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File: 79 KB, 640x503, grrm-and-tyrion-agree-on-this-one_o_3223879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16518997 No.16518997 [Reply] [Original]

>Black people in ASOIAF live on tropical islands worshipping sex and eating fruit
>Fantasy Africans are inhuman cannibals who live in uninhabitable jungles and are literally a different species from humans

What did Gurm mean by this?

>> No.16519515

That the white mans is superior

>> No.16519521

People who praise ASOIAF's worldbuilding don't realize he just used medieval stereotypes of the world and called it a day.

>> No.16519535

This. People calling him the "american tolkien" are really misguided

>> No.16519539

such as Africans being the greatest sailors with the fastest ships, for example

>> No.16519542
File: 130 KB, 1000x800, nabwhr4w0b251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly wouldn't mind living on a tropical island and getting negress pussy, only problem would be not eating meat. Summer Islanders are the superior people.

>> No.16519595

That is literally my (skinny) body.
Why does it look so pathetic in the picture though.
Only cause it has Bieber's head on it, r-right?

>> No.16519693

They do eat fish though, I think. I could live on fish myself.

>> No.16519707

Not to mention that you could raid livestock, transport it to the island and raise it so you have a steady supply of mammalian meat

>> No.16519715

People call him that because his series reached that same popularity and had a monster of a media showing.

>> No.16519735

I hate fish unless it's salmon, couldn't be me
I thought they had an explicit prohibition against eating meat?

>> No.16519753

>Not eating meat
>not eating the succulent flesh of enemy tribes at the end of a victorious raid with your darkened bros
not going to make it.

>> No.16519760

That's my point though, the fact that I couldn't do that is the only thing holding me back.

>> No.16519781

Im saying you would eat meat, you just gotta eat the flesh of your enemies during some inter tribal bants.

>> No.16519783
File: 611 KB, 3588x2980, 90744411-1D50-4D46-9CDC-ACB5D2F80ADE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The summerset isles are fantasy Caribbean/South Seas
His Africa is Sothoryos: jungle continent completely unexplored with horrible monsters and different kinds of ultra-HIV, this is how the inhabitants are described on the wiki:
> Sothoryos men are described as brindle-skinned half-men by Daenerys Targaryen.[8] Their brindled skin is thick, often in patterns of brown and white. They are big-boned and massively muscled, with long arms, sloped foreheads, huge square teeth, heavy jaws and coarse black hair. Their broad, flat noses suggest snouts. Sothoryi women are said to be unable to breed with men from Essos or Westeros, only bringing forth stillbirths or malformed offspring.[7]
>The Sothoryi mostly known to the corsairs of the neighboring Basilisk Isles are those who dwell closest to the sea on the northern shore, who have learned the Trade Talk. The Ghiscari consider them to be slow of wit but fierce fighters that make good slaves. Farther south, the Sothoryi are more savage, known for cannibalism and worshiping dark gods with obscene rites.
Martin was secretly based all along.

>> No.16519798

Sounds like a white man's idealization of the Carribean

>> No.16519828

Are Summer Islanders cannibals? It would have to be socially acceptable.
>That creepy fuck tried to eat a pirate, keep him away from the Pleasure Temples

>> No.16519855

Oh shoot, sorry, never read game of thrones. thought we meant just miscellaneous Polynesian types.

>> No.16519947

Oh yeah, you're right, the Maori are based. I was talking about these guys