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File: 76 KB, 524x741, tree_of_life_kabbalah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16521349 No.16521349 [Reply] [Original]

So, basically, the kabbalah is what happens when jews adopt neoplatonism hundreds of years later after literally everyone else does, but with judaic terminology and aesthetics, right? Why is it considered to be such a big deal when it's judaized neoplatonism in all but name?

>> No.16521400

Redpill me on neoplatonism.

>> No.16521453

You only understand it when you have high IQ. Give up now OP.

>> No.16521547

wrong. masturate with chilli oilon your dick, then watch evangelion if you wdesir to understand

>> No.16521561

Grecophied Judaism.

>> No.16521704
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the true continuation of the Hermopolitan, Heliopolitan, Memphite, and Theban, theogonic tradition (that do not have any conflicting contradictions).

>> No.16521737
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>tfw watching /lit/ retards denigrate sacred traditions with their garbage understanding with no drive for true attainment

>> No.16521751


Kabbalah should have nothing to do with Judaism. Teachers had branched the thought that their own Hebrew language was sacred. The paleo hebrew was the original but now the babylonian hebrew is adopted. The modern teachers think that the Babylonian script is sacred. Which ties to nothing at all to Jewish thought. Babylonian script is not bad in itself but with that logic it makes no sense on why it is sacred. So the tree and the sefers make no sense.

>> No.16521833

Oh, enlighten us, based retard-kun! Bathe us in the glory of your divine knowledge!

>> No.16521870

based high vibrational anon

>> No.16522043

their claim to be ancient and venerable is as true as Gnosticism's claim to antiquity was in the second century

>> No.16522052


>> No.16522069

based misinformed anon

>> No.16522125
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>based misinformed anon

>> No.16522140

Kabbalah isn't Judaism, it's mysticism influenced by Judaism. It's Gnosticism, which was influenced by Platonism, for kikes.

So you're right, but indirectly.

>> No.16522217

I think Kabbalah is closer to advaitavada (that is, nondual doctrines, not only le adwaita wedanta) than to platonism.

>> No.16522225
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here's another
Kabbalah is older now than the whole bible was in 1AD.
Majority of it was imagined in around 400-200 AD, then all of it was revised by the maccabeans to extract as much hellenism as they could from the ORIGINAL stories; the other half/third during the Exile; and the amount of 'bible' before 800BC could barely fill a booklet. Moses was at best a Hyksos warlord, the Judges, David and Solomon, and almost all the prophets, all euhemerisms (or more like post-hoc inventions), or corrupted plagiarizations from real traditions.

>> No.16522232

meant 400-200BC

>> No.16522254

Kabbalah is profane to the core though

>> No.16522290

He honked by voice, as the Great Honker
Honk Honk

>> No.16522319

Gerschom Scholem, probably the greatest authority on the kabbalah to ever exist, told me that the Kabbalah was in all likelihood a reaction to the rationalist autism of Maimonides, and as it was almost a custom to attribute shit you wrote to more respected authors centuries prior to your own times, kabbalah authors dated their own shit to like an entire millennium prior to their actual date of composition, too. Which one of you can I trust more?

>> No.16522475

Are you saying that the sefer yetzirah came after the Rambam?
Yikes bro. I'm kinda sad for you.
It's one thing to say that the Zohar wasn't authored by Shimon Bar Yochai, but it's another to claim all of Kabbalah was a response to Maimonides.

>> No.16522499
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Well that's what I'm saying, I guess the true Kabbalah of the Hebrews is to have done this since the beginning: tribute shit you wrote to more respected authors, or fabricated ancient individuals, centuries prior to your own times.
So technically, by being so believing in heir own lies they are more traditionally Jewish than the Jews.

>> No.16523420

for someone who calls himself a platonist you are very unplatonic

>> No.16524870

Why can't you take it for what it is? Why do you have to make it something you want it to be- too much guverah, not enough chessed.
Or your just a anti-semite I bet.

>> No.16525541

shitting on abrahamics has been in vogue since Plotinus Against the Gnostics/alternatively Augustus.

>> No.16525551

Or even better: Ever since we threw out the Hyksos out of Egypt so hard they got a victim complex so big it created Judaism.

>> No.16525557
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>> No.16525764

cite anything against christians plotinus wrote. the only platonist to shit on christianity was the lesser one, suicidal porphyry who almost didn't receive the secret plotinian doctrines after years of rejection

congratulations in reading uzdavinys! now start reading actual books about ancient hebrew people

>> No.16525798
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see pic related
Also the gnostics were abrahamics, I never said he bashed christians. Although he sort of did by treating them like the non-entity they were in never mentioning them.

>> No.16526021

oh yeah, studying under Ammonius Saccas, attacking the main religious movement adversary of early christianity, treating folk paganism with a certain disdain, conceving a hypostatic triad, probably didn't mean anything, you are right!

>> No.16526110

So it's the archon version of gnosticism? No wonder they torture their own babies.

>> No.16526127

>Moses was at best a Hyksos warlord
He was an Egyptian priest who led a nation of brainlets into a desert, to be shaped and selectively bred to be insane psychopaths - a nation bred for war. The weapon merely outlasted the owners, but they remain pseudo-castrated slaves.
>oy vey muh ancient torment and external enemies
In truth it's just mutilation trauma.

>> No.16526382

why is anything from this obviously biased scholar relevant? why ignore the unanimous dating of the written OT by other scholars as around 600-400BC? why would the OT composers be influenced by berossus and manetho who were influenced by egyptian, mesopotamian and other near eastern instead of a direct influence from those traditions? how is the invertion of influence not equivalent as inverting the order of the hermetica and the Genesis, for example, and dating the latter to AD?

I hope you give us a solid answer for all of this, it will be easy after all anything coming from abrahamic tradition is a lie and distortion.

>> No.16527275


>> No.16527489

>jewish mumbo jumbo
>true attainment
Pick one.

>> No.16528150


>> No.16528241

>Also the gnostics were abrahamics


>> No.16528348

that anon was wrong about many things but not altogether wrong about it. most gnostics were abrahamics, jewish gnostic sects from BCE were very influential to christian ones

>> No.16528423

It's a very different system to neoplatonism though and the only similar thing is levels of reality and emanations. what's the neoplatonic equivalent to partzufim, shekinah or the breaking of the vessels?

>> No.16528545
File: 69 KB, 220x220, return to the cave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is three of all gods,
Amun, Rê, Ptah—these are preeminent:
Past knowing His nature as Amun, the hidden,
He is Rê in His features, in body is Ptah.
Their cities on earth endure to eternity,
Thebes, Heliopolis, Memphis, forever;
Word from heaven is heard in the City of Sun,
told in Ptah’s temple to the Handsome of Face,
Who shapes it in signs for Thoth’s books of wisdom;
thus Amun’s city records the gods’ histories.
For God’s judgment is rendered from Thebes:
when decision emerges, it comes through the Ennead;
Since each move of His lips is most secret,
gods carry out what He commands.
God’s Word, it can kill or perpetuate,
life or death for all men unfolds by means of it;
And He opens His countenance as Rê, Ptah, or Amun,
a trinity of unchanging forms.

>> No.16528971

nice but what about address to what i said? you hate truth and live by your own opinions, dragged by a satanic hatred, you live according to your Opinions.