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16529677 No.16529677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel like this man truly tried offering a generation of men something that they didn't have. Some meaning, something to strive toward. But he was largely treated terribly and is still being viciously attacked? What kind of signal does this send to people who followed him? To me it says they don't care about you, you aren't valuable to society, you aren't wanted.. This can only end badly if you ask me, and maybe we are already seeing that manifest. Thoughts?

>> No.16529698

Should have quit after MoM

>> No.16529721


>> No.16529774

Im glad he failed before he could have ruined more people's lives with his pop-psychology.

>> No.16529790
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He's a giant hypocrite.
Never listen to anyone before seeing how they lead their lives. Hypocrisy is treacherous anon.

>> No.16529798

hes goated. only fatties, redditors, trannies, and general cuckoids hate him

>> No.16529828

His redemption arc is coming he will save us

>> No.16529832

I have never read a book by him.

He is not Socrates, but my impression is that he had good intentions and that his advice is better than what young men usually receive in schools and the media.

>> No.16529835

>t. learned how to clean his penis from a Canadian snake-oil salesman.

>> No.16529839

Everyone is a giant hypocrite.

>> No.16529842

We are all hypocrites in one way or another. We can still try to learn wisdom when others try to teach us.

>> No.16529847

People always go on about how he's bad but they don't understand the value he actually has, it's generational wisdom. Something your father or a grandfather would sit down and tell you. Lots of people don't have and I think it's pretty worthwhile even if you have some ideological oppostion or already know it.

>> No.16529848

Yes. But I did not go around selling books to gullible retards to make bank off of my hypocrisy.

>> No.16529851
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>...in my mind

>> No.16529857

Generational wisdom for who? The sons of single mothers?

>> No.16529860

correct, unfortunately his fanboys talked about him like some great philosopher of individualism and he believed it.

>> No.16529873

His comeback book is going to make two thousand billion dollars.

>> No.16529876

Society is pressuring men to be weak because then they're easier to manipulate. Of course a man like this—who is telling other men to take up the mantle of personal responsibility for their own lives—would be attacked by those who intentionally want others to be weak, or who feel shame because they themselves are weak.

If Peterson's ideology had no value people wouldn't be going out of their way to attack it; they would merely dismiss it.

>> No.16529877

There are plenty of young men who are sons of single mothers. And there are many others who are raised by "laissez faire" parenting which means the parents outsourced all education to schools and the media.

>> No.16529881

Guess I'm a gullible retard. I still feel like I got a lot out of 12 rules for life though.

>> No.16529885

Right. But the point I'm making is that his main audience are people who lacked a proper male role model growing up.

>> No.16529893

Unless you find a damn Stoic Sage or a Buddha to teach you, you will have to learn with hypocritical people.

>> No.16529894

And? Who is a better target of advice lol they cause like half our problems

>> No.16529901

>Right. But the point I'm making is that his main audience are people who lacked a proper male role model growing up.
Someone has to do it.

>> No.16529913

You got it

>> No.16529919

He's a philosopher in that he takes already established ideas of christ and the bible, and repurposes them for a modern day interpretation through archetypical representation. If you feel like today is somewhat lacking when looked at purely from a liberal standpoint, then JP could very well the the answer to that. Christian's who are upset that their religion isn't being presented as it was hundreds of years ago are already behind the curve.

Now I don't think he's the end all be all of the modern day. I spent some time with him and read 12 rules but ended up continuing my journey elsewhere. I still think he can be very helpful to younger men who aren't quite there yet, it seems to be these older figures and middle aged academics who are constantly going after him. There's also still a lot to be said about the specifics of what he says and that should all be taken into account, I don't want to come accross like I am the final say on his value to society. But what really gets me is how he is viciously attacked, the people I personally know who took an interest in him are generally good people who are doing their best to do good for themselves and their families. To try to tear down someone they see as a figure seems reprehensible to me.

>> No.16529928

"buy my book" is a flawed mentality that intertwines materialism with life struggles.

>> No.16529929

Why would that be a problem? For gods sake we live in a time where father figures are either shit or just not there far too often. Why do people say this as if it's a bad thing? That it's not worth to society?

>> No.16529946

Because the modern is irredeemable shit. The only true path towards true father figures is the past.

