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16518547 No.16518547[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why haven't you read it yet?

>> No.16518556

I don't read anti-semitic trash

>> No.16518560
File: 3.01 MB, 2225x961, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16518569

The weekly shill thread is here!
One day late. Usually it's on Mondays.

>> No.16518613

But it's not trash. And if you consider it anti-semitic, then facts must be anti-semitic as well.

>> No.16518683

Is it actually a history or just schizo shit like "muh judeo marxism"

>> No.16518714

Because political books are for schizos who don't realize that no one gives a fuck about what they think and they're not important in any way for the future of their nations.

>> No.16518731
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Haven't read it yet, but he was employed by the south african reserve bank. He, at least, knows about central banking. History is constantly debated outside of concrete facts. I'll evaluate it afterwards. Not OP btw

>> No.16518740

Why are you so obsessed with what others think of your opinions?

>> No.16519105

The facts aren't inherently anti-semetic, it just depends on how you view it. To generalize a nebulous problem as the actions of a single group is pretty flawed though, and it really overestimates the agency of Jewish bodies at this time, as well as the degree to which banking dynasties were loyal to their faith, e.g. the Elders of Zion.

>> No.16519143

Why would it be anti-semtiic? According to themselves, jews were being persecuted out of Europe in the 18th century? Or could it be that maybe they are lying once again?

>> No.16519173

In Western Europe, they were beginning to assimilate, especially in the Netherlands and Britain. In the East, their rights in the lands of the former PLC were severely curbed during the Partitions, and they restricted to living in underdeveloped land in Pale of Settlement, so relatively on-par with the life of a serf, only stinging more considering they had had far more freedom just a generation past, as opposed to the dozens since of the serfs.

>> No.16519204

Then, why do they cry so often that natives were so mean to them during the 18th century and bring up the pogroms and other attempts to exile them? And the dutch are the proto-jews of the world; they invented the concept of the IMF, thus it makes sense that jews assimilated well there.

>> No.16519208

> To generalize a nebulous problem as the actions of a single group is pretty flawed though
Good thing the author doesn't do that then.
> and it really overestimates the agency of Jewish bodies at this time
No it doesn't, like I said, facts aren't anti-semitic.

>> No.16519213

Why would you immediately assume it’s anti-semitic?

>> No.16519224

Why would you immediately assume its anti semitic?

>> No.16519229


>> No.16519243

Probably because he's semitic and anything that exposes the bad apples of his tribe is anti-semitic

>> No.16519249

>In Western Europe, they were beginning to assimilate, especially in the Netherlands and Britain.
Bullshit, they were perhaps becoming more accepted (read: bought more influence) but definitely not assimilated / integrated.

>> No.16519288

>Then, why do they cry so often
They meaning a group of cynical Zionists who capitalized on prior mistreatment of Jews to stop their assimilation into their state's European culture.
They were unfortunately somewhat common, but not on the scale of genocide; the animosity towards and from jews was mostly the result of their continued isolation , either by their own choice or that of the state. It was more of an issue in wealthier regions where Jews had enough agency to absorb the ideas of nationalism , and to call for emancipation along these lines, or poorer regions where the Jewish-gentile divide was still strong.
Keep in mind, that the Jews in Northern Germany had far smoother experiences in assimilation, and the the states in the south saw pogroms as unruly mobs, and opposed them thusly.

>> No.16519292 [DELETED] 

he was the fucking CEO

>> No.16519311

The Jews of the Netherlands most definitely assimilated; they saw themselves as Dutch to the point of embracing nationalist parties in the 20th century. The actions of a few banking families don't define the Jews as a whole, and their elite tended to convert anyways. Come the late 19th century, the Jews of the German Empire, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Great Britain largely saw themselves as members of that nation, willing to die for it in war, and so-on. The reasons this process ended so abruptly in certain states is due to the fringe Jewish ideologues who sought to capitalize on crises to implement communism, and thus lent credence to the claims against Jews, and in Europe as a whole due to the trauma of WWII.

>> No.16519380

That cover looks like shit is why. I know don't judge a book by its cover but nothing screams crappy pseudo-history like having a 9 year old do your graphic design. Everything Black House publishes looks like shit and has this problem.

>> No.16519397

Not an argument.

>> No.16519432

They could unironically make a better cover with just with no pictures at all, or with a single outline of one under the title. It looks like some shitty slide in a TA's half-assed powerpoint.

>> No.16519453


>> No.16519464
File: 205 KB, 367x558, Zionism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why haven't you read it yet?" answering the question, don't have any interest in arguing about banking shit lmao

Pic for another example. Lots of books in the world. I've found that a great way to prune away stuff that might not be worth the time is to set a rule; no books where the cover looks like they let someone out of a cage for "Photoshop Time" and took the first draft as a final product.

>> No.16520259

This book is junk. The first paragraph of the introduction has a fake Orwell quote. Spend your time on legitimate works.

>> No.16520280

Never heard of it, but the Fed is one of our country's greatest sins.

You've got me hooked

>> No.16520315

Marx was fucking broke and certainly not in the loop with and media or banking concerns (he lost money speculating) for the bulk of his later life. The only money he made was essentially what Engels or his Philips branch of the family gave him (which wasn't much considering he lived in poverty in London.) Not that I give a shit about Marx but its almost as if Bakunin is speaking about some else entirely it's so divorced from Mrax's situation.

>> No.16520374

the author’s basic premise is sound, it’s a shame he stuffed his book with so much made up horseshit

>> No.16520393

Because I'm only a man. Trust the Others.

>> No.16520460

>so much made up horseshit
such as?

>> No.16520491

Lmao give me one reason why he didn't deserve it. He was a scum bag dictator you anti semite.

>> No.16520524
