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/lit/ - Literature

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16536401 No.16536401 [Reply] [Original]

Recently my mother died and I want to get into reading. Something that feels natural in the real world opposed to twitter drama and stupid slang that changes every few months. How do I properly sit down and read? I've tried before but I keep having to re read things because my adhd mind is constantly thinking of other things.

>> No.16536424 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw if that matters

>> No.16536431

Have you tried reading in bad before ypu go asleep?

>> No.16536432
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why do you have to this anon :'(

>> No.16536433

i couldn't read for many years, but i bought an ereader and started pirating books, and for some reason i read all the time now

>> No.16536440

I wasn't hugged enough as a child also I am involuntarily celibate

>> No.16536445

Read when you just wake up
Delete all social media
Set a timer
Take a bath
Drink some tea

>> No.16536486

First read something that you really are interested. When I was young I didn't like to read and it wasn't till I found books that made forget about everything I began to read. When I read I didn't think about something besides the book. Start with something that catches your interest.

>> No.16536511

OP, this is a good idea as it's also how many of us boomers got into reading.

>> No.16536534

Turn off electronics when you are reading. They're cancer. Set a daily goal (start with say, 10 pages everyday) and then make it bigger and bigger. Treat it as exercise and remember to take notes, otherwise it's all just passive reading. Good luck.

>> No.16536566

congrats you just turned a pleasurable hobby into homework, jeez boy you don't have to take notes, were not all studying an English major.

>> No.16536605

I would fuck that robot.

>> No.16536919

If you're reading nonfiction or even a longer novel, yes take notes.

>> No.16537101

Start small and go as slow as you can. Set daily page goals that are so insulting you would have to have brain damage to not meet them (10 or less). Read with a pencil and mark the shit out of your books. Underline stuff you liked or thought important. Define words you don't understand in the margins. Write notes about your interpretation of the text or connections to other things.

Budget providing, start with physical books and put your phone in another room. Greater odds you don't get distracted.

In the beginning you're just trying to forge habits, so consistency is key! Do this every single day, but only as much your goals set out so you don't get discouraged. Be patient with yourself, you're doing something totally new so there are bound to be bumps.

My father died when I was 12 and getting into literature was the biggest help in dealing with that grief. Hope it does the same for you.

>> No.16537385

Read a page a day, any book that catches your eye, tastes are irrelevant when you have no lit-culture, you'll develop them on the go. Something classic or something contemporary, up to you. Just a page one day. Maybe a page some other day. Maybe two pages one day that you're feeling it. Maybe zero pages for a day. Maybe one page a day again. Just take baby steps. And most of all, try to enjoy what you're reading, hence the "choose what catches your eye". Eye through it before making a purchase though, lest you become disillusioned by a first bad experience.

Baby steps and whatever catches ur eye.

>> No.16537396

>>16537385 Here,
or maybe >>16536433 this could be a solution, if you're addicted to seeing words on a screen, as I know you are because we all are.

>> No.16537450

force yourself to read at any possible moment during the day, even if it's just a page.

>> No.16538009

get a collection of short stories (less than 10 pages, preferably less than 5) in the genre you like your movies, read one every night before bed, if you feel like reading more then do it but dont push yourself beyond the first one or itll become too much of a chore.

>> No.16538116
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Anon I'm sorry about your mum. The number one thing you can do to instantly improve your life is delete every single social media account you have. It may (or may not) sound extreme, but it's the best path forward. You are nothing more than a unit to be advertised and shilled to in the eyes of social media companies. You've got to go cold turkey full cut. Next, you need to start small when it comes to reading. If you currently have deep-fried dopamine receptors due to years of social media abuse, you're probably not going to want to jump right into Nietzsche. There are LOADS of /lit/ charts available to look through for recommendations. >>16536433 also has a good point. I love my swindle. Invest in an ereader and a good protective case if you want to start reading. It could literally save you thousands of dollars. They use e-ink so it doesn't look like a screen usually does. Looks a lot like paper and is comfy to read on. Set quotas for yourself (say, 20 pages per day) and do your best to stick to them. Reading becomes enjoyable when it becomes a natural part of your schedule. Personally I enjoy reading about 2 hours per day (as I drink my morning coffee and while I'm in bed at night). You're making a great decision, bud.
>/lit/ charts: https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Charts
>Get books here: https://b-ok.cc/
>ereader: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07HKYZMQX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
>good case:https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07JZ328ZK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

>> No.16539146

I'm sorry for your loss OP

>> No.16539155

>lost mom

read camus, 100%

>> No.16540014

Step 1 Listen to this
Step 2 Cry
I don't know what to say to comfort you anon, but take it easy.

>> No.16540111

B-but anon, the sun, see, you must know... It was too bright.

>> No.16540273

get "How To Read And Why" by Harold Bloom

>> No.16540316

Get a nice calming track on youtube such as rainfall or something to that effect. Go to your local library or bookstore and browse a bit, see if anything catches your attention and if it does get it. Take recommendations online and feel free to read the greats first, because you should start with the good stuff first. Anything will do just make sure it interests you.

>> No.16540416
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>have trouble reading
>make thread on /lit/
>get recommended a book on how to read
its all so tiresome

>> No.16540562

People learn things by doing them. You learn to read by reading. The Greeks knew it all along. It ultimately doesn't matter what you read, the process itself is important. That's why you solely should read what interests you. To have some start capital of motivation.

>> No.16541754

try >>16536431
There are no distractions in bed unless you bring your phone. It's just you and the book.

>> No.16542291

I have adhd and I've never been able to read a book my entire life

>> No.16544224

If reading brings you joy and a better understanding of yourself and the world, go right for it and don't feel embarrassed about starting with the sticky. But don't get sucked into thinking that reading, or intelligence, or being cultured, is an end in itself.

>> No.16545855
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>> No.16546402

It'll get easier the more you read. You have to basically retrain your brain to stop thinking of other things but it will come with practice and time

>> No.16546419

If you actually cut your dick off you'll kill yourself before building any semblance of an IQ

>> No.16546478

Sorry for your loss
May she rest in peace.

>> No.16546552
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Also in a similar situation with an ADHD brain. My plan is to retrain my brain for longer use and also find a purpose for reading. Just "I want to get into reading" isn't going to make it.
I found these guides on the /lit/ wiki, I'll post the other one below

>> No.16546563
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>> No.16546646
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Start Reading in the Morning; After you Wake up.
>'ve tried before but I keep having to re read things because my adhd mind is constantly thinking of other things.
Using to much your phone....haveto retrain your head to pay attention and not be Bored by the "Non-activity" of a Medium that is not interactive. I have slowly started to read in the mornings and i am getting better....I also went to just not reading any books anymore...

>Recently my mother died and I want to get into reading.
I am sorry for your loss Anon.

>> No.16546803

Find what your interested in first and foremost, if reading feels like work you're not reading the right thing. Start simple and start with something you like.

>> No.16546950

Cope I have adhd and read a fuckton as a kid and picked up the habit again in uni. Protip start working out and you’ll be able to focus ten times better, no drugs ever worked for me

>> No.16547149

Wow a wholesome /lit/ thr-...

Thanks for ruining it anon