Bach, Satie
>> five paintings or works of art
Munch, Klimt, Breker, Jacques Louis-David, Pieta by Michelangelo
>> five works of cinema
A Brighter Summer Day, Dairy of a Country Priest, Satyricon, Mulholland Drive, Eyes Wide Shut

>> No.16545098

some lit posters really do be like this

>> No.16545178
File: 39 KB, 744x736, c30cc3e52a2db77cb5f44f76391f197f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
No longer human
East of eden
Anna Karenina

Hugo Grotius - on the law of war and peace
Plato - Republic
Kant - critique of pure reason
Jaques Ellul - The technological society
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching

>5 composers

>5 Paintings
Andrew Wyeth - The Witching Hour
Johannes Vermeer - Girl With a Pearl Earring
Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky - Morning in a Pine Forest
John Register - Waiting Room for the Beyond
Ilya Repin - Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan

>6 films
I'm doing six because there are that many films I consider 10/10s and I couldn't pick one to cut

Perfect Blue
Fallen Angels
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Meshes of the Afternoon
Cat Soup

>> No.16545208

I don't read books. All of my inspiration, and all of my philosophies, are self taught. If the only way to prove yourself to be intellectual is to list all the things that tell you what to think, then perhaps you're not as intellectual as you believe.

>> No.16545313

came here just to read this

>> No.16545790

> five novels that inspire you
inspire me? what
i like decline & fall by waugh, take a girl like you by k amis, angel by e taylor, the history of tom jones by fielding
and idk the odyssey ought to count as a novel really

> five philosophical works
essais x5

> five composers you enjoy

> five paintings or works of art
the night watch
matisse's odalisques
& his cutouts
le reve by picasso
cezanne's young italian woman

> five paintings or works of art
chimes at midnight
welles' othello
grand illusion
orpheus 1950
eyes wide shut

you could cut persona, meshes & fear and loathing easy

>> No.16545847


Why don't you just spend another 3 hours filling in your "favorite books and movies" on Facebook so you can signal to others how brain you are. Unbelievable brainlet-tier activity.

>> No.16545853

extremely based art work

>> No.16545870

Is that Bar Paly?

>> No.16545899

As in pass the class or
Pass or play?
Either could be defended

>> No.16545905

Did thou summon my fire?
Did thou lay down in the trench,
begging seething to be drenched
Barry Charles enjoyed his game
His need grasped at p. obj. a
Yours lacks for biddingness' seed:
'tis not even simple neurosis
for psedus list.

>> No.16545982

Whoa. An occult cum bridge ref
A 19th c arch
A 20th c psy an
That's some heavy shit spook-anon from..
Spokane, perhaps?

>> No.16545983

Pretty cool, excepting Freud.

>> No.16545987

i shittalked once Peterson on a /lit/ thread and butthurt janny deleted my post out of rage

>> No.16546017

> five novels that inspire you
Fear n loathing, Blood Meridian, The Trial
>five philosophical works
Shit i think about in my day to day lmao
>five paintings or works of art
Melting clocks by salvador dali, Jupiter eating his son, Ivan the terrible kills his son, the selk'nam ritual costumes
>Five works of cinema
Stalker, apocalypse now, Come and See, Scarface, Goodfellas

>> No.16546020
File: 365 KB, 1280x982, 1280px-John_William_Waterhouse_-_The_Lady_of_Shalott_-_Google_Art_Project_(derivative_work_-_AutoContrast_edit_in_LCH_space).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> five novels that inspire you
War and Peace, Westward Ho!, The Idiot, Don Quixote, In Search of Lost Time,
> five philosophical works
On the Aesthetic Education of Man by Friedrich Schiller, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
> five composers you enjoy
Puccini, Mozart, Vivaldi, Handel, Bach
> five paintings or works of art
The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse, Fantasy based on Goethe's Faust by Theodor von Holst, The Annunciation by Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Ophelia by John Everett Milais, Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich.
> five works of cinema
Not much fussed on cinema.

>> No.16546025

>Forgot composers
King Crimson, Ludwig Van, Camel, Santana

>> No.16546059

having gone 7 years of classical/operatic singing and meeting other formally trained classical musicians, the most overwhelmingly pseud thing i and others have encountered is "proving" your intellect by listening to classical. its so goddamn corny and incredibly easy to spot because pseuds will list the same shit from a list of <10 composers they know. honestly makes me angrier than it should, its just pointless posturing and everybody who knows, knows...