The most objective method would be to pursue people who have mastered an aspect of their past. People who carry with them the will of their ancestors. Not some boor trying to modernize the ancient.

>> No.16529948

There's nothing wrong with making money, anon.

>> No.16529961


>> No.16529975

Materialism and spirituality must be separate. "Buy my book about life" is mixing the too.

The ancient does not belong to Pagans.

>> No.16529977

the middle aged academics attack him because he offers people a way to learn without them. to get into philosophy youre generally told to go to college and major in something philosophy related, paying and feeding the egos of professors along the way, peterson makes certain ideas accessible to young men who may then start reading and studying on their own.

>> No.16529986

>If Peterson's ideology had no value people wouldn't be going out of their way to attack it; they would merely dismiss it.
the most normie shit i've read all day

>> No.16529989


A man can accurately point out a good idea or the proper way to live without himself having the capability of achieving it. This does not make him a hypocrite, it merely means that he does not have the ability to achieve what he knows to be good and right.

>> No.16529991

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.16529994

Oftentimes the truth is very simple.

>> No.16529995

Your weak comeback makes his effortpost stronger

>> No.16529997

I agree, but his advice is still hallow. Not his fault though, that’s just the nature of advice. I’m a fan but “act as if God exists” is the kind of shit that is empty. But I can’t really say much because it may help somebody else, but will it really ultimately (i don’t think so) lol. What I am trying to say is it’s a weak thing to say. Believe in God, or don’t, but “act as if he exists” is some flimsy depression-tier belief that you don’t need.

>> No.16530000

>Materialism and spirituality must be separate.
But why though? By that reasoning, it would be impossible to buy any genuine book about spirituality.

>> No.16530014

Listening to weak people is why the world is in its current state.
Even the foulest can make the most irrefutable point. But deep down, they are still foul.
It's about honesty anon, how can I trust someone who is not honest with himself?
The man even destroyed himself with drugs.
He takes advice from his own daughter.
He's physically weak. Lacking in both the strength of the spirit and the body.
He's a weakling through and through. People argue that if a weak person can make a good point, its still a good point. That's because these people themselves are weak. If society starts to follow weak people, all that awaits is downfall. Weakness should be abolished.

>> No.16530025

Yeah Aristotle expounded like 12+ different virtues but fuck all that, a man should be perfectly prudent in all parts of his life or else he's not worth listening to on any topic. That's why I live in a cave and interact with nobody since nobody meets my standards.

>> No.16530028
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>But why though?
Plato versus Aristotle anon.
The former points out that if you're an apple, try to be the best apple you can be.
The latter however, tells you that you are an apple appling, therefore you're an apple.

To help pinpoint the key differences here's a pic.

Materialism will always lead to cope.
Cope is objectively negative.

>> No.16530039

When people who are otherwise obsessed with victimhood rail against Peterson they fail to realise one of the most widespread forms of victimhood is simply to be a boy without a male role model

>> No.16530040

>Cope is objectively negative

>> No.16530041

Doesnt Aristotle say ethics are useless for people who weren't raised properly?

>> No.16530042

>Christians seething like they haven't been mostly irrelevant for 200 or so already
This is what gets me the most

>> No.16530044

Because it reinforces the notion of staying put, instead of overcoming.

>> No.16530053

How do you overcome pain if not through coping?

>> No.16530057
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>don't try to establish white racial solidarity, that's identity politics
>my favorite author wrote a massive treatise on Jewish influence in Russian society over the course of two centuries but I'm going to just conveniently ignore that
>I'm going to go pop enough benzos to kill a horse and then go dry out in a rehab clinic in Russia
>don't forget to buy my $2000 postmodern anus rug

Peterson is and always was a swindler

>> No.16530058

B-but he doesnt understood gommunism or post modernism!!!

>> No.16530066

By realizing that pain is naught but a feel that you can easily overpower through sheer willpower, brought on via the focus on your end goal.

Your own zeal is your own secret weapon.
Once you learn the difference between pain and harm, you will become unstoppable.
One is a signal, the other debilitates you.

>> No.16530074

He said that your repeated actions become habits which form your character, and get harder to change with time.

