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16537887 No.16537887 [Reply] [Original]

>his last words—Socrates said: Crito, I owe a rooster to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt? The debt shall be paid, said Crito; is there anything else? There was no answer to this question.

hold me bros...

>> No.16537932

A friend of mine actually (unironically) cried when we read that book (phaidon) in a small reading group.

>> No.16537935


>> No.16537953

lol no. its 2 other guys, one anorexic and the other is from foreign country who always gets rejected by every girl and thinks he is the reincarnation of an 18th century poet, and I am master top lane in League.

>> No.16537971

>... he then retired to the hills to write his memoirs under the pseudonym Platon

>> No.16537979

my grandma before she died told me to take care of her orange tree

>> No.16537997

im sorry man, i hope she is in a better place rn and i also hope you did what she told you to do

>> No.16538114

i did, it wasn't that hard though

>> No.16538163
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>Give my cock to Asclepius when I die lmaooo fugggg :DDDDD

>> No.16538191

i unironically though at first that socrates pulled a fucking joke for his last words

>> No.16538199

kill yourself

>> No.16538230

He was, Roosters have been called cocks for a very long time (since they are both the first thing to rise in the morning).

>> No.16538257

>tfw I lived with gma for 6 years after gpa died
>get close with her
>she faked dementia around people she didn’t like, including family members
>bought me alcohol when I was underage
>taught me a lot about a lot. Based silent generation
>became best of friends
>she played vidya with me and gave me her Easton Press collection
>gave me first edition copies of 2 years before the mast, house of 7 gables, etc.
>knew she was dying
>”anon, I’m not going to be around much longer. Take whatever you want before the vultures come.”
>very wealthy
>my desk is a $10k henredon
>tfw on her death bed she told everyone in the family she loved them
>tfw she pulled me in close and said “take over the family business. It needs you”
>last thing she said to anyone in waking life
>4 years of blood sweat and tears as well as a destroyed relationship
>tfw covid lockdowns destroyed my family’s business, my future, and forced me to break my promise to gma
I tried grandma. Goddamn I tried.

>> No.16538261

>top lane main
based groomer

>> No.16538265
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>Try to raise the divine in yourselves to the divine in the All

>> No.16538274

i always cry when i read plato

>> No.16538278

it was out of your hands anon you didn't break it, you did a good job in those 4 years. whenever the rona is done, get back to it and i know you can do it.

>> No.16538828
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>> No.16539818

Based fren.

>> No.16539832

He was, the joke was that he's finally being cured from life.

>> No.16539908

Me and my friend Paul were making fun of the spanish kids with velcro shoes in 7th grade shop class and next thing I know the loudspeaker goes off and has the guidance counselor on ittelling me to report to the office, I go in and my uncle Darrell who I havent seen since I was a toddler was standing there with this look of emptiness and shit. “Get in the car dude,” he said and I am thinking the worst has happened. Well I ask what was wrong and he just looked at me and said, “Layne OD’d,” and I asked him who the fuck that was. He took out a cassette and popped it in the tape deck, cranked the volume up, and passed me a joint even though he knew I never smoked before. We took off and Alice in Chains – The Rooster played all the way thru, we were both stoned silent the whole time and my mind was completelyblown. “That singer is dead now man,” and from there on out I have just had this insane outlook on life.

>> No.16540192

Well fuck, my bad. It was ignorance of me for not knowing who Asclepius is.
Now I don't know if I should laugh or cry after knowing it was actually a joke lmao...

>> No.16540195

Lol what a fag

>> No.16540210

Truly wholesome anon. You are a caring soul

>> No.16540277

It wasn't a fucking joke.

>> No.16540284

Yes yes yes sorry anon i just woke up and confused as fuck
He meant he was cured from life thus sacrificing a cock to Asclepius

>> No.16540308
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>philosophy is just a preparation for death
Oh yeah? Hold still you faggot lmao

>> No.16540328
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rank the dialogues by relevance and influence right fucking now

>> No.16540336

Don't worry, brother those responsible for the lockdown will be made to pay somehow, stay strong!

>> No.16540339

It was a joke, but of course it was also a sincere reflection on his last moments.

>> No.16540342

Fuck infleunce, but

1. Parmenides
2. Sophist
3. Timaeus
4. Phaedrus
5. Theaetetus/Philebus

>> No.16541286

Oh yeah anon i understand what he meant now

>> No.16541469

I don't get what's so sad here
Seems he has nothing left to say, his life is complete

>> No.16541471

desu you can't divorce Theaetetus from Sophist, they are one Dialogue.

>> No.16541507

The biggest cringe by Socrates.