>> No.16546128

kinda unrelated but I've been listening to some classical recently and I've really been enjoying bach, Shubert, and Chopin. who are some lesser-known composers you'd recommend?

>> No.16546178

thats her from like 15 years ago buddy. she looks like a washed up bag of mashed potatoes now

>> No.16546203

>Crime and Punishment, Strait is the gate, Amerika, Death in Venice and Ulysses.
>Genealogy of morals, Leviathan, the Prince, The world as will and representation and Modanology.
>Wagner, Debussy, Schubert, Vivaldi and Grieg.
>Hieronymus Bosch, David Caspar, Beksinsky, M.C Ester and Goya
>Orange clockwork, Scarface, Blade runner 2049, The devil's advocate and Dune.

>> No.16546568

hahaha! i only got to composers! Really Know the questions before you begin. cheers

>> No.16546585

>five paintings or works of art.

>> No.16546611

I'd like to spend the first 5 of my 45 seconds saying I want to have hot sex sex sex with Scarlett Johansson.
>>five novels that inspire you
Novels that INSPIRE me? Only ancient Greek epic poems inspire me (to have gay sex).
>>five philosophical works
Plato's Five Dialogues
>>five composers you enjoy
John Wilkes Booth because the masterfully composed the death of a tyrant
>>five paintings or works of art
The Primitive State
The Pastoral State
The Height of Empire
All by Thomas Cole
>>five works of cinema
Harry Potter movie 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

36 seconds flat

>> No.16546667

>Books that inspired me
Ender's Game, Lord of the Flies, Blood Meridian
>Philosophy works
Divine Comedy, Myth of Sisyphus, Daodejing, The Bible
>Composers i enjoy
Ennio Morricone, Joe Hisaishi, Yoko Shimomura, Daft Punk, Death Grips
Enigma of the Hour, one of Mondrian's pointillist windmills, a native mask of some Inuit "Lord of the Game" deity whose name I've forgotten
Stalker, Life Aquatic, A New Hope, Adaptation, Breakfast at Tiffany's

That's probably pretty shallow.
I think avoiding being a pseud is probably about humility and open-mindedness rather than some metric of cultural awareness.

>> No.16546697

Poetry is for pseuds.

>> No.16546712

Does Troughman come from Spokane or Sydney? You missed the paraphillia.

>> No.16546805

I am too lazy to name them I just decided to go for the artist.

>> No.16547099

> five novels that inspire you
Beware of Pity
Hadji Murat
Notre Dame de Paris
> five philosophical works
Critique of Pure Reason
Genealogy of Morals
Consolation of Philosophy
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
> five composers you enjoy
> five paintings or works of art
Massacre of the Innocents
Death at the Door
Vercingetorix Throws Down his Arms at the Feet of Julius Caesar
Punishment of the Son of Korah
The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb
> five works of cinema
Lucky Number Slevin
Pulp Fiction
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.16547167

>The Brothers Karamazov, The Sound and the Fury, Frankenstein, The War of the Worlds, The Sun Also Rises
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air, The Nicomachean Ethics, The Wealth of Nations, Leviathan
>Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Bach, Boccherini
>Picasso's Fruit Bowl with Fruit, Leutze's Crossing of the Delaware, Matejko's Stanczyk, The Creation of Adam, The Persistence of Memory
>The Seventh Seal, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

>> No.16547264
File: 25 KB, 500x520, 1573145405161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dick fuck shit, you cunt. Fuck it.

>> No.16547280

The sound and the fury
Lil Senpai
Animal Farm
Infinite jest
The Bible

thus spoke zara
lectures of aesthetics
revolt against the modern world
the decline of the west

Jamal Eggbert
sun ra

The heretic
Glass on canvas
Mona Lisa (dont fucking at me faggot)
Young boys in a flower field
The kiss (never at me faggot dont question me)

Rape village
Young turks in hell
The "vibe"
Blade trinity (2004)

do not at me faggot ur taste is awesome dog shit never at me about any of this just wonder

