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/lit/ - Literature

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16538468 No.16538468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>So anon, what kind of books do you read?

>> No.16538481
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Books by Gustavo Bueno, Jesús G. Maestro, Miguel de Cervantes, that kind of stuff

>> No.16538486
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Begone, syphilitic whore!

>> No.16538490
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>Books? Why are you asking me that while I have you tied up in my secret cellar? Hold still, this is gonna hurt a little...

>> No.16538492

is coffee good for you?

>> No.16538495

Mein kampf. Tell this to every girl i engage with they either dont care or are interested and ask me to explain it to them.

>> No.16538503

literary fiction, especially early 20th century American fiction and mid-19th century Russian fiction. Also like the short stories of mid-20th century Americans and the novels of Michel Houellebecq.

I also have a love of essays dealing with historical, literary, and political topics, especially those by Christopher Hitchens, David Foster Wallace, and Noam Chomsky. Lately, too, I've found myself exploring Christian apologetics and modern papal theology, though this is a less stable interest than the other topics I mentioned. What about you?

>> No.16538511


>> No.16538513

You're manchild still in the edgy phase if you give this answer

>> No.16538531
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>I just finished reading The Iliad, it was epic. I'm now reading The Odyssey, it's also epic.

>> No.16538587
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> t.

>> No.16538596

What do you read, anon?

>> No.16538602
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>20th century American fiction

>> No.16538609

I read the divine logos as transmitted through the existential HUM

>> No.16538611

Yes. Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Jack London...

>> No.16538612
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occult nonfiction and magical realism

>> No.16538616

you are not funny

>> No.16538626

I'm not trying to be funny, I'm answering the question. I just finished the Iliad, loved it, and am now reading the Odyssey. Why so sensitive sweetie?

>> No.16538648
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What a fucking fag

>> No.16538659

just pretend you're a normie
>a little of everything haha wbu?

>> No.16538661 [DELETED] 

holy based anon

check this out


people unironically waste all their time on fiction books instead of gathering knowledge about the world and hidden truths out there, i envy you anon

>> No.16538670

Shittiest newtrip yet, filtered

>> No.16538672
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quiet retard

>> No.16538681

>Shittiest newtrip yet, filtered
I said I like Homer LMAO. Redditors will get set off at anything.

>> No.16538872
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I don't read books, I just filter nutrients and ocasionally produce clouds of sperm

>> No.16539064


>> No.16539086

Has anyone noticed Gigachad posts are so heavily correlated to Don Quixote references?

(Rightfully so)

>> No.16539091

you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.16539103


>> No.16539112


>> No.16539121


>> No.16539125


>> No.16539136


>> No.16539137


>> No.16539141



>> No.16539335

Ancient Greek and Latin literature, philosophy and history mostly, I want to look into Ancient Near Eastern lit though. The only modern authors I like to read are Shestov, Jünger, Melville and William Blake.

>> No.16539343

No one ever asks me what I read.......

>> No.16539426
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Exclusively and repeatedly Lolita.

>> No.16539573

I only read Kafka

>> No.16539745


>> No.16539753

Whatever peaks my interest. Just ordered a copy of Stranger in a Strange Land and Medea(Norton Critical Edition)

>> No.16539762

God I want to fuck an indie kit babe so bad, I don't care about the pleasure or conquest of sex, I just want to spread my seed through an attractive, reasonably well read mate. I didn't used to be like this. I wasn't horny, I didn't lust for women, but now I just want to steal their beauty and make it mine.

>> No.16539763

Just sort of old stuff and that

>> No.16539775

Fuck me

>> No.16539779

Commie books

>> No.16539814
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>Don't listen to her anon, I just want to make you food and be your wife. Women should just read cookbook's and designs magazines haha.

>> No.16539821

genre fiction and 4channel (formerly chan)

>> No.16539865
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i just finished Eugene Onegin and now i'm reading A Hero of Our Time. Looking for recommendations on other good Russian literature if you have any. So far I have this on my goodreads, some of which i've already read but intend to reread:
>The Lower Depths
>Heart of a Dog
>The Master and the Margarita
>Doctor Zhivago

>> No.16539870

The kind whose threads get pruned.

>> No.16539878

Well I assume you know about Dead Souls, Fathers & Sons, C&P, W&P?

>> No.16539883

Read the short stories of Pushkin, Gogol, and Chekhov

>> No.16539884

On what level do you need to be to notice something like this

>> No.16539885
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Correct answer

>> No.16539970

Yes, been meaning to get around to War and Peace but it's so fuckin long.
Haven't read C&P yet but I have read Notes From Underground and liked it.
I added Dead Souls and Fathers and Sons to the thing on goodreads, thx
I will

>> No.16539974

If W&P is too long then try Anna Karenina

>> No.16539976

She's read all of Harry Potter several times, incel trad-LARPer

>> No.16539984

>it's so fuckin long
How is this an issue? Do you read just to mark it completed on Goodreads, or something?

>> No.16539989
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>> No.16539994

I guess the size is just intimidating anon, no other reason.

>> No.16540024
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how's the gut-loss going, fatso?

>> No.16540035


>> No.16540084

None of your business. Who are you anyway?

>> No.16540090
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The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler. Ever heard of him? You wouldn't understand it.

>> No.16540408

you know, like, Stoner stuff

>> No.16540418

Particularmente basado y rojapillado

>> No.16540421

Women asking questions in the presence of men is stepping out of line so the only thing she will get is a smack across the face.

>> No.16540422
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"On Women" from the "Studies in Pessimism" by the divine Arthur Schopenhauer (pbuh)

>> No.16540455

unironically based

>> No.16540645

never reveal your power level

>> No.16540656

Recently finished Serre's Course in Arithmetic. Right now I'm reading Hall's book on Lie Groups.
What about you?

>> No.16540672
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You mean the asd spectrum, or another type of level

>> No.16540691

Korolenko "The Murmuring Forrest"

>> No.16540725

Oh, lots. We can go back to my place and I'll show you my bookshelf.

>> No.16540729

All I want is a gf who looks like her. Why even live?

>> No.16540738

I always respond Memoirs of a Madman, just to show off my french pronounciation of "memoirs".
They be wet every time.

>> No.16540796

Adventure stories, but really good ones.

>> No.16540824

Wow anon I'm sure every woman would fall to her knees asking you to show her your library and to fuck her after you give her that answer

>> No.16540898
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get the fuck away from me you vagina possessed creature!
now that you are 2 meters away from me and you broke the eye contact I will shall answer your question
I study the ancient art of wizardry
>completely slipped the greeks, too positive
>started with nietzsche; continued with Camus Bukowski and Cioran
>researched personality disorders in order to fully master my powers
>read a book or two on AI, my future comrade
>some stephen hawking in my youth, completely abandoned science because I came to the realization that I'm wasting my mental capacity since I don't have the funds for any experiments
I've already exhausted my social stamina for the next 1 year

>> No.16540909

Lolita, every day, every year. And loli porn.