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File: 70 KB, 512x356, Parsifal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16539550 No.16539550 [Reply] [Original]


>The third act opens with a grave orchestral prelude the subtle chromaticism of which are a foretaste of a harmony, throughout the act, the like of which had not been known in music until then, even in the work of such a master of chromatic nuance as Wagner: in some places it marks an advance upon Tristan in this field as great as Tristan--which is the great dividing line between the older harmony and the new--had been upon the Rhinegold and the Valkyrie.
>The prelude covers, in its own purely musical way, the weary years that have elapsed between Parsifal's regaining of the Spear, the origin, the properties and the appointed function of which he now knows, and his arrival once more, all unaware of it, in the domain of the Grail, which Kundry had told him jeeringly he, the youthful Fool, would never find again. (According to the legend it is of the essence of the Grail that he who seeks for it can never find it: he must be led to it by the Grail itself at the Grail's own time). Parsifal has wandered far in these years, been engaged in many battles and beset by difficulties and racked by self-doubts of all kinds; but always with the one great purpose of pity burning within him, some day to light upon the castle of the Grail again and heal Amfortas with a touch of the Spear that had dealt him his wound.

>> No.16539765


>> No.16539877

A history of rock music — Piero Scaruffi

>> No.16539997

I said music, not jungle drums.

>> No.16540049

Here you go anon just use this site and check goodreads or Amazon reviews

>> No.16540053


>> No.16540104

Thanks bunches anon, I was just joking so I do appreciate the rock music rec.

This website's pretty cool.

>> No.16540171

History of western music by Grout

>> No.16540613

Haven't read it yet but maybe check out Scruton's Music as an art.

>> No.16540664

just talk to a student of music (from an actually good school and who isn't a simple diversity applicant) and realize that what you seek in music can as easily be found in any form of music and only autistic hyperscrutinizing morons actually are elitist about music because they lack any soul or actual connection to "music" that isn't composed in some vain methodological original manner.

The reason you like Wagner is not why students of music like wagner, but your liking to his music is closer to niggers liking trap-rap than it is close to those (interesting but) pretentious faggots.

>> No.16541370

Will do anon, been meaning to check out his works for a while now. I'll read it after one of his more general works.

>> No.16541390

I think you may be exaggerating the effect the study of music can have over the natural feeling of it. But I agree with your sentiment. Nevertheless you can appreciate Wagner a lot more if you understand the complexities of music, which is not necessarily dry pretentiousness as if separate from all feeling. Any real complexity is quite the opposite--; that is why I regard Schoenberg as a very simple composer.

I'll see if I can find a good student of music to talk with.

>> No.16541481

t. ethnomusicologist

>Ummm actually? Rap music and the sounds of an AIDS patient banging on sheet metal are just as virtuous as Schubert? Ummmm are you a racist or something? Lol.... You don't even know about *regurgitates some half-remembered bullshit line from gay jew music professor about how there's more melodic variety in heroin addict jazz noise Sounds of the New York Subway gay jew's transgressive LGBTQP+ album from 1972 than the entire corpus of haydn*? Read a book chud :) Fuck this website lol you incels are so pathetic


>> No.16541520

I think he meant that Wagner speaks to the occidental consciousness, like boombamboom rap speaks to the African one

>> No.16541546

Not him, but it's still silly to suppose boombamboom rap could be considered equal to Beethoven.

>> No.16541551 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 1363x1129, pepe doesn't understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wagner called Kundry's baptism "the fines thing I have ever done"
Was he right?

>> No.16541557
File: 325 KB, 1363x1129, pepe doesn't understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wagner called Kundry's baptism "the finest thing I have ever done"
Was he right?