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16512350 No.16512350 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on translations? I think there's no point in reading them because they destroy the aesthetic essence of the literary work. I mean yo can't get the whole sense on, for exmple, shakearean poetry in a different language of English.

>> No.16512491
File: 411 KB, 1080x1080, DBC756CE-19B3-4F3D-9974-572B0BAB8CC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot counts for something when telling a story.
Translations can at the very least deliver that

>> No.16512660

You literally just miss out on the prose in the original language. But a good translator can give the book an equally styled prose in the translation. I think you're a pseud for holding the opinion you have.

>> No.16512790
File: 43 KB, 281x692, 20201005_123431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely certain things are better in translation. I've tarted up plenty of banal passages from the Latin. It's why Edgar Allen Poe is revered as a demigod to the French but a poet of middlin, quaint periodicals to Americans. (The sentiment, if anyone wishes to convey it, that Poe was aided immeasurably by Baudelaire in that passage from American to French shores proves my point.) Beckett may not improve upon Mallarme but he certainly doesn't demean him. The problem is in less than adequate translators, most of whom are either academics with dull poetic sensibility or piss-poor poet/writers ekeing out a more reliable living when their own visions failed them. Hell, even Nabokov praises certain translations and he's a critical gorgon (and did the work himself when it wasn't an economic necessity.)

>> No.16512797

It's "traditore"

>> No.16512803


>> No.16512912

jesus who is that

>> No.16513532

are you allowed to post this kind of thing?
if the other anarchists find out...

>> No.16513545

Anarchists can’t be exhibitionists/voyeurs?

>> No.16513558

Imagine drink her breast and give her leave with child.

>> No.16513562

Probably a girl. Can't know for sure without seeing the front.

>> No.16513573

a coomer AND an ESL? the cards are stacked against you my friend

>> No.16513579


>> No.16513605


>> No.16513630

well, when you put it like that...i think i get it, anon. imagine, drink her breast and give her leave with child! novel! i still hate coomers and i don’t trust ESLs but you’ve given me some valuable insight here.

>> No.16513649

Woman of legs open then clit lick Nipples hers hands mine rub

>> No.16513662

You are posting the big boob picture. I see picture and i like the picture. I tell you think about drinking her breast and IMPREGNATE. Yes?

>> No.16513672

unga BUNGA!

>> No.16513679

Agree or disagree???

>> No.16513695

agree (tentatively)

>> No.16513715


Please email. I want the woman.

>> No.16513734

I know her pixels. Her name is Mandy P. Hotoshop.

>> No.16513746

English ones suck more than usual. Especially poetry, as if the translators don't even bother adapting their style to what they are translating. Imagine reading prose translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey, incredibly pathetic

>> No.16513813
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It makes it more important to do research in terms of quality for a given translation of a work, and, I think, necessitates owning at least 2 copies of the given work so that you can get the most out of it if it is not in your native language. Translation really is an art form, and I at least am not inclined to spend my life learning every language in Europe before I read many of their books. Learning languages is fantastic, but don't let the fact that something is a translation stop you from reading it. You would have to be pretty retarded to let that happen.

>> No.16513826

Lattimore and Fagles are lovely.

>> No.16514090

no, I don't think they can

>> No.16514108
File: 37 KB, 540x304, 2974E0CD-CB1D-40CA-B0A5-456FEAD37845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get pretty horny and in the mood to break social norms a lot.
Like to have threesomes too.

>> No.16514227

there was a nice post in a translation thread a few weeks ago wherein someone said 'read translations, just don't say you've read the original. say you have read (for instance) chapman's homer.' extremely based position, wish i had screenshotted the post.
translations are mostly ok for novels and probably get you >90% of what's good about them (at least, translating between indo-european languages; i don't even have a guess at how much is preserved between different language families)
for poetry, depending on what kind of poetry we're talking and how distant a tongue it has come from, I feel like it's much less, like 10% < x < 80%
(reading haiku in translation, for instance, seems completely pointless to me)

>> No.16514235

t. just bought golding's metamorphoses on the rec of an ezra pound anon earlier today