>> No.16547290

Borthers K
C ad P
uhhhh Demons
Underground man

Phenomenology of spirit
cirtique of reason
death of socrates
de caelo

raskolnikov (knights)

the starry night
that train station by cezanne
that shark in the tank thing
the steel of hamurabi
the venus figurine

fuck I don't watch kino - Joker
blade runner
dark night
batman vs superman

>> No.16547318

cringe tier composers

>> No.16547336

non-pseud confirmed

>> No.16547426

>five novels
Kafka on the shore, Crime and punishment, A 100 years of solitude, Love in the time of cholera, The museum of innocence

>five philosophical works
The republic, The prince, Poetics, Sculpting time, Nicomachean Ethics

>five composers (gonna put musicians I like because I’m not huge on classical music)
Debussy, Damon Albarn, Air, Death in june, Brian Eno

>five works of art
A starry night, David by Michelangelo, The last supper, Laocoon and his sons, Melencolia I

>five films
The virgin suicides, Leon, The holy mountain, Seven samurai, Once upon a time in America

>> No.16547434

Gads. That's because I read 'Barry Charles' as one might read Hemingway Ernest-- as Sir Charles Barry, the Bach of 19th c London architecture (in the way that he had many sons who followed him in his profession). I gave your invocation oh, never mind.

>> No.16547573
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>>inb4 literature is the only valid artform
cinema is incredibly cringe considering it only appeared a century ago when art was already hitting rock bottom lmao. I don't consider something with less than 1,000 year history to be an art form (composers are excluded too)

>> No.16547590

>prove you’re not an anti-intellectual
I am though. The ability and accompanying need to try to consider things deeply is a virus I've been trying to kill for decades

>> No.16547598

>this desperate to become a normie

>> No.16547662

>validate yourself on an anonymous image board
Only 115-130s will follow through.

>> No.16547674

this.Proving to others you are not a pseud by reciting your backlog is the most pseud thing one can do

>> No.16547679
File: 936 KB, 1228x375, garfield2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master and Margarita, Notes from Underground, Heliopolis, anything by Tolkien, Faust (not a novel but it's great and should be listed here)
>philosophical works
The Nicomachean Ethics, After Virtue, The Decline of the West, Beyond Good and Evil, Confessions
Arvo Pärt, Antonin Dvorak, Ennio Morricone (yes), Johann Sebastian Bach, Michael Jakobi
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Friedrich, The Revolt by Russolo, Christ in the Desert by Kramskoy, Christ of Saint John of the Cross by Dali, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz by El Greco
Joker, Falling Down, Taxi Driver, American Psycho, The Boondock Saints

>> No.16547705
File: 32 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> five novels that inspire you
Harry potter, Game of thrones, Magic tree house, A Promised Land
> five philosophical works
The second Sex, Communist Manifesto, Harry Potter, In the shadow of man
> five composers you enjoy
XXX, Lil yachty, Harry potter, Miley Cyrus, Cardi B
> five paintings or works of art
Starry night, Harry potter, doge meme, WAP, The apple iphone 11 (its technilogical art)
> five works of cinema
Harry potter, Star wars, Lion King, Frozen, bowling for columbine

>> No.16547710

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16547728

H-holy based

>> No.16547867
File: 731 KB, 2880x1594, TheKnightAtTheCrossroads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> five novels that inspire you
Narziss und Goldmund, Der Schimmelreiter, Iliad, Odyssey, Das Nibelungenlied (I know the last 3 aren't novels)

> five philosophical works
Euthyphro, Phaedo, Book 6 and 10 of The Republic, Revolt against the modern World

> five composers you enjoy
Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Schubert, Liszt, Tschaikowski

> five paintings or works of art
Caspar David Friedrich - Klosterruine Eldena bei Greifswald, J. M. W. Turner - Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino, Viktor Vasnetsov - The Knight at the Crossroads (pic related), Solomon Joseph Solomon - Ajax and Cassandra, Arnold Böcklin - Heiliger Hain

> five works of cinema
I hate (((Hollywood))) but Seven Years in Tibet was good, the other 4 would be Mimi wo Sumaseba, Tonari no Totoro, Mononoke Hime and The End of Evangelion

>> No.16548518

>> five novels that inspire you
The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick

>> five philosophical works
The Gay Science
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Critique of Pure Reason

>> five composers you enjoy

>> five paintings or works of art
Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits
Goya, Witches’ Sabbath
Munch’s Sunrise
Ensor’s Christ’s Entry into Brussel’s
Derain’s Bridge Over the Rieu

