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16525938 No.16525938 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16525947
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>Imagine getting three jobs and still making less in 50 years than the people we are talking about taxing make in 1 day

>> No.16525949

Any economics textbook, read the first chapter about the distinction between stock and flow variables

>> No.16525953

They'll simply never accept that someone like Bezos got his wealth because he did something truly extraordinary, and offers society something truly revolutionary. But hey as long as they follow their own bullshit and don't have kids, and only eat as much as they're worth, then it shouldn't be that hard. But I guess they be falling for the uni scam as well ya?

>> No.16525955

literally none
> muh ayn rand
friendly reminder that ayn rand claimed benefits when she became a decrepit hag
> but muh economics textbook
economics is a sham science, fuck you
> but my edgy right-wing political identity that i developed by watching ben shapiro owning da libs when i was a pubescent with a completely undeveloped worldview
talk to real life people more
> uh d-dilate, h-ha-h-ha
thought so

>> No.16525961

> i'm uneducated and i'm proud of it

>> No.16525963

>ayn rand claimed benefits when she became a decrepit hag
Literally the leftoid variation of the "you claim to dislike capitalism yet you buy stuff/have an iPhone" argument

>> No.16525985

>They'll simply never accept that someone like Bezos got his wealth because he did something truly extraordinary
Maybe there'd be more people like Jeff Bezos in the world if everyone had parents like his to drop hundreds of thousands in investment

>> No.16525991

>They'll simply never accept that someone like Bezos got his wealth because he did something truly extraordinary, and offers society something truly revolutionary.
Oh yeah because bezos certainly isn't exploiting millions of workers to make an immoral profit from their labour, while paying them minimum wages and then bezos never paying any taxes.

>> No.16525996

Bezzos' salary is like 40$ an hour.

The billions you hear about are appraisals of net worth (assets minus liabilities) not actual cash or money in the bank to pay stuff with and these values can go up and down constantly.

>think a billionaire has your best interests in mind
Why would you expect any stranger to have your best interests in mind, wether it's a billionaire, a beggar or a random dude on the internet?

>It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages.

>> No.16526002

>paying them minimum wages
Amazon warehouse workers get paid above average for warehouse workers. They also get better than average benefits and Amazon stock options.

>> No.16526004

>The billions you hear about are appraisals of net worth (assets minus liabilities) not actual cash or money in the bank to pay stuff with and these values can go up and down constantly.
Imagine being so fucking stupid to not realize that bezos can sell some of his stock (which makes most of his networth) almost instantly for liquid cash just like that.
>Why would you expect any stranger to have your best interests in mind, wether it's a billionaire, a beggar or a random dude on the internet?
Maybe because we're trying to form a better society? Maybe a better world? Holy shit you really have no soul.

>> No.16526012
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>Maybe because we're trying to form a better society? Maybe a better world? Holy shit you really have no soul.
Idealist cope

>> No.16526013

>muh leftists don't understand the distinction between assets and cash
With a sufficiently liquid market he could sell his assets and have the equivalent amount in cash, isn't it one of the impressive results of neoliberal pseudonomics that in equilibrium assets and liquid money are perfect substitutes? Do you really think that all the people who have voiced their concerns over increasing inequality - including Piketty, Stiglitz, Krugman and Varoufakis - simply didn't read the chapter about stocks and flows?

>> No.16526018

cope and seethe
What would those people be doing if Bezos wasn't around and never created Amazon? Bezos is doing a lot more for humanity and America than the average man. It's always been rough at the bottom, it will always be hard at the bottom.

>> No.16526029

>What would those people be doing if Bezos wasn't around and never created Amazon?
There would be another company and CEO doing the same thing and those people would be working there instead. Bezos isn't the problem, he is one of the many problems.
>Bezos is doing a lot more for humanity and America than the average man.
By providing jobs that exploit workers in terrible working conditions and not paying taxes? Yeah man what a fuckin saint.

>> No.16526031

>With a sufficiently liquid market he could sell his assets and have the equivalent amount in cash
Even selling 5% of what he has would have disastrous effects on the market

>> No.16526036

>It's always been rough at the bottom, it will always be hard at the bottom.
Muh it is always like this and it always will be!!! how dare you try to want to make change, how dare you want to make things better for the lower class!!!!!

>> No.16526039

>Maybe because we're trying to form a better society? Maybe a better world? Holy shit you really have no soul.
How old are you, like 5 years old?

>> No.16526041

Source: my ass

>> No.16526051

>How old are you, like 5 years old?
Listen dude I get it, you had no friends in highschool and you're an incel that has never kissed a girl and work a minimum wage job -- so you cannot even fathom the idea that people would want to improve society.

>> No.16526054

>can sell some of his stock (which makes most of his networth) almost instantly for liquid cash just like that.
Sure. When those are sold there is actual income to be taxed (as capital gains in the countries I know of; income neutrality would be preferable).

