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16537012 No.16537012 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, this two motherfuckers are literally the new Marx and Engels of the 21th century. How anybody is not talking about it? They solved the fucking economic calculation problem and eternally BTFOd Austrian economics just in a book and a few papers.

>> No.16537018
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Based and Cockshott pilled

>> No.16537053
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Capitalism vs socialism is so 19th century, try technological society vs atechnological society

>> No.16537071

Ellulpill me

>> No.16537112

I'm a little drunk, start with Technological Society it's really easy to get into once you comprehend his definition of technique which includes stuff like managerial organization among more obvious things like machines

>> No.16537115

Nigga shut up who gives a fuck about economics

>> No.16537157
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Yes, but you underestimate the power of the purposefully ignorant.

Low tech capitalism is just as destructive. End state-capitalism and the ecological disaster can be addressed. End technology and it won’t

Someone was telling me it isn’t exactly Liddite-ism, but he still retreats to Catholicism

Your lords and masters care a great deal

>> No.16537177

>low tech capitalism
Who said anything about capitalism lmao? We're building a low tech anarchist society and BTW there probably won't be enough resources for your hormonal therapy so you better learn some useful survival skill if you want to remain alive butterfag

>> No.16537206


>> No.16537210
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I don't like you, Butterfly. Why do you pose as an insufferable anarkiddie if you supposedly have read Cockshott and Cottrell?

>> No.16537245

>They solved the fucking economic calculation problem
Doubt, but TLDR?

>> No.16537359
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Blessed thread, read cockshott

Imagine being so deluded to not care about our socio-economic reality where 6 people own the same amount of wealth of the bottom 4 billion. Capitalism is working fine, it's a system that divides the world into two broad classes.

Please read Lenin butterfly, you're too naive and scared about the 'authoritarian communist' boogeyman. You're based, but you could be a little more based if you would understand that capitalists aren't gonna let you build your socialism without interfering.

Clearly you haven't analyzed the material reality enough.

>> No.16537400

>Still threatened at the thought a woman posts here

You saying anarchists can’t use non accumulative currency? You don’t need a state to write up an app. And besides, it’s a training wheel system for a moneyless economy.

The boogeyman that set the movement back over a hundred years. Now we’re at the end of the line and we have to have it all pretty much now, and you still wanna take the US into a China like state centralized capitalist system so we can promise communism in another couple of generation’s time THAT WE DONT HAVE

>> No.16537408


>> No.16537424


>> No.16537433

I am thinking you might still be full of anti-communist propaganda butterfly. Tbh, I'm not a Dengist and I do think china should be doing better.
But seriously what is your path towards socialism?

>> No.16537451

But I don’t want to dismiss you so casually. Hope you’re having a nice day.
>if you would understand that capitalists aren't gonna let you build your socialism without interfering.
We need a mass movement that convinces a majority to get on board. Establishing an authoritarian government and forcing people is only going to make them angry. Do gut the State Department, Pentagon etc. Do put the wealthy in small home house arrest to await trials, but do not slaughter the socialists. Allow them their freedoms.

>> No.16537495

>You saying anarchists can’t use non accumulative currency?
What I'm saying is that you didn't understand a single word of the book you are advoting for. Read Marx.

>> No.16537514

>They solved the fucking economic calculation problem and eternally BTFOd Austrian economics just in a book and a few papers.
how will the austrian economists running the world ever recover?

>> No.16537522

Do you think Butterfly will ever become a good thinker? Is it even possible? That is actually a terrifying thought. Imagine being stuck in that neurobiology. No escape.

>> No.16537523
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>do not slaughter the socialists
why would we do that?
Look killing is way too charitable, I agree put people into jails or gulags by a fair trial. What did the USSR do wrong? It wasn't that authoritarian, pic related.

>> No.16537531
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>> No.16537532

Explain this diagram

>> No.16537535

Democracy in the USSR

>> No.16537569

better or worse?

>> No.16537582
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Better than bourgeoisie electoralism

>> No.16537601

ok now explain how purges and secret police fit into this

>> No.16537611
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You’ve read it most recently, yes? Tell me what concerns you about my understanding of it.

