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/lit/ - Literature

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16516945 No.16516945 [Reply] [Original]

Wow this was boring and dumb, why is it considered a masterpiece classic?

>> No.16516947

Sound and Fury by Faulkner

>> No.16516960


>> No.16517135

I wanted to read this as the title intrigued me but I’ve heard nothing aside from it being garbo

>> No.16517151

june 2 1910 section is the high point of english literature

>> No.16517303


>> No.16517308

are you in prof gangs class

>> No.16517345

>boring and dumb
>why is it considered a masterpiece classic?
Because it's a mirror

>> No.16517563

That cover is not great, but most are even worse. I've never seen an edition of TSATF with a decent cover.

>> No.16518886


>> No.16518893

Wow, sweet burn. You really got me.

>> No.16518907

Benjy is literally me

>> No.16518985

The part where Faulkner omits using any punctuation to signify Quentin losing his mind before he jumps, is one of the most powerful passages ever written in any language.

>> No.16519517
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I like how it has actual /pol/posting in it

>> No.16519536
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>> No.16519567

First half of the book is peak American literature

>> No.16519671

is the title from macbeth?

>> No.16519752

Life's (. . .) a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing

>> No.16519805

They didn't have tv, internet or vidya back then.

>> No.16519829

hate that you’re filtered by it, but TSATF is one of the pillars of American lit, and even modern eng. lit as well; the tragedy and microcosm of Caddy and Benjy and Quentin as it is composed harmoniously to the macro of southern decline and the godless coda of modernity manifesting to the god fearing is top-tier. A better tragedy than any in American lit.

>> No.16520104

the first few pages where he remembers talking with his father about caddy is as well

>> No.16520128

Bro, I got sisters. That shit that Quentin feels is real in every man, I think. It's just that some are better to handle those feelings/thoughts better than others.

>> No.16520139

Oh fuck yes I've been looking for a reason to swing at the book publicly.

It is fucking trash.

> 'Redneck who uses 6 syllable words' is not a voice.
> Sentences that last for 2 pages are not ' conversational
> 'Faulkner but a woman/incest degenerate/retard/burned out farmer' are not characters

Boring, unreadable, shit ending. I do not understand how anyone can find anything but shit in this book

>> No.16520157

>filtered so hard that you find one of the greatest novels in English trash
I'm so sorry for your loss, anon

>> No.16520546

Go back, bitch.

>> No.16520662

It's garbage. Maybe it resonates to hicks or people that want to fuck their sister, but to everyone else, it's just trash

>> No.16520688

"A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing". The title of this book ended up being a little too on the nose

>> No.16521182

Can't believe that /lit/ is filled with midwits who got filtered by one of the greatest novels ever written. Nevermind, yes I can.

>> No.16521531

Seethe more, the book is an unmitigated disaster. Faulkner even wanted to have the text printed in different color ink to help it be more coherent but the publisher declined. The emperor has no clothes, the book is a dumpster fire.

>> No.16521542

Kek why did I never make that connection>>16519567

>> No.16521546

True, really goes to show how shit American literature is

>> No.16521785

I prefer absalom absalom

>> No.16522014

They're tied for the #1 spot

>> No.16522591

Today is like the invasion of reddit or some bullshit.

>> No.16522597

It's only going to get worse with the election coming up

>> No.16522658

Wow and despite your flattering review, this "unmitigated disaster" still resonates more with Americans than any thought you've commmitted to paper. Impressive considering your contributions include fingering your asshole, kissing boys, and mental illness which are the pillars of our modern culture

>> No.16522691

Why do those losers come here instead of remaining in /pol/?

>> No.16523017

the trick is that the first section with Benjy narrating is the hardest to understand, hard to get your bearings until the second section, almost best to reread the beginning when you finish the penultimate section.

>> No.16523044

yeah same

>> No.16523091

This is you seething more

>> No.16523109

Faulkner was so good at writing a retard that he made me feel like the retarded one

>> No.16523130

this is because the both of you are retards; mouthing nonsense at each other across the mirror of years

>> No.16523144

terrible bait, apply yourself

>> No.16523153

I remember almost tearing up 12 pages in because of how mean they were to benji

>> No.16523159

what an unbelievably based post

>> No.16523175

>/pol/ is manifest in a caricature of an absolutely loathsome and irredeemable person
all checks out

>> No.16523205

>F I L T E R E D
OP has a point.
It reads like shit, which is the reason high school students who have to read it usually hate it.
Writing in multiple people’s voices usually means the author does some of those characters poorly, or it that the characters are inherently irksome or boring or unpleasant to read.