>> No.16530078

He was a commie faggot and if you shill for his shit you should either spend more time reading or just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.16530081

You are right. I cherish his advice and will always see him as a good man. But the culture turning against a man wanting to help us disillusioned men made me realise that this society is not worth my effort. Thank you JP. From then on I've only ever focused on my own wellbeing.

>> No.16530087

Everything ok anon? Tough week?

>> No.16530088

Coping = feeding a bad habit, feeding something makes it grow.

>> No.16530092

Don't reply to shitposts anon.

>> No.16530096

Not only was Peterson a hypocrite, one of his central points was that hypocrisy is wrong because you need to have your own life in order before you criticise things. He was a hypocrite about hypocrisy, a squared hypocrite.

>> No.16530101

I can't overcome a tooth ache through willpower.

>> No.16530103

his lectures on youtube are good. ive never read his books since 12 rules seems like it was written for normies and maps of meaning already exists as a series on youtube.

>> No.16530104

I'm petting the stray cat.

>> No.16530111

You can overcome it by visiting a fucking doctor anon. Not cope about the toothache while sitting on your fat arse.

>> No.16530113
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His daughter is an adulterous whore and he has no son.

>> No.16530123
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True enough. How are your kids?

>> No.16530130

The value of god and faith is to better yourself, and the community around you. It's a level of being to strive towards. If the same can be offered but in a different fashion why not? It wouldn't even be the first time. If it's useful it's useful. Even if it's only useful to men from the ages of 18- 23 or something to that effect, that's a large demographic. And if society is better for it why not?

I think this is also a great point. He's accessible, and starts young men on the path just through youtube. JP is giving an alternative to the sometimes faulty institutions around us and that's great considering how it seems to be becoming more and more of a privilege and a favorable environment. Not a favorable environment for the same individuals who look to him.

>> No.16530131

Maybe someday they'll exist.

>> No.16530147

Then Jordan could tell people to put faith in God. Instead he tells them to pretend he exists. He doesn’t believe in God so all he can say is act as if he exists.

>> No.16530158
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>le boring neocon liberal man
Go back.
Even Peterson’s central demon “cultural Marxism” uses a name that intentionally distracts from its origin, which is liberalism and marginally egalitarian freedom, which Peterson supports. Marxism died 30 years ago (thankfully, it’s still retarded), the source of the degeneration is liberalism and capitalism (which is to say when the height of a society is the accumulation of sheer capital, rather than just the free market), no matter how many radlib college students larp as Marxists whilst they get their support from multi billion dollar media conglomerates. He, like most classical liberals tries to distract from the fact that his ideology is the source of the problems, not the boogeyman that has been sorely missed by defenders of the status-quo since liberalism defeated it in the 80s. He is also unwilling to name you know who, and in fact is a big fan of them.
>muh artificial father
If you couldn’t figure the stuff you should’ve learned from dad out on your own, you’re too stupid to move past Goydan anyway.
If rope day happened tomorrow, Peterson would swing.

Also, not literature because his self-help is not literature.

>> No.16530189

>I’ve never done any factory work
It shows. You also got a credit average degree from a regional and didn’t pay attention.

>> No.16530212
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the problem with this guy is that his "well meant" advice to young men is often mixed with ideological bullshit. He's constantly trying to push anti-marxism and anti-postmodernism down your throat by trying to make it relatable to you ("don't like pc? well that's [scapegoat] for ya"). Not saying that those opinions are perse wrong but he should at least be intellectually upfront and honest about his stuff. Let those people see for themselves what they agree or disagree with.
Ofc he just wants to distract his audience from the fact that much of the isolation and misery that young people nowadays face stems from capitalism. Giving braindead young men life advice is the perfect opportunity to blame capitalism's failures on some imaginative marxist movement infiltrating western thuoght. It's always the evil cultural marxists and french intellectuals plotting the collapse of western civilization yadda yadda.
He is so wrong about so many things especially in regards to philosophy and the fact that he keeps recommending that stupid stephen hicks book just makes it even more obvious. Anyone who is well-read in postmodern philosophy and marxism knows that he is so full of shit. Ofc his audience eats this shit up because they've never read a fucking book outside of school.
I wish he had the balls to accept richard wolff's debate request.

