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16538355 No.16538355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>grew up being taught rationalism
>grew up being taught atheism
>grew up being taught the slave morality
>grew up being taught liberalism
>grew up being taught anti-elitism
>grew up being over-socialised
How do you deal with being raised in a modern Anglo culture? Almost everything my culture gave me was a lie, a culture is supposed to prime you with the profound truths of life but I was given sewage instead. My solution is to become a recluse and immerse myself in the Greeks and lifting while browsing 4chan to desocialise myself, what’s yours?

>> No.16538391

What is over-socialization? I am a spic.

>> No.16538403
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>he thinks browsing 4chan is going to prime him with the profound truths of life

>> No.16538413

read Ted
you'll never find an answer OP. we were robbed of both nationalism and religion. we were robbed of the mysteries of reality. we were explained everything we didn't need to know. it was all laid before us, nothing to discover, nothing to learn. every generation preceding us had a belonging that we will never know or understand. it was taken from the world and will never be seen again. if you figure out what to do, or how to fix it, write a book about it. i'd read it, because i'd also like to know.

>> No.16538431
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lol don't listen to this fag
partly listen to this fag

read Nietzsche's Beyond good and evil, I assume you've already read ISAIF.

and just live in real life, but read BGE first

>> No.16538437

rationalism is superior to empiricism

>> No.16538438

Also don't isolate yourself, life is partly about being social. Being social doesn't mean you get oversocialized as long as you have awareness, know your Nietzsche and your history. Have friends.

>> No.16538470

At least you were not over-socialized inside the church and adoring aristrocratic figures. Thats more of a slave than what I think you are.

>> No.16538475

I don't think he's speaking of the rationalism of 17th century philosophy. Rather the modern definition.

You're correct though based anon.

>> No.16538478
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Me? I love anglo culture and wish to further the liberal project. Why anyone would rather be surrounded by slaves than peers is beyond me. Sharing in the fruits of rationalism and understanding as society progresses, what could be better? We may have erred slightly from that path of late, but I'm confident that the ship of state can be righted and we can sail froward to our enlightened age.

>> No.16538491

this, dont be a blackpilled fag

>> No.16538497

Kys lib

OP read Marx

>> No.16538501

And irrationalism is superior to both

>> No.16538515

Yet how can we sneed?

>> No.16538524

Literally worse than a Dirlewanger-style Nazi.

>> No.16538543
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>> No.16538598
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I sympathize OP.

>be black American
>the culture is spiritually desolate, emasculated, and prostituted by Jews, forever caught in a passive victim loop with no real yearning for inner power and determination
>this nation was never meant for us, people will despise us no matter what we do
>we are indeed as the continental Africans describe us, "cats without a home"

The only place to turn is to the spirit - the truth behind all things, for all things are sure to fade away. The world has no answers for a man who refuses to be fed its lies.

>> No.16538614
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You've got Sun Ra

>> No.16538651

It must be much worse being Black American, you have to put up with Anglo culture as well as having your identity be a tool used by white politics to suit their ideologies. I’ve always thought there was a subtle element of heroism in thug culture though underneath all the common low IQ chimping and the materialism

>> No.16538675

Serious question what do you think about virtue signaling white people?

>> No.16538687

I plan on killing myself sometime this winter

>> No.16538698
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>I’ve always thought there was a subtle element of heroism in thug culture though underneath all the common low IQ chimping and the materialism
There is. It's one of the few expressions of our desire to be active, virile beings that remains permissible by (((them))); and naturally it's in the lowest form possible.

American blacks can never truly buy into mainstream American culture because we know that we don't truly belong here, which means we have a subtle backdoor that allows us to escape the most common illusions, but actually using that backdoor for positive ends means upsetting the fabric of this tapestry of lies, so (((they))) constantly try to keep us in a state of frustration and hostility, meaning all that kinetic energy goes to waste.

>> No.16538724

They're disgusting, but at the same time they're caught in the me like everyone else. It's very true that the treatment of black Americans remains white America's "original sin", which they try to make up for, or ignore, in all kinds of fanciful ways.

It's not a battle anyone can win. Nobody will be satisfied until they feel like they have to other one subdued. One has to leave that game entirely and focus on the one thing needful.

>> No.16538807

become a quixote. reject wageslavery, reject trying to impress a bunch of hedonist, boring midwits hanging onto youth, reject money, reject pointless posturing with money, reject this stupid framework of mental chains born of insecurity. be passionate, love life and love God, and aim always to inspire that love in others by caring about them but not giving a shit about what they think.

>> No.16540163

I want to know too, what is oversocialisation? I will not read your meme author.

>> No.16540170

kill yourself retard.

>> No.16540200

>One especially interesting concept he discussed was that of “over-socialization”, which he defined as the condition wherein moral codes and social norms are so well-internalized into members of society, to the point that attempting to think, feel and act against social expectations impose a severe psychological burden. He further argued that over-socialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, and guilt.

>> No.16540228

Take your meds.

So it's just another word for slave morality.

>> No.16540231

>grow up in Eastern Germany
>everyone is a nihilistic materialist subconsciously even if they don't know what it means
>80% atheism rate

>> No.16540235

>So it's just another word for slave morality.
no. read the fucking book dumbass.

>> No.16540258

>read Ted

Why? You get the exact same effect if you read Foucault and Agamben, with the added bonus of not having to defend the value of his thought because he’s a murderer, plus his naive morality littered throughout.

>> No.16540447

>doesn't read Ted because >muh murderer
>complains about his writings being moralistic
I'm not even a Tedfag but you're a subhuman

>> No.16540459


>> No.16540506

it's like dismissing Schopenhauer because of his women essay: an easy way out of an uncomfortable truth. The world is saved without having to engage with the text, hurray.

>> No.16540584

He is moralistic. His whole critique is undergirded by good/bad distinctions. Just because he killed people doesn’t mean he wasn’t motivated by morality - but his morality has to be judged on his own standards. My point is that what’s the point to subscribe to ted in particular? If you believe in the ideas that he promotes and want to disseminate those ideas, they are echoed in the work of Foucault and Agamben, without the added baggage. The only reason to hold onto Ted is because of a cult of personality.