Taxing the net worth (those billions) would depress the tax base. Taxing stocks themselves too would depress the stock price and thus the tax revenue that could be extracted from taxing stocks, besides lowering incentives to investment.

>Maybe because we're trying to form a better society? Maybe a better world?
Good intentions are insufficient to improve things. Skill is essential and whatever taps into this potential (like a profit motive) helps improve things.

>> No.16526058

the history of the USSR
the history of China

>> No.16526062

>Maybe because we're trying to form a better society? Maybe a better world? Holy shit you really have no soul.
I'm all for making a better society, but at this point I think it's delusion to believe such a thing is possible without complete destruction of the current system(s). Cranking up the tax percentage on Jeff Bezos is like believing in the philosopher's stone as a cure-all.

>> No.16526071
File: 130 KB, 500x523, the-weak-should-fear-the-strong-2013-at-4-07am-via-5624968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically, not the guy you're responding to but I'm literally the guy you're describing in the post and I've been voting for conservative neoliberal parties ever since I gained voting rights to flex on my poor normie colleagues who bullied me since elementary school, I would also die in the trenches to defend capitalism against commies and progressives, you mad?

>> No.16526078

Shut up you retard, there's no alternative. Someone has to work. Automation is your only chance at this pipedream of yours. Every major civilization in history has had some sort of slave labor.

There is absolutely no changing it without breakthroughs in technology. Sorry if that answer upsets your fragile sensibilities.

>> No.16526082

Amazon can only make money as long as there is demand for what it provides. And there is a lot.

People can say whatever they think makes them look better, but how they spend their money tells us what they really value.

>> No.16526095

Yes I am, but it has nothing to do with that.
Believing that other people have your best interest in mind is retarded. How is believing that others have your best interest in mind supposed to improve society?

>> No.16526104

i don't need to cope, i have a degree.
> hehehe u paid out of ass for college degree
nope, its so cheap in my country that the bus fees cost more. you could have this too were it not for your "nation's" phobia of capitalism.
> bezos is doing a lot more for humanity
he's deeply implicit in taking away our freedoms and buttfucking the environment, but you wouldn't know anything about that because you clearly like being buttfucked. you're on a literature board, why don't you read a bit more before embarrassing yourself, you mouthbreathing hick?

>> No.16526134

Holy projection

>> No.16526161

>Listen dude I get it, you had no friends in highschool and you're an incel that has never kissed a girl and work a minimum wage job -- so you cannot even fathom the idea that people would want to improve society.
Hahahaha, happy 13th birthday.

>> No.16526179

>its so cheap in my country that the bus fees cost more
And it shows! Continue seething.

>> No.16526186

>They'll simply never accept that someone like Bezos got his wealth because he did something truly extraordinary, and offers society something truly revolutionary.
he really didn't though

>> No.16526192
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>Imagine working all your life to collect green bits of paper so you can trade them for things needed to stay alive, printed by a ruling class that considers you to be no different from cattle.

>> No.16526201

Billionaires need to be regulated, but phrases like "tax the rich" are kinda of stupid; they get taxed same as everyone. You can seize all of bezos's wealth now and distribute it equally, but the government'd actually just be better of taxing revenue every year and whenever he decides to sell his stocks

>> No.16526238

if you think about it, being a billionaire is the ultimate chad move

>> No.16526243

>economics is a sham science
friendly reminder thats what hitler believed

>> No.16526275

No it's not, billionaires are children of failed millionaires who were rightly bullied in their teens and now overcompensate by exploiting their workers and pay them poverty wages.

>> No.16526285

Capital, to refute his moralist arguments

>> No.16526290

honestly these workers sound like absolute simps

>> No.16526291

any literature about executing billionaire parasites and redistributing their wealth to the people who actually worked for it?

>> No.16526297

Spooked, seethe more

>> No.16526311

State nad Revolution
Physical workers are Chads who could easily break the spine of any pathetic incel who had to resort to becoming a parasitic speculator in order to get his pp wet

>> No.16526322

Reminder Marx solved economics 150 years ago and any author who isn't explicitly building off him is worthless

>> No.16526369

Wew this thread really shows you how stupid /lit/ is. I'll remember this next time /lit/ discusses something I don't know much about.

>> No.16526378

lmao shut the fuck up

>> No.16526392

>Physical workers are Chads who could easily break the spine of any pathetic incel who had to resort to becoming a parasitic speculator in order to get his pp wet
They're more likely too tired at the end of the day to break anything other than their own bones. Romanticizing workers is one of the sillier things you can do.

>> No.16526399

I mean if this guy is in anywhere other than America or EU he is prolly right, but if he is blessed enough to live in the west he is making excuses for being lazy cause it's literally easy as fuck to make it here.

>> No.16526413

>muh exploitation
Cringe and seethe

>> No.16526419

Cringe but based