>> No.16523215

It doesn't read like shit, though. Quentin's section is gorgeous, and benjy's is more confusing than it is rough to read. The narrative makes sense when you get through all of it. Most people just lack that willpower

>> No.16523222

high school students don't read faulkner

>> No.16523241

i'm sure that's what it usually means, but that doesn't apply to faulkner.
you write like you haven't read the book to completion, have you?

>> No.16523319

>Why do those losers come here instead of remaining in /pol/?
I come here because I’m captcha blocked from any of the 4chan( as opposed to 4channel) boards.
Plus, some of you /lit/ fucks have your heads shoved so far up your asses about what is “good”, you recommend classics despite the classics being atrocious to read.

>> No.16523331

>captcha blocked of all things
>can't read
get help

>> No.16523346

Sorry, I cant read 87x135

>> No.16523368

>Wow and despite your flattering review, this "unmitigated disaster" still resonates more with Americans than any thought you've commmitted to paper.
Most Americans haven’t bothered reading Faulkner, unless
-they had to read it for a high school or college course and actually did so,
-they decided to “read” some list of all the classics of American or “World” literature,
-Or they heard that Faulkner was some “Great” author, and decided to be pretentious and read Faulkner.
Most of the above probably don’t understand the work, or pretend they do by reading the cliff notes or some famous authors introduction to the works.
The fact that the same points an English teacher commented on in class keep getting mentioned here makes me think the only people with an independent opinion on the books are those who say it’s unpleasant crap or similar.

>> No.16523379

>high school students don't read Faulkner
Literally, yes they do, at least in decent schools.

>> No.16523384

any book that has a perspective told by a retard is trash.
>father i have committed the sin of incest

>> No.16523390

Those same things mostly aply to any nationality and one of their famous writers. the only exception are those with an inferiority conmplex like macedonia or to some extent poland who might go ultra nationalist and read for their own volition.

>> No.16523407

>It doesn't read like shit, though. Quentin's section is gorgeous, and benjy's is more confusing than it is rough to read. The narrative makes sense when you get through all of it. Most people just lack that willpower
If certain sections of a book are hard to read, and other sections are pleasant, or beautifully written,
it means part of the book sucks to read,
Which can ruin the reading experience.
If you add in the book only makes sense once it’s finished, then you have a book that was partially unpleasant to read, that you might need to read again.
This is the definition of a book someone might toss into the trash because they think it’s shit.

>> No.16523415

>some of you /lit/ fucks have your heads shoved so far up your asses about what is “good”
Imagine being a /pol/shitter, someone who prides themselves on knowing how "things really are", and simultaneously falling into the thought process of a high schooler when confronted by things they do not understand.
The fact that you can't even fathom that someone might know more about a topic than you, someone with a fleeting intrest, and then assume they're pretentious is fucking laughable.
Stick to your shit fucking board, i bet you stink up noise threads on /mu/ too, and you would classical threads as well, if you weren't so afraid of making an ass of yourself.

>> No.16523430

>The fact that the same points an English teacher commented on in class keep getting mentioned here makes me think the only people with an independent opinion on the books are those who say it’s unpleasant crap or similar.
pretty huge leap

>> No.16523440

>If certain sections of a book are hard to read, and other sections are pleasant, or beautifully written, it means part of the book sucks to read,
holy fucking shit what
what the fuck is this entire post?

>> No.16523457

I'm in agreement. If you write your book to be read twice so we can parse through your shit its a shitty book.

>> No.16523468

you don't, though, you just have to learn how to fucking read.

>> No.16523491

"the reading experience"
identity thinking has ruined peoples analytical ability. theres no sense of process, only identities and things. you didnt read the book, you had a reading experience. youre dont appreciate faulkner's writing, you're a faulkner stan
please if you see this read adorno

>> No.16523493

>make a relatively complex literary work using stream of consciousness to show the complexeties of human thought, action, family and the american south
>have to dumb it down so that shitters who can barely read a pamphlet can understand what's going on in one go
do you not realise how fucking retarded you are?

