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/lit/ - Literature

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16516363 No.16516363 [Reply] [Original]

>rabid Guenon poster before it was cool
>shitposted about Stirner before it was cool
>wrote hundreds of pages against evolution and Catholicism
Was he a proto /lit/ poster?

>> No.16516426

hard to believe this guy was an american.

>> No.16516440

Why? He basically lived the life of most American Orthodox converts, it's more surprising that he lived and died before the existence of the Internet

>> No.16516518
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Should I pull the trigger on this, bros?

>> No.16516523

As an Ortho, I listened to the audiobook and it basically seemed like an extended /pol/ post

>> No.16516526

was he kind of writing in response to the rising Christocentric theology in the catholic church?

>> No.16516691

It was okay, but Religion of the future is better imo.

>> No.16517069

>Was he a proto /lit/ poster?
Just an analog elderfag