>> No.16530246

Many people don't believe in God like that anymore. In fact many people don't believe In Jesus Christ like that anymore either, that number continues to dwindle. We're living in different times and this has been the case for a while. But repurposing the writings of the Bible to help contextualize meaning in a time where people don't believe in a strict definition of God seems to be noble to me. You could argue that there's other ways and that there is no need to involve the bible at all and you could achieve the same conclusions, and I might agree. But there's a level of familiarity and brand if you will with the bible and its contents, even to someone who wasn't exactly brought up in a christ home.

>> No.16530323

Nah, he was just trying to make money selling another self-help book full of common knowledge.

>> No.16530359

I suppose that would be my greatest criticism of his book. Who among us can ever claim to have our affairs in perfect order?

>> No.16530373

His daughter has the herp and is with a commie. Is there any way to raise a daughter without getting shit on like that?

>> No.16530376

I swear he talked about a son.

>> No.16530384

thats such a huge population its basically meaningless
who actually qualifies to be a "good male role model" especially in the west? its nearly full of man children, with a few exceptions. maybe only like 30 percent of the male population

peterson certainly doesnt fit into that description
first of all hes a liar
second of all hes a pseud
third of all his daughters a thot
fourth of all he named her after a soviet leader
fifth of all he's a middle class depressive
sixth of all he even dresses like a charlatan
seventh of all hes probably gay
eighth of all he went into a nervous breakdown because his wife got cancer. his own wife got cancer and she handled it better than he did
ninth of all hes definetley gay
tenth of all he tries to act tough but even before he got sick he was a weak decrepit 50 plus year old man
eleventh of all his fucking voice
twelfth he got dunked on by a fat marxist cocaine addict whose first language isnt even english

there. theres your 12 rules for life, you fucking moron.

>> No.16530390

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

>> No.16530397

So anything short of screeching about Capitalism and wanting to overthrow the entire system is bad, no no all your problems are CAPITALISM!! Get a grip. Marxism or whatever is your alternative will and has cause just as much, if not more suffering.

>> No.16530399

Join a religious extremist community and arrange marriages for your children.

>> No.16530410

His popularity was merely evidence of the totally degraded state of the average Western man and the environment he has been forced to wallow in. His lectures are highly enjoyable, and generally push a positive message, which is enough for me to still respect him somewhat.

I clung to his videos like a mast in a storm while I was at University: I had come so close to committing suicide, to the point of having a plan and a note ready to go. While I thankfully stepped back from the ledge, I was still completely fucked in the head for a long while after that, and it was only after the Maps of Meaning lectures appeared in my recommended videos that I began the long climb out of that hole. I eventually had to move on because it truly is wash-your-penis-tier material once you move beyond his analysis of archetypes, personality, and symbolism, but I was in the exact point in my life where I needed to be told the most basic of things; nobody else was telling me them.

>> No.16530423

What are you even talking about? People have been walking away from religion since the enlightenment. It's hardly a new idea.

>> No.16530432

Why did he even become controversial anyway? I can swear most of the things he says would generate absolutely no controversy were we still in 2010 or so. Did we degrade that much since then?

>> No.16530438

Thank you for the anecdote anon, it's shocking that people want to tear the man down so bad. From what I've seen those people are purely arguing in self-interest, and their own personal agenda.

>> No.16530448

Better throw out 99.9-repeating% of philosophy, politics, and psychology then.

>> No.16530453

10 years ago you could say the n word and joke about gays without instantly killing your own career, it’s insane how fast they managed to brainwash the population

>> No.16530483

>This can only end badly if you ask me, and maybe we are already seeing that manifest.
Yeah, that's literally why he's trying to help those young men.

>> No.16530523

I've always found it funny that a lot of people worry so much about him not understanding Marxism or postmodernism or transgender stuff, as if anyone in his audience gives a fuck about his thoughts on those topics.

>> No.16530573

Taking into account how he talks, the way he sits, and his general mental illness, I can't believe that it never crossed my mind that he's the classical closeted religious homosexual, how could I be so naive?

But honestly though, maps of meaning is peak schizo posting kino, the best shit to strip mine on Minecraft to.

>> No.16530610

Some angry bearded guy is venemously angry at Peterson. Was there something else these videos were supposed to communicate?

>> No.16530613

Yes, exactly. Young men without proper elder male influences on them are an epidemic.

>> No.16530620

Why would I be in this thread if that wasn't my goal?

