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/lit/ - Literature

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16518976 No.16518976 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ hates Murakami
>/lit/ loves Mishima
Explain yourselves

>> No.16519001

one is a reactionary nationalist who despises globohomo (aka based), and the other is the domain of effeminate betaboys and bitter lesbians

>> No.16519009

Are they actually similar or them just being japs puts them in the same boat?

>> No.16519010

Murakami is a soiboi and a mediocre writer. Mishima is a radical and an excellent writer. There's no much to explan.

>> No.16519014

Mishima is more honest about how gay he is

>> No.16519017

They're not similar at all lol OP is a retard.

>> No.16519019

I like them both but Mishima was clearly the more impressive artist. Murakami is very comfy though both in his writing and his life.

>> No.16519020

i hate mishima soooooo

>> No.16519025

Isn't this more nu-/lit/, considering that one or two years ago Murakami was still held in relatively high regard here, if still not above critique.

>> No.16519029

Murakami = Reddit
Mishima = 4chan

>> No.16519034
File: 68 KB, 540x405, mishima_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the mishima movie kino?

>> No.16519036

I've been here for like 5 years and people always shat on Kamifags.

>> No.16519045

If I am to read ONE Mishima book, what should it be?

>> No.16519064

Most authors have been shat on here, but iirc, Murukami was still recommended pretty often, and definitely discussed more than Mishima. Though maybe I'm just misremembering this place as being way less reactionary that it is right now, as I do frequent this board as much as I used to.

>> No.16519074

I mean, the 2014 or 2015 top 100 had fucking Harry Potter. /lit/fags had an even shittier taste back then.

>> No.16519088

yeah, it's one of my all-time favorites; probably the best-edited movie I've ever seen

>> No.16519090


>> No.16519107


How do i make thinly veiled cinema threads without triggering the janitor?

I want to discuss film on /lit/ since /tv/ is pretty shit.

>> No.16519121

fuck off.

>> No.16519131

There you go.

>> No.16519148

I was under the impression that that was a meme choice, but I honestly can't recall. However, I do remember all the praise for Evola and Mishima wasn't as polarizing nor as widespread about a year ago, and ideology threads were more civil, and didn't fill up a good quarter of the catalog. Has this board actually changed that much since then, or I am I just a schizo?
My memories of this board seem pretty warped, know that I look at them

>> No.16519153

would it be worse than the constant political, frog, wojak cancer that plagues the board?

>> No.16519159


>> No.16519163
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Ok sorry, i just wanted to discuss ABSD.

>> No.16519165

Murakami is for normalfag midwits
Mishima is for based pseuds

>> No.16519167

Come join us in the /film/ general.

>> No.16519170


>> No.16519176

unironically try reddit's r/TrueFilm if you want discussion. They aren't so bad and you seem to have their taste and sensibility.

>> No.16519187

The Reddit format is bad. It's too much hassle if you get what i mean.

>> No.16519201

It's not any worse than here where you don't even know who's who and you have to click on 75648495 traffic lights just to say "based."

>> No.16519217

one is a homo and the other is a faggot

>> No.16519279

Weeb trash go back to /a/

>> No.16519281

one writes about talking cats, the other about torturing cats

>> No.16519351

Wait! Murukami does both.

>> No.16519445

Mishima's life is a piece of Gesamtkunstwerk. The man embodies art.
Murakami Haruki is a cringe author who's a docile servant of western culture-imperialism for people who want to claim they "love Japanese literature" or "Japanese things" without actually having to cross cultural boundaries.

>> No.16519450

Go to /film/ and realize you’re a pleb

>> No.16519507

Murakami is for laid back loners and art hoes, Mishima is for muh right wing /fit/ bros and Pewdiepie fans. Both wrote cool books and unreadable trash, they are both mainstream and overrated imo.
You can't even compare them, the only thing they have in common is the fact that they are japanese and well known in the west.
Best Murakami book is the Bird and I really loved colourless Tsukuru, best Mishima is sound of waves (very Murakam-ey) and confession of a mask is pretty cool too.
Kafka and sun and steel are the most overrated books shilled here: kafka it's just a childish novel and sun and steel is just ego tripping and nationalism.
If you say that you like Murakami more you are a normie, if you like Mishima more you are an edgy kid.

>> No.16519516

Is that one where some college kid makes a daily post on how Scorse's Goodfellas is a ripoff of an entire French genre? Why should they be taken seriously?