>> five works of cinema
Seventh Seal
Eyes Wide Shut
The Godfather
The Idiots

>> No.16548587
File: 35 KB, 660x400, 0E996FE9-B208-4C8A-9958-5C23B626627E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ham and Rye
> the stranger
> A sometimes Great Notion
> Christ in Concrete
> On the Road

> Anti Oedipus ( Favorite)
> One dimensional man
> The Myth of Sisyphus
> The Anti Christ and Spinoza’s Ethics
> A translation of mainlander

> There will be blood
> John dies in the end
> No country for Old men
> A serious man
> Dr Strangelove

>> No.16549106

I read Meditations and Seneca
does modern music count
i like Roman sculptures alot
dont care

>> No.16549142

>five novels that inspire you
no longer human
how money works
the instant economist
the politics
> five philosophical works
everything by jordan peterson and zizek
>five composers you enjoy
hans zimmer, john williams, borodin, bach, tchaikovski
> five painting or works of art
le monalise, hagia sophia, romero britto, the birth of adam

>> No.16549193

Harry potter 1, harry potter 2, the list goes on.

>> No.16549262

Pseud confirmed

>> No.16549401

The Bible and nothing else
I don't need philosophy when I have God on my side
Soundtrack of Son of God and Passion of Christ and nothing else
The Last Supper and nothing else
The Passion of Christ and nothing else

>> No.16549440

based christpseud

>> No.16549465

I too visit Reddit.

>> No.16549496

Fast, cheap, good - pick two (my business motto)

The present is eternal (heard on radio while at sea)

They’re laconic and I got more but I’m at work and break has been over for a few minutes now so I gotta quit procrastinating on here

>> No.16549504

And as far as artwork goes I’ve posted a few of my own paintings on here in the past

None of this is to prove anything about myself but to defend the board that not everyone who comes here is an empty shell

>> No.16549592

peru, zimzum, lolita, naked lunch, miss lonelyhearts
call me what u want, most of it is semantic snake oil. skepticism and aestheticism in i guess
charles mingus, brian wilson, bela bartok, stravinsky, charles ives
hr giger - necronom, john martin - the destruction, bruce pennington - the heaven makers, pieter bruegel - the great tower of babel, dunno - hanging gardens of babylon
lolita, brazil, 12 monkeys, alien, indiana jones trilogy

>> No.16549622


>> No.16549653

> Matt Christman viewer

>> No.16549780

is that a complement or an insult

>> No.16549865

>five novels that inspire you
That Hideous Strength
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>five philosophical works
>five composers you enjoy
Bernard Parmegiani
Luc Ferrari
>five paintings or works of art
Don't give a fuck about painting or works of art.
>five works of cinema
Don't watch (((cinema)))

>> No.16549888

>prove you arent a pseud

>> No.16549966


>> No.16549983

Here are my top five movies

The iron giant
Homeward bound
Uncle Buck
Friday Night Lights

>> No.16550154

Late spring is a good film; its the only movie close to art that I watched (since I don't watch cinema as art very often). I haven't watched the other ones in the series. have you?

>> No.16550170

Level with me man, the master was awful. I couldnt finish that garbage.

>> No.16550192

Dude I bet you wrote the synthesis of the objective and the subjective or whatever that crap was... are you an accidental genius then?? I showed that yo my gf and we had a good laugh.

>> No.16550226

> five novels that inspire you
red and black, moby-dick, dead souls, americana, and look homeward, angel
> five philosophical works
will and representation, the republic, understanding media, PoS, and Critique of pure reason
> five composers you enjoy
Tchaikovsky, rackimanov, debussy, chopin, and payne
> five paintings or works of art
demidoff table, graveyard of tyrol, regulus, dürer's horsemen of death, and garden of delight
> five works of cinema
the sacrifice, ikiru, belle de jour, extirminating angel, and tenet

>> No.16550391
File: 267 KB, 1584x890, C7CEB232-0D4D-4937-8875-CF79DBAC4FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Magic Mountain, Anna Karenina, 100 Years of Solitude, Outlaws of the Marsh, Lolita
>philosophical works
The Concept of the Political, Leviathan, Either/Or, Capital, After Virtue
Chopin, Hunter Hunt-Hendrix (rip, fell for the tranny meme), Hildegard von Bingen, Guo Chuwang, Aaron Funk
>works of art
Jomon period clay doll, Sanxindui bronze figures, Goya’s black paintings (all), 100 views of Mt. Fuji, View of Dresden by Moonlight
Throne of Blood (Kurosawa), Taxi Driver, Stalker (Tarkovsky), Ghost in the Shell (Oshii), Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

