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16530459 No.16530459 [Reply] [Original]

What is some literature that unpacks modern day working conditions?

>> No.16530465
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That’s just sick. Is this a joke?

>> No.16530478

It was done by the Saudi's, so probably not.

>> No.16530604

Capitalism never abandons previous forms of labour organisation as it develops new ones. The social factory autonomists are wrong on this front.

So just dig into any past labour history. Hammond & Hammond or Harry Braverman are a good start.

>> No.16531810

Wtf are you talking about.

>> No.16531869

So the historically specific methods of exploitation, like "Fordism" never die. Latifunda slavery is present in the prisons. Fordism is present in core government services (like the armed forces).

There is nothing "contemporary" about labour's position.

>> No.16532036

what's up with the fake butters?

>> No.16532053

It's the Saudis, they'll do whatever the fuck they want because they have money.

>> No.16532103
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We're all butterfinger, apparently.

>> No.16532641

It'll suck for them when their hand sanitizers catch covid.

>> No.16533945

why doesn't everybody just stop working and wait to see which types of jobs get worked even if nobody gets paid for them? wouldn't there be more than enough volunteers to work those jobs? i would be the first to sign up for the soup kitchens or nursing homes if it meant others would work the electric/water/waste/etc so i don't have monthly bills to worry about

>> No.16534008
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Sure, soup kitchens and nursing homes, but non of you faggots wants to dive into shittowers or clean blocked dams with Differential Pressure being your death sentance. Most of you also think working with geriatric means drinking coffee and plaing cards, not cleaning while fighting verbal and physical shit flinking dementia patients. If you think the majority would work without a need just to do something, you are delusional. I've been a NEET for 15 years, the only thing which made me work was pressure from getting homeless. But now I see that this pressure was what was lacking in my life. All you will see, will e massive rises in suicide, lower fertility due to no social connections and easier manipulation by the state, because now you'Re not only the slave of your work but the state. Say some illegal opinion and see your shekel coins get reduced, to be trained like a dog.

Universal basic income is the wet dream of megacooperations and state police.