>> No.16519520

>sun and steel is just ego tripping and nationalism.
is that all you got from the book? kek literally missing the point

>> No.16519547

Dazai is the best Japanese writer, it's a shame he didn't write more

>> No.16519585

>Dazai is the best Japanese writer
Too bad he's rarely discussed here and even outside. People only meme No longer human and call it a day.

>> No.16519592

That meme is mostly dead and was a /tv/-wide meme; now we have someone making a chart of prepubescent girls in films.

>> No.16519673

trash film

>> No.16519695

Mishima's popularity has to do with Pewdiepie, /pol/ and the influx of /fit/fags more than anything. Basically, a bunch of larpers, from body builders, to fascists, to straight people acting gay for shits and giggles, as well as weebs and actual gays.
This is not to detract from his writing, which is excellent, but you have to be slightly wrong in the head to shill him as much (just 3 threads about him in the last 12 hs), and the shills are usually the larpers I mentioned above.

Earliest /lit/ liked Murakami more, 100% unironically, probably because he was more accessible and mainstream. The "this man in my country is nothing" meme started getting spammed (probably made by some reader from /a/ or /jp/ who perhaps imported it from 2ch) and people started noticing the same patterns over and over in his book (by that time the famous Murakami bingo comic was posted online, which didn't exactly help). He was considered a page turner worth reading.
Then the public changed, younger faggots replaced oldfags, who probably noticed an absurd amount of chicks read Murakami. Inceldom surged.
It's not that Murakami is a great writer. He's as basic as they come, but as usual, popular = bad according to 4chan. Mishima will see something similar if he becomes more normie tier.

>> No.16519699

>muh right wing /fit/ bros and Pewdiepie fans
Shut the fuck up, faggot

>> No.16519717

which is?

just read confession of a mask and although mishimas writing style is too blatant for my taste, a few of his topics resonated a lot with me. Considering the time and japanes culture I value the novel more - but just on a rational level.

>> No.16519725

Mishima was literally going to get the Nobel. It was only between him and Kawabata. He's not as obscure as you think he was before PewDiePie. He's a known and popular author in France, for example. Maybe in Burgerland and other Angloid countries he made him known.

>> No.16519764

Mishima was honest about his gayness and didn't care what other people thought. Whereas Murakami projects his gayness onto others

>> No.16519765


>> No.16519772

I was referring to his popularity in /lit/, what the hell does the Nobel have to do with anything. Kafka in the shore was memed pretty much every day, there were even charts about Murakami.

Outside, IRL, no matter how well known Mishima was (and I'm no anglo), he is nowhere nearly as popular as Murakami.

>> No.16519824

My professional opinion is that I fucking hate No Longer Human fuck Dazai.

>> No.16519844

Oe is leagues better than Dazai

>> No.16519911

This. Burgers are so retarded

>> No.16519924

>Mishima's popularity has to do with Pewdiepie, /pol/ and the influx of /fit/fags more than anything
Why are you so fucking retarded and base your entire worldview around faggot e-celebrities and 4chan.

>> No.16519953

Murakami's okay but here's my main gripes about him.
>Story is always about a depressed guy moping for some reason
>All women want to fuck MC for some reason.
>Some mumble jumble over his schizo episode sci fi garbage shit OH GOTTA FIND THE KEY
>Story has a good premise in the beginning, starts getting to places in the middle and just dead fucking stops.
Here's my recommendation
>The Hard Boiled Wonderland
>Noregian Woods
>Pick one from:
Wind Up Bird Chronicle
Kafka on the shore
Now stop. That's all you should read from him. Everything is similar enough that you're going to read the same books multiple times. His biography on running is a fun read though.

>> No.16519998

Because Murakami is a pretentious pseudo intellectual who tries to impress everybody with his taste and knowledge, his characters are as flat as he is.
Mishima is a real writer.
It's fucking obvious.

>> No.16520005

>reading translations at all
馬鹿外人 wwww

>> No.16520011

>Story has a good premise in the beginning, starts getting to places in the middle and just dead fucking stops
This is a thing that anyone barely mentions but I particurarly agree. All of his books starts with a good incipit but then the plot start losing all its grip and become quite boring. My fav from him is probably Norwegian Wood because it has the best stroy and characters. I also reccomend sputnik sweetheart, I think that's probably his best surreal work, even better than kafka on the shore.

