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/lit/ - Literature

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16507598 No.16507598 [Reply] [Original]

No Mormons.

>> No.16507639
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Well, here would be my "stack" of sorts:
The Holy Bible
St Augustine - Confessions
Thomas Aquinas- De Regno
Loyola - Spiritual Exercises
Dante - The Divine Comedy (for Catholics)
Milton - Pradise Lost (for Protestants)
Dostoyevski - Brothers Karamazov (for Orthodox)
Leo XIII - Rerum Novarum
Pius X - On Modernism
Guenon - Dante's Esoterism
Benedict XVI (then Ratzinger) - Introduction to Christianity

These would be the ones that I read and can recall right now, but as you can see, no particular order, nor did I read them one by one with no books in between.

>> No.16507661
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Based Bonhoeffer

>> No.16507688

Inb4 LARPing cringelords

Oh wait, that’s every single neo-christian on this board, nevermind

>> No.16507840
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>> No.16507848

Led miserables and the betrothed you may like. Idk why they don't get referenced more often in this context
Why so hostile?

>> No.16507854
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stop bitching and contribute

>> No.16507857
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>> No.16507985
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>> No.16507999
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>> No.16508011
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Kinda christian, but esoteric. Fun interesting read from an unknown author

>> No.16508040
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>> No.16508043

Anyone have the breadpill reading list that can post it?

>> No.16508290
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You know it's true.

>> No.16509064
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>> No.16509164

that its essentially christian in message?

>> No.16509300

The Life of Moses by St. Gregory of Nyssa. Wonderful work on an allegorical understanding of Moses' life thus far, though I'm not particularly far into it yet.
No pic because phoneposting.
>Unrelated, but /lit/ should allow uploading pdf and epub like /tg/ imo

>> No.16509327
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>The Antichrist

>> No.16509328

It's only the Catholics that are LARPers. The Prots aren't nearly as obnoxious.

>> No.16509342

wut? noone has called you that yet and why would that even been prompted unless you post something intentionally off topic?

>> No.16509346
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This book is great. What books on Thomas Aquinas do you all like?

>> No.16509448
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>> No.16509816

Jean-Pierre Torrell's introduction is the best one if you ever plan to go in hard with Aquinas.

>> No.16509995

Pilgrim's Progress
The Holy War
The Clementine Recognitions
Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of Holy Life by Lawrence, Brother
City of God
The Book of the Bee
Imitation of Christ
Book of Martyrs
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

>> No.16510015

whats up with the mo- hate? most of them are nice

>> No.16510784

wacky theology, no great literature

>> No.16510792

Your point?

>> No.16512289
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This on was pretty great.

>> No.16512537

Why are Pr*testants so numerous on /lit/? You know Catholicism is the counterculture, right?

>> No.16513098

how is anybody supposed to answer this

>> No.16513521

Are there any good books that explain Christian theology? Like I've read the Bible but I'm still confused on the Christian view of the afterlife.

Do we got to Heaven right away or do we enter some sort of slumber? Are we going to Heaven or are we going to be raised from the dead to partake in some Messianic kingdom?

>> No.16513580

The Catechism of the Catholic Church.

>> No.16513622

Anything Protestant?

>> No.16513644

take note that the bible isn't entirely clear on that, just like it isn't entirely clear on whats in heaven
maybe our minds can't comprehend it, or it isn't our business quite yet

>> No.16513792

if you're getting into catholicism because it's a "counter-culture" it's too late to help you anon

>> No.16513967
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Louis Berkhof, Wayne Grudem and James Montgomery Boice are good places to start, after that you really should read Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.

>> No.16515002

Christians are perpetuating their idiocy by not reading the quad

>> No.16515004

‘Jesus the Christ’ by james Talmage is one of the best books I’ve read of the life of Jesus. I’m catholic.

>> No.16515216
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Very nice list
My recommendations after reading fp's intro books would be
>St. Augustine - City of God
>St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Concise Translation (transl. Timothy McDermott)
>Plotinus - Enneads (transl. Stephen McKenna)
>Marsilio Ficino - Platonic Theology (read Dionysius first)
All of Ficino's writings are great, especially his extensive commentaries on Plato, Plotinus and Pseudo-Dionysius where he reconciles Platonism quite thoroughly and successfully with Christianity, much like Aquinas did with Aristotle. Arthur Farndell's translations of Ficino's Platonic Dialogue commentaries are well worth - the one on the Symposium is quite famous.
>Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet - Discourse on Universal History // Politics Drawn from the words of Holy Scripture
Bossuet's work is often seen as the sequel to Augustine's City of God
>Joseph De Maistre - St. Petersburg Dialogues
[Classics of Western Spirituality Prints]
>Pseudo-Dionysius - Complete Works
>Meister Eckhart - Teacher & Preacher // Sermons
>St. Catherine of Siena - Dialogues
[Contemporary Writers]
>Michael Allen Gillespie - Theological Origins of Modernity
>Charles Taylor - Secular Age
>Ivan Ilyin - On Resistance to Evil by Force
>Alasdair MacIntyre - After Virtue // Whose Justice? Which Rationality? // Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry
>Evelyn Underhill - Practical Mysticism
>Cardinal Sarah - The Day is Now Far Spent