>> No.16530627

Fuck off with your meaningless aphorisms. That has no bearing on the conversation unless you intend to say that good intentions are unilaterally bad.

>> No.16530631
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He never says anything at all, he just says shit like "women had never been in the workplace, the modern workplace has worked for more than a century without them. Now women are coming in with lipstick and skirts (which are inherently sexual!!!), and we don't know how that will affect the relationship between men and women"
To which the obvious follow up is "And what should we do about it? segregate the workplace? ban makeup and skirts up to a specific length?"
And then he says that he isn't saying that, because he purposely leaves a blank so that his audience can fill it in with r9k memes and justify their inadequacies.
I think he is at his best when he mixes jung with self help. Saying clean your room is a lot more endearing when you schizo your way into believing that that's the central hidden meta meaning of the book of genesis or something.

>> No.16530663
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I got a high mark in my honours degree and I’m not a mutt lmao. Says something that all you can do is offer projected insults rather than actually contradict anything I said.
>muh factory work
Yeah maybe it would make me dumb enough to fall for Peterson’s sophistry. Or are you insinuating that lots of blue collar workers now are Marxists? Which is a hilarious claim.

>> No.16530672

he has a little bit of sympathy from me because he tried to help directionless young men, but he still partied with your patreon money, got addicted to drugs, and told young people to use antidepressants as a solution to existential problems. he can go fuck himself

>> No.16530682

He is literally Goldstein from 1984; a member of the Inner Party (that is, he's a tenured professor and UN speaker), supposedly a traitor and the most egregious existential enemy to the Inner Party, but in reality is entirely propped up as a Two Minutes Hate boogeyman for the Inner Party, while also serving as a siphon for any would-be dissidents against the party line to gather around and render themselves conspicuous.

>> No.16530698

Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.

>> No.16530699

yea just be a fat, dirty, porn addicted consoooomer because peterson had depression from his wife dying. good idea bro lmao.

>> No.16530702

yep and all the bitter, depressed libshits will seethe even more. love it.

>> No.16530719


not an excuse

>> No.16530721

Identity politics will get you nowhere, anon. Words can stand on their own merit.

>> No.16530741

>jabberwocky soup for the soul
>endless platitudes
>UN Agenda XYZ depopulation co-author
The Zizek debate broke him, and now his Dianetics tier trash is recognized for what it always was

>> No.16530750


where did I say anything about ANY politics? using his wife’s illness as an excuse for his “depression” is a joke. he’s been depressed for his entire life, according to him

>> No.16530767

Like I said:


>> No.16530800

>"women had never been in the workplace, the modern workplace has worked for more than a century without them. Now women are coming in with lipstick and skirts (which are inherently sexual!!!), and we don't know how that will affect the relationship between men and women"

I saw his interview with the BBC when he was talking about that. Why do SJWeenies oversimplify and misrepresent what he's talking about?

>> No.16530803


>> No.16530805

Nah Zizek was garbage in that debate. Hides behind his poor English and has no substance, just half formed jokes and quips.

Moldbugman. You're wrong. Young men who listen to Peterson stop putting up with retard libs and annoying women. They lift weights and quit bad habits. Naturally they turn right-wing from there. Following his advice is an antidote to liberalism. Most fags just listen to him though and don't follow through.

>> No.16530892

Listened to him once or twice and he seemed well intentioned and delivering generally good life advice.
I couldn't understand why he got so viciously attacked.

>> No.16530916

He's a good man, and I wish him a swift recovery, can't wait to see what he has to say on this new culture of fear and paranoia this 'pandemic' has brought upon us

>> No.16530935

“There is a false saying: “How can someone who can’t save himself save others?” Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.16530943

Shut the fuck up faggot. It's all sophistry. There is no meaning to grasp in contemporary society. Men need to merely study the classics, study languages, study science and make something of themselves intellectually. None of these people deserve to have any value or respect and they're foolish to even want the approval of their peers.

>> No.16530996

>10 years ago you could say the n word and joke about gays without instantly killing your own career
Did you forget about guys like Don Imus and Michael Richards you dumb zoomer? I do wonder how pewdiepie got away with it just a couple years ago though.

>> No.16531033

Juden Peterstein

>> No.16531054


Find another site to sully mane

>> No.16531058
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>> No.16531122

he will never be your daddy anon no need to defend him.