Historical precedent. And the fact that federal spooks will infiltrate and attempt to divide and conquer till they’re the new state with your yellow star mask.

>> No.16537614
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>You read Cockshott too?

>> No.16537620

Paranoia about counter revolutionaries

>> No.16537624

Anon, how did you find out about this book? I'd never seen it posted here before I posted it a few months back...

>> No.16537626

>You saying anarchists can’t use non accumulative currency?
Lol the state of leftoids

>> No.16537631

/leftypol/ loves cockshott and discuss him all the time

>> No.16537632

We shill it on Bunkerchan in every thread

>> No.16537639
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Please come back to /leftypol/ butterfly.

>> No.16537651

It plainly says currency. Cockshott isn’t making a case for money. It’s more of a coupon. It earned for time worked, spent in a timely manner or it expires, can’t be stolen because it’s just for you, gets canceled out at the establishment accepting it. No banks, no debts. It isn’t money.

>> No.16537663

You're just an idealist butterfly.

>> No.16537667

If this system was so beneficial for the everyman, why were there so many counter revolutionaries?

>> No.16537670

Ok so you're talking about a labor voucher

>> No.16537684
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I’m thinking realistically. The establishment of a “socialist” will be infiltrated by reactionary elements. And there’s no way to root it out.
A series of direct democratic neighborhoods will have to have a super-majority of reactionaries in every neighborhood in order to have the same effect.
Which makes impossible a reactionary takeover

>> No.16537685

Kulaks were large landowners and they didn't like that they couldn't exploit poorer farmers anymore

>> No.16537694
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Their grandparents worked the hardest and bought up all the land though ): fucking Stalin hated hard workers

>> No.16537695

>The establishment of a “socialist” STATE will be infiltrated by reactionary elements

Yes. Exactly

>> No.16537700

Surely there weren't enough kulaks post 1945 to justify purging something like 1 in 10 Soviet citizens.

>> No.16537702

>1 in 10
Holy shit is this your brain on American 'education'?

>> No.16537708

Okay, 1 in 20. We don't have exact numbers.

>> No.16537743

>Tell me what concerns you about my understanding of it.
They're materialists in the Marxian sense and explicitly advocate for a new system of central planning in Marxist-Leninistterms. Again, read Marx, Engels, Lenin and Luxemburg.

>> No.16537802

I did and I discussed with my friend the work but he didn't explain to me something and the books skips on this topic. What's going to happen to self-employed people price on whose works is determined by their popularity? Wouldn't Patreon basically create a loophole in the socialist economy and allow the future Picassos and Tolstoys (I am looking at Sakimichan right now) to accumulate enormous assets and become the new labour aristocracy with ability to bribe his way into anything due to the fact they have infinite purchasing power and non-limited access to consumer goods? They don't need to accumulate capital when the people are basically willing to give them ANY goods, essentially turning the whole art trade into barter, be it jewelry, golden ingots or even political favors. Does it not wreck the system when 20 000 people decide to donate X amount of goods each to some famous person?

>> No.16537850

you’re an old woman and I have an AR-15. your fantasy is going to stay as one.

>> No.16537902
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Butterfly what makes you think that you'll be a useful component of le communist reboultoon? Also what makes you think that you'll still be allowed to sling your dusty snatch at young cuties after [THE STATE] outlaws faggotry like they ALWAYS do. You, a middle-aged, childless, homosexual woman who wastes her time making baitposts on the Internet's autism corral, are allowed to exist because we live in the most decadent and tolerant social system in human history. You should be savouring this while it lasts, not larping about how you're going to help overthrow it.

>> No.16537927

My “fantasy” is that a last minute attempt will fail and we will go extinct in about a hundred years.
Again, I cannot this enough, you attempt to establish a vanguardist state and the reactionary and straggling imperialists (neoliberals w/e) will infiltrate it like they always do. DO NOT CENTRALIZE STATE POWER

>> No.16537934
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That is the cutest bait

>> No.16537954
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Shut up, baizuo.

>> No.16537967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16537973

Nobody is interested in your opinions about how we should structure society.

>> No.16538045
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stay in your containment chan please
economics is for fags