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/lit/ - Literature

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16535652 No.16535652 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading /lit/?
Pic related for me

>> No.16535693

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Treasure Island

>> No.16535705
File: 157 KB, 772x999, master-copy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-reading Don Quixote for the first time, going to start on the third part of part one as soon as I post this, and yeh its good yeh.

>> No.16535841


>> No.16535867

*another shekel in OP's pocket for posting this meme*

>> No.16535883
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>> No.16535893

East of Eden

>> No.16535916
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x2268, 20201008_154026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating which to read now. I was reading some of Lolita to get back into the habit of reading since I haven't read anything since February

>> No.16535935
File: 30 KB, 323x499, inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im absolutely loving it

>> No.16535945

I like to think it's Jesus Gay Maestro himself who's self promoting.

>> No.16535951

what is this anon? I keep seeing this image posted

Blood meridian is the only one ive read on that stack and i love it. Actually raises some great spiritual questions if you are into that kind of thing

>> No.16536830

>what is this anon?
Book written by Q from The Book Club. Is just a meme.

>> No.16536836

What's this book about? Does it teach you how to critique a literary work?

>> No.16536976

It is a 3000 pages long treatise on literature. It discusses a lot of stuff, like the meaning of "literature", its origins, critiques other literary theories (like postmodernism), etc.
It also creates a system of interpretation of literature based upon the philosophy of Gustavo Bueno, and then applies it to different works from authors like Cervantes, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, etc.

>> No.16537265

Sounds based

>> No.16537722
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Unironically just started Infinite Jest. What am I in for? I read The Broom of the System a while ago and really enjoyed it.

>> No.16537778

We spanish speakers are just excited because the 100 euros pdf was uploaded by someone the other day finally, it will die down in like a week do not worry

>> No.16537785

it won't die as long as I'm around :DDD

>> No.16537811
File: 42 KB, 348x499, 51FR8mSgqoL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished re-reading The Iliad last night, started The Odyssey today.

>> No.16537820
File: 191 KB, 1280x767, 1569279644622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesús G. Maestro

>> No.16538202

Didn't Gustavo Bueno personally contact Maestro to tell him he woefully misunderstood him???

>> No.16538345

I didn't like it. DFW's other works are better.

>> No.16538371

Catholic Bible w/ Catechism
Samael Aun Weor-Introduction to Gnosis
Anthony Kenny-Medieval Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume 2

>> No.16538450