>> No.16531175

He came into the spotlight for pissing off trannies and that's how everyone perceived him. The left wing can't admit when they're wrong so they never stopped attacking him, but gradually found new stuff to ridicule him over, until they obscured their original intentions and turned hating him into a meme

>> No.16531204

His Maps of Meaning shit was cool but being a cultural warrior by calling communism at some inconesequential clauses in some gender law nobody read was a cringy publicity stunt and thereafter all he did was right wing dogwhistling pandering bs like endorsing MGTOW (LOL!!! what a faggot)

but i did spend some time with his lectures and maps of meaning and i think he offers a unique synthesis of christiaity nietzsche and jung

>> No.16531592

low iq take

>> No.16531606

his lukewarm stance on religion was a major weak point. Doing a whole lecture series on the Bible and writing books about self-help while not even being able to say if you believe in God or not? Pathetic.

>> No.16531626

Maybe he's deeper than you

>> No.16531638

not having strong beliefs doesn't make you more a deeper person, it makes you a shallower one. Thats pretty basic.

>> No.16531643

You might be the first person on this website openly filtered by jordan peterson, of all people.

>> No.16531654

It really doesn't matter if he believes in god or not desu you're missing the point.

>> No.16531677

don't get your panties in a twist, he's not Dostoevsky, he's an atheist who has a hard on for Christianity's culture and theological rigor. You see this a lot in atheists but no matter how much they appreciate the church they can't bring themselves to actually believe.

>> No.16531748


>> No.16531760

>hasn't read Timaeus and of the receptacle

>> No.16531775
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He's a satanist hylic like all j*ngians and got what was coming to him.

>> No.16531783

>To me it says they don't care about you, you aren't valuable to society, you aren't wanted..
No shit. They are morons shilling some m-muh Jung Pewdiepie. That's all he is.

>> No.16531803
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I work as a high school teacher, and he's helped some young men and boys get their shit together. If you are older, I think its easy to not understand how shitty contemporary parents are and how unprepared for adulthood most children and teens are.

In their teens and early 20s, and older if they never mature, people act like you have to agree with everything someone says, and if you catch them say anything you don't like, you just have to attack that idea until one of you is dead.

Just use his good ideas and discard his bad ideas.

>> No.16531839

he didn't stop at simply trying to help ordinary men with their lives, he went on to more or less help all the people he wanted to assist blame all of their problems on some nebulous societal movement and academic elites that were obviously the whole reason for why they couldn't clean their rooms

he gave all of these men something, sure, but also took away the sense of responsibility for their shitty lives and helped them blame it on something that aligned with his own personal political beliefs, all presented under the guise of the "science" of psychology

>> No.16531848

Watch him break. It is beautiful.

Young men need order in their lives. Order, order and a strong leader, a strong leader capable of insantiating the nation-states' ethno-racial mentality.

Just shoot him and discard his ideas.

>> No.16531863

He never endorsed MGTOW, he always said they were kind of pathetic but he could understand where they were coming from. Peterson always said that if a woman rejects you, there is probably something wrong with you and you need to work on that.

>> No.16531867

That's entirely false. His entire point was responsibility and accountability, if young men were horribly oppressed by this societal shadow, there would be no point cleaning your room, there would be no point improving yourself.

Why are Peterson haters always so retarded? You don't know the first thing about the guy

>> No.16531872
File: 2.90 MB, 810x454, peterson_daughter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Potatoson brought down by his own daughter

>> No.16531881

>one of the greatest christian scholars of our time who also happens to be an acclaimed author and an incredible philosopher
>just a venomously angry guy with a beard
Peterson is a swindler, his bible series is garbage and he talks about philosophers he clearly didn't read.
Hart is superior to him in every way when it comes to either philosophy or christianity.

>> No.16531885

I think most Peterson detractors simply have no idea how bad things have become.
They will laugh at Peterson advising young men to clean their room, or to stand up for themselves, as if those concepts were self evident to anyone, the problem is that they are not.

The whole problem is that the simple rules and guidelines that Peterson offers are not as useless and obvious as you may think, that's the scariest thing. Many young men have received so little direct education, their fathers gone are gone, their mothers are convinced they can outsource education to the state and society in general.