>> No.16520028

I'll re read it, I've read it a couple of years ago and I didn't like it. Definetely an overrated book just like Meditations, shilled over and over here.
yeah he's definetely more of the same, still pretty confy desu. You either love him or hate it.

>> No.16520040

>semen slurping e-celeb worshipping faggot
kill yourself

>> No.16520060

My favorite was probably Hard Boiled Wonderland. Finally getting the twist of what the fuck was the other part of the book was neat and it's a really solid ending which is a surprise for me. Norwegian woods was really good as well. I'm going to take a loooong break until I try another of his books. I'll definitely give Sputnik Sweetheart a try.

Honestly. I'm mixed with him. If he can just create a fucking ending to most of his stories it would be fine but reading Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore and good fuck IQ84 just pissed me the fucking hell off.
Especially IQ84. Fucking 1000 pages of NOTHING. I remember re-reading the last chapter thinking I missed something but nope. they just go back to the OG universe (which didn't even really fucking matter in the first place) and the story ends and they kill the other PoV character for no reason I guess.

>> No.16520062
File: 2.17 MB, 999x2258, 1265996238665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do lazy and retarded faggots insist on posting without even bothering to check the reply chain? Again, my post was about Mishima's popularity in /lit/.
In 2010 alone the archives have 500~ mentions of Mishima and roughly 2000 of Murakami.

I've been here for ages. So much I even made the original Japanese lit chart back in the day (the one that's made to look like a scroll). I remember how Sun & Steel started being shilled here by /fit/fags.
People just cared more about Murakami back then. Now you have a too frequent spamming of the gay sudoku boy.

>> No.16520070


>> No.16520081

I don't get the blood pictures.
I know I hated Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the shore. But I think I only hated Kafka on the shore because it went way over my head.

>> No.16520086
File: 281 KB, 1528x2336, 1_9qq4JOi7zEONAUtTKK8REA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other books like this one runner bros?

>> No.16520103

Can someone sell me on Murakami's best books, what they're about and why they're good?
Bonus for anyone telling me his worst fucking books and why they should burn in a fire.

>> No.16520130

Murakami is for girls
Mishima is for boys

Rules to live by.

>> No.16520248
File: 9 KB, 314x440, muh celebrated author.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To further expand this hypothesis, I checked the archives for several years.

The year Pewdiepie posted he was his favorite writer (Jun 2018) saw a surge in Mishima mentions from the previous year (about a 35% increase from 2017).
The following year, 2019, even more mentions for Mishima. All the while, Murakami had always had a similar popularity, albeit descending through the years.

I'm sorry you larping faggots share a writer with an eceleb and other teenagers who follow said eceleb.

I wouldn't know as I've only read 3 or 4 Murakami books, but the reaction means "it's so fucking good/hot I'm getting nosebleeds and seeing stars".

>> No.16520263

To Kafka? what the fuck did I miss

>> No.16520336

one of my favorites. I loved the part based on kiyoko’s house

>> No.16520441

Murakami is an effimate gay, Mishima is a masculine gay. This place is obsessed with masculine gays because half the posters here are in the closet or prison gay. That and larpers, hence why Mishima's shittiest novels like Confessions of a mask and Sun&Steel get talked about ad nauseum but his masterpieces, Golden Pavilion and Tetralogy, never get mentioned.

>> No.16520504

based oldfag

>> No.16521417

Mishima is for getting fucked in the ass. I hope this clears things for you, Op.

>> No.16521429


>> No.16521478

Mishima is for pitchers and Murakami is for catchers.

>> No.16521487

Murakami is a women’s author and Mishima is a men’s author. Most people on /lit/ are men I’m assuming.

>> No.16521508

This but actually nobody

>> No.16522929

They have nothing in common, and if Mishima is Japanese then Murakami sure as fuck isn't, else the term loses all meaning.

>> No.16522963

I would recommend "A Folklore For My Generation" for getting a taste of Murakami. It's online.

>> No.16522975

Murakami is a post-modernist with western plebcore taste. Mishima is a bodybuilder, right-wing and wonderful homo who makes me remember the old Greece.

>> No.16522984

I disliked Murakami but Ive never read Mishima, this means I should read him, then, where do I start?

>> No.16523080

Start with Sailor. Pretty sure there's a chart on the wiki that's pretty good, but I'd recommend with starting with Sailor or Temple of the Golden Pavilion