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16540109 No.16540109 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to believe that Spengler or Evola are right and that modern civilisation will come to an end on its own and just stop existing, but I find it very hard to believe in.
Forcibly destroying modern civilisation also sounds like an impossibility to me.
At the same time I really hate modern civilisation and would rather live in the stone age.
Books to cope with that feel?

>> No.16540203

>I’m an incel, therefore no one should be able to enjoy clean running water

>> No.16540237

I'm not an incel, I have a girlfriend. I hate modern civilisation because I see what it's doing to the people around me.
Now stop projecting.

>> No.16540240

Also, if anything modern civilisation has created less clean water.

>> No.16540254

Ancient Egypt ran an Empire for millennia on unfiltered Nile water. I imagine you just fucking die in a week if you drink from it now.

>> No.16540460

>Ancient Egypt
>not civilization

>> No.16540468

T. Never read Spengler

>> No.16540469

Work on your reading competition buddy

>> No.16540472

>modern civilisation

>> No.16540474


>> No.16540646

Civilisation as we see it will come to an end, but a complete reversal into the stone age is highly unlikely.
What is more likely is a reversal to a medieval standard of living and technology.

>> No.16540673

What makes you think that that's likely to happen?
I honestly think it's more likely that mankind will either kill itself completely by destroying the earth or modernity will continue more and more until mankind is immortal or replaces itself (e.g. AI).

>> No.16540720


i'm not an incel, but i agree with this sentiment all the same

>> No.16540728

Dramatic changes to the climate, either man-made or natural.
The drop in IQ worldwide due to dysgenic conditions, the average IQ in the West is projected to be on par with the 1400s by 2100.
These two things will increase the strain on resources whilst preventing us from finding a solution, therefore fuelling wars and disease.
Eventually the governments will be unable to keep the lights on, let alone provide a stable source of food.
Panicking nation states will lash out at each other over to keep running for a few more years.
And wouldn't you know it another collapse on par with the Bronze Age collapse.

But like the Bronze age collapse civilisation will survive and humanity will keep its inexorable march until the world ends.

>> No.16540739
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Live now, it's your only chance to live and you have to make it count, any escapism or evasion is your greatest enemy and those behaviours should be stamped out of your life. The stone age and everything after it has given you what you should need to express your specific Dharma, which mandates you to be born now instead of earlier or later.

I think more or less when followed all the at Spengler makes people into contemplative pessimists and Evola can make people into Confident Warriors.

They both get it though, just from different angles. Evola seeing it through dying culture because of spiritual degeneration, and Spengler seeing spirituality as a component within broader culture which always declines, but everything else they explain to us is almost identical.

>> No.16540742

All the way*

>> No.16540890

I have known nothing but escapism since the moment I was born

>> No.16541863
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Revisit Ride the Tiger
Also, check out Capitalist Realism

I'll float back here in a few days and see what you come up with

>> No.16541867

>the coping virgin enters the thread

>> No.16541894

This is never, ever going to happen. The technological revolution is irreversible.

>> No.16541937

Based, came here to post this