You'll create memes saying "xd wash ur penis" without even realising that the problem isn't that J.P gives basic advice that everyone should follow, the problem is that he actually HAS to say it, because it's not as obvious as you think anymore. Our male youth is absolutely collapsing after decades of feminism, and anyone trying to help them is being shun.

>> No.16531902


>Tried offering men something they didn't have
>But the mean nasty people attacked him and defamed him >:(

B-but success isn't depended on others, it's up to youuu right? You have to just clean your room and not be an agreeable person if you want to make it! Blaming the world on your problems is what the SJWs and the regressive left do, and that's not a route you want to go down bucko etc etc..

>> No.16531907

Wait, why did someone start this thread? Did Peterson die or something?

>> No.16531912

I used to love Peterson, I was fanatical about him. Watched every lecture and interview, lapped it all up.
But one day I decided to do my own research about some of the things he claims expertise in, and I very quickly grew to detest him.
I think he's vastly ignorant about politics and philosophy. If he would stick to the clean your room stuff, he would be fine. I agree that shit is really bad for young men, and that that kind of advice is truly valuable. But even there he attaches a political message that I can't agree with. Part of the clean your room shit is that you shouldn't engage in activism until your life is in order. Pretty rich that he went on an anti-communist anti-sjw crusade while he was a fucking junkie.
I listened to him talk about his drug use recently. He said he didn't know that taking benzos long term was dangerous and addictive. How the fuck he can be that ignorant I have no idea. I've been proscribed benzos a couple of times in my life, both times I knew that I would be taking a giant risk if I used them for more than a week. This was even before benzos became popular in mumble rap, I simply googled the drugs before I took them. So he's either lying, which he says is terrible for people to do, or he's incredibly dumb.

>> No.16532002

He's a grifter and a benzo addict who ruined his life. If his advice was as good as you're saying it would've worked for him. I don't hate him for that though, I hate him because he's a midwit who hasn't read any of the thinkers he critiques and it's laughably obvious.

>> No.16532030

What's the point in writing a book for helping people if you aren't gonna try and sell it to as many people as possible?

>> No.16532048

In late 2019, he went into a medically induced coma in a private Russian clinic because he couldn't deal with withdrawal symptoms of his benzos. Then in early 2020, he did an interview on his daughter's podcast, which consisted of him and his daughter
> whooaaaaa drugs
for an hour

Then in summer of 2020, the duo went to Serbia for some other drug treatment at a private clinic. While her papa was in treatment, his daughter went to a nightclub without a mask, got infected with covid, and then went home and passed it to Jordan, her cuck husband who took her back, and her daughter. Since then, Jordan's been very quiet

>> No.16532070
File: 79 KB, 600x800, intotheblankitgoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been proscribed benzos a couple of times in my life

>> No.16532076


>> No.16532150

>her cuck husband who took her back
is it even his kid?

>> No.16532168

Yeah, she had the kid before she ran off with the quarter-black guy. Besides, her daughter is clearly wh*te

>> No.16532360

He is generally a good guy. He is 100% correct in pointing out the dangerous identity politics but he doesnt follow his own rules and is combative towards people that dont kiss his ass. He was such an asshole to that GQ interviewer and that asian guy.
It's also cringe that the only marxist /lit/ he read is the communist manifesto.

>> No.16532443

The largest part of the reason people don’t like Peterson (besides his sanctimonious hypocrisy) isn’t just that they think the advice is obvious, it’s good advice mostly, he’s disliked because absolute retards consider him to be an actual worthwhile thinker/philosopher when he is by your own admission a baby’s first self-help guru. Peterson (mostly) gives good advice but considering him some kind of actual thinker is totally embarrassing.

>> No.16532466

More redditors have trickled in and they can’t resist bringing him up because he’s their only exposure to philosophy

>> No.16532556

Uhh no actually, religion had to tell philosophers well after the enlightment to stop relying on God for mathematical proofs lol

>> No.16532563

>blah blah blah strawman
why are peterson fags always like this?

>> No.16532580

Lmao the zogbot is still trying to shill this retard?

>> No.16532586

If he's correct, then why did he have to misinterpret common law in order to get famous?

>> No.16532601
File: 66 KB, 637x453, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


friendly reminder that the peterson that you read and interact with on social media now, is just his daughter