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1652344 No.1652344 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this. Not sure what I think of it.


>> No.1652361

inb4 phonies

>> No.1652363


>> No.1652364

It grew on me. I hated it the first time I read it, granted I was in high school at the time. Now it is one of my favorites, a pleasant quick read and thought provoking when it wants to be.

>> No.1652365


>> No.1652366
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but not inb4 ponies amirite?

>> No.1652368


>> No.1652375


>> No.1652376

Oh, I thought this board was maybe not just trolls. Sorry. How foolish of me.

>> No.1652378
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>> No.1652379
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>> No.1652380

I see the underlying tones in ways, but I think it's WAY over-analyzed. Kind of reminded me of myself, how I always hate every small thing and get irritated at everything. Kinda shows me how much of a douchebag I am and I should just chill out.

>> No.1652385

I read it when I was in 9th grade; I don't know if I appreciated it that much. The character is really whiny but he does have a point.

>> No.1652390

It baffles me that, in itself, it's a pretty bland/boring play by play of his week (or so), yet it's interesting to read.

Maybe i'm just easily entertained, or because I haven't been reading that long.

>> No.1652407

I really liked it when I was 17.

I don't mean the book is childish, however I feel you have to be a male coming of age to understand or at least appreciate it...

>> No.1653181

I couldn't figure out if he was gay for his brother or just a really sad lesbian identified man. But he might have been kind of a boy who is like a woman in his own mind.

>> No.1653184

I've only gone through it once. I plan to keep it that way.

The thing is: I really liked the book. It's nicely written and insightful.

But if I decide to re-read it too soon (I only read it around 3 years ago), then I will appreciate it much less.

Also: I sometimes like to pretend that American Psycho is a direct sequel to Catcher.

>> No.1653225

It killed me. It really did.

I quite enjoyed it, although I can't at all relate to it.

Is F&Z worth reading?

>> No.1653231

Franny and Zooey is very good.

>> No.1653232



also "relating" to holden isn't the point

>> No.1653234


Yes. Franny and Zooey as well as Seymor: An Introduction are both great books.

But you should read Salinger's short story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish."

It's his masterpiece. I don't care if it's a short story.

>> No.1653239
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>Also: I sometimes like to pretend that American Psycho is a direct sequel to Catcher.

>> No.1653242

>Relating to Holden is not the point.

Granted, it's not the main point. But why make him at all likeable (if still immature) if Salinger wasn't intending young men to identify with him at all?

I know it's not the point, but having been 17 at the time, and reading it, I really learned a lot about the fallacious nature of certain belief systems I held at the time. I think there are more than a fair share of Holdens running around in the world right now who could benefit from reading this book.

I haven't read F&Z. I plan on it....someday.