>> No.16523507

>pretty huge leap
No, It’s not.

>> No.16523520

whatever you say, man

>> No.16523564

this guy's gonna FREAK when he finds out finnegans wake exists

>> No.16523568

> relatively complex
> yet another pseud shitpost about a failing family in the deep South

The plots not complex, the emotions aren't complex, and actual deep South dialect is pretty easy to follow.

What we have here is a basedboy who's so overeducated he can't complete a coherent thought without putting his points behind a wall of fog so that fellow pseuds can sit and clap at the complexity.

>> No.16523586

what the fuck are you even talking about?
what wall of fog? "relatively" literally means it's not that difficult to follow and was for your benefit, are you thick?
if it's not at all complex, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.16523827

>They said it's good so that means it's good.

How is being anti-God good? Fix your priorities.

>> No.16523833

Whoa whoa whoa, we have a snob who thinks he's better than anyone, here.

>> No.16523848

Why don't you go back to pleddit? I'm not sure how you don't know that we own the whole site?

>> No.16523851

There's a snob in a conversation about Faulkner?

>> No.16523863

>t. thinks the Internet isn't free

>> No.16523868

Libtard mods did that, sorry

>> No.16523936

>le don’t understand the work

>> No.16523943

>le things they do not understand

>> No.16523954

Yes, have you met /lit/? They're poor people who pretend they're smart.

>> No.16524022

> The emperor has no clothes, the book is a dumpster fire.
Now I get it, this is just a version of that copypasta the shitter on Reddit did on As I Lay Dying, thinking he was so smart and that everyone was lying about liking the book. Pro-tip, if you don't get a book, that doesn't mean it has no meaning, it either means read it again, come back when you're better read for it, or you're too dumb :)

>> No.16524053

Go back

>> No.16524079

Everymans Library

>> No.16524174
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It's just americans grasping whatever trash they can find to call it a master piece in lack of actual ones and the deep feeling on inadequacy when comparing themselves even to a small country like portugal or norway. It's memed on here because we sadly speak english and therefore are lacking a lingualand intelectuall barrie, which comes from first having to be fluent in ones second language, to keep the mutt creaturas from posting on here.

Ignore and keep reading the actual canon (not the Bloom jew one).

>> No.16524180

Or it's a dumpster fire that a bunch of pseuds like to circle jerk over. Which is the case here.

>> No.16524266

>It's just americans grasping whatever trash they can find to call it a master piece in lack of actual ones and the deep feeling on inadequacy when comparing themselves even to a small country like portugal or norway. It's memed on here because we sadly speak english and therefore are lacking a lingualand intelectuall barrie, which comes from first having to be fluent in ones second language, to keep the mutt creaturas from posting on here.
>Ignore and keep reading the actual canon (not the Bloom jew one).
Poe, Twain, and numerous US mystery writers like Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett are routinely read outside the US, as well as in translations into other languages.

>> No.16525400

Yes, american trash gets exported.

>> No.16525408
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>US mystery writers
Next you "people" will start refering to some bulevard magazine as literature. Jesus Christ, Cleethus.

>> No.16525417



>> No.16525608

Why is this guy allowed on this board? Have some standards.

>> No.16525614

Just go away, american.

>> No.16526712

I sincerely feel sorry for people who can’t into The Sound And The Fury/Faulkner in general

>> No.16526772

It's incredible, stop taking advice from people who say it's garbage, because chances are they don't read.
If you're looking for a book where stuff happens you'll want to go somewhere else, but if you're looking for a masterpiece of prose, it doesn't get much better than this.

>> No.16527020

As I lay Dying, maybe.

>> No.16527561

This is a cool mind reacting to hot media.

>> No.16527722

Nah I agree with Nabokov that great books need to be reread

>> No.16527788

I never read Faulkner in high school or college, because taking classes to read is a fucking huge waste of time, but I can say that TSATF is one of the best written novels in any language, and not because some teacher told me it was, but because only a handful of books have left a deep emotion in me that four years after I read it, I still go back to it and read my favorite passages.

>> No.16527809

fuck off to plebbit, you loser bitch. How does it feel to know that everyone else thinks you are a loser?