>> No.16550624

>5 novels that inspire you
Ulysses; Absalom, Absalom!; Madame Bovary; The Dream Of The Read Chamber; Men And Women
>five philosophical works
On The Nature Of Things; The Critique Of Pure Reason; The Phenomenology of Spirit (+The Science Of Logic as a complement); Sartor Resartus; Being And Time
>five composers you enjoy
Bach; Mozart; Beethoven; Vivaldi; Tchaikovsky
>five paintings or works of art
The Third Of May 1808 (Goya); The Scream (Munch); The Birth Of Venus (Dali); The Kiss (Klimt); Guernica (Picasso); The Starry Night (Van Gogh); Shot Marilyns (Warhol)
>five works of cinema
The Turin Horse (Tarr); 8 & 1/2 (Fellini); Barry Lyndon (Kubrick); Birth Of A Nation (Griffith); Solaris (Tarkovsky)
full disclosure, it did take a bit longer than 45 seconds. all legit tho

>> No.16550632

>The Dream Of The Read Chamber
*Red Chamber (Xueqin)

>> No.16550712

Hahaha, fuck off...
Why is the majority of posts claiming to only like classic works? The posts itt claim to like the same things more or less. Either you're a hive mind or you like what you think you're expected to like to appear "cultured".
Try to broaden your horizons a bit.

>> No.16550738

>my twisted world
high intellectualism confirmed

>> No.16550757

We should count up all the responses and make a chart based off this thread.

>> No.16550784

what would you recommend?

>> No.16550844

Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable, Gravity's Rainbow, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Republic, Literature and Revolution, Phenomenology of Spirit, Critique of Judgment, Ego and Its Own
Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Brahms, Bach, Beethoven
Alien, Of Mice and Men, Touch of Evil, The Killing, O Brother Where Art Thou?

>> No.16550865

> Harry Potter books 1-5
> The 5 guenon threads that are posted weekly
> SymaG, S!N, まふまふ, Hatsune Miku, nqrse
> Untitled piece 1, untitled piece 2, untitled piece 5, untilted piece 8, blue poles
> Matrix, Cuties, Transformers, Tarzan 2016, Avatar the Last Airbender (live action)

>> No.16550869

Forgot this
Bouguereau's "Homer", Goya's "Saturn", Picasso's "The Bull", Dali's "The Persistence of Memory", Bacon's "Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion"

>> No.16550905

pretty based imo

>> No.16550978

>prove you’re not an anti-intellectual culturelet
i don't give a shit if I am. blow it out you're ass

>> No.16550996

A really good recent book is Apeirogon by Colum McCann

>> No.16551307
File: 458 KB, 2986x913, novellas top five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you ask after novellas, the most based form?

>> No.16551321

90% can be answered with Richard Wagner, the remained with works based on him.

E voila.

>> No.16551342

Wagner's pompous little-r romanticism is for fascist untermenschen

>> No.16551471

Nonsense. The very opinion is 'hiveminded' you fucking moron.

>> No.16551505

idk anon im retarded asf
>> five novels that inspire you
idk uhhhhhhh fear and loathing in las vegas
all quiet on western front
idk any other books
all quiet on western front?
heart of darkness?
star wars dark empire?
>> five philosophical works
idk the republic
uh the bell curve
ride the tiger
the us constitution
mein kampf
>> five composers you enjoy
idk any composers so im just gonna list some

>> five paintings or works of art
idk fucking those dancers at the moulin rouge by that midget frenchie
fuckin uhhhh manet's mountains or something
impressionist sunrise
uhhhhh the thinker
uhhhhhhh idk van gogh's starry knights
uhhhhhhhh maybe liberty leading the people by eugune delacroix
>> five works of cinema
the shining
the 400 blows
no country for old men
birth of a nation
gone with the wind

>> No.16551510

weeb lol

>> No.16551679

making lists is the definition of brainlet

>> No.16551691
File: 572 KB, 980x653, Eminem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be a fuckin joke