>> No.16515226

these people should know true Christianity has no doctrine and should be followed through scripture

>> No.16515307

fergot Donne

>> No.16515637

I've not (yet) read the Bible, but many intellectual paths I've followed have lead me to Benedict XVI; would reading his Intro before the Bible be a reasonable starting point? Or would I be better off having read the Bible first?

>> No.16515815

abandonment to divine providence
tragic sense of life
sickness unto death

>> No.16515979

Definitely read The Bible first. Ratzinger is more on the philosophy of it, and a wider picture through a lense of a mortal man observing both the Holy Scripture and its impact through history.

However, the best advice for reading The Bible once you've already read it in full (or could even be during your first read) would be the daily liturgical readings. It usually takes less than five minutes a day and truly does wonders both for the mind and the soul.

God bless

>> No.16516162

They’re about as Christian as Muslims. Sure, they acknowledge Christ was holy, but the idea that He was (is) God and that He literally died and was resurrected bodily makes them seethe.

>> No.16516232

Thank you anon, God bless you as well

>> No.16516253

>Why are Pr*testants so numerous on /lit/?
wtf no they arent. we barely get any prot thread and most crist posters are catholic posters.

>> No.16516256

What? Mormons believe in the literal resurrection of Christ and they worship Christ as a God. They aren't trinitarians though. Similar in some ways to Arian Christians.

>> No.16516879

This is the most false thing I’ve ever read. They believe Christ died and was resurrected and that it’s only through Christ that you can be “saved”

Stop relying on your pastor

>> No.16517013

they are polytheists who believe jesus and satan are brothers

>> No.16517131

That’s also what the Bible eludes too.

>> No.16517142

Isaiah 44:6
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.


>> No.16517160
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Can any Christian bros give me a run down on why god allows children to be killed by the Israelite's and himself in the OT? I'm not trying to be cheeky its actually bothering me and I'm trying to make sense of it. As far as I know we don't inherit the sins of our fathers or at least we are not to be punished for their sins, yet god says in Exodus 20 "I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, " this seems contrary to Ezekiel 20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."

I want to believe god is just and wouldn't snuff out children innocent of sin even if they still have a shot at redemption with Christs death and Resurrection. But if its a matter of kill them now and redeem them later it makes me wonder why bother with allowing human life to begin with, it makes me think abortion shouldn't be seen as wrong as everyone dies any ways and redemption is granted to those who die innocently any ways.

It seems very anti life to me, like its irrelevant to live a long and fulfilled life but I don't think that's right as the bible elsewhere seems to truly encourage a good and fulfilling life here on Earth not just in the Kingdom to come. Can anyone maybe set me right on what I might be getting mixed up here?

>> No.16517217

>Can any Christian bros give me a run down on why god allows children to be killed by the Israelite's and himself in the OT?
not reading the rest, sorry
you're just projecting your morals to God and appealing to emotion. theres probably a more sensible explanation, but "God does thing that hurts my feelings" isn't an argument against religion.

>> No.16517244
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>no mormons
the story of korihor is quite a brilliant approach to atheism tho. it's basically a fan fiction about a guy making steelman atheist argument that is so good you can't refute it, but the guy gets horrifically killed by god and trampled to death instead. it's a right christian approach imo rather than trying to argue with people about faith which is at some point a nonsensical endeavor

>> No.16517249

I implore you to read the rest, I'm not trying to be an ass its an actual issue I'm trying to grapple with.

>> No.16517842

>>Pseudo-Dionysius - Complete Works
>>Meister Eckhart - Teacher & Preacher // Sermons

>> No.16517857

You know what does me? That so many happy clappers and assorted proddy denominations (especially outside Europe) hold their mass, or whatever they call their sing a long time, in fucking conference centres. How can you believe in god if the church you go to is housed in an industrial estate. Get some stones and art and gore and shit. Fuck.

>> No.16518031

Both Pseudo-Dionysius and Eckhart are orthodox and in good standing with the Church, please use Google first Mr. convert

>> No.16518482

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

>> No.16518645

they were opposing the chosenites and were evil, simple as

>> No.16518649

>Mr. convert
I was born Catholic. Denys is the real deal. Pseudo-Denys and Eckhart are not formal heretics, but they are not recommended to be read by the lay people, Eckhart even rejected his works at the end of his life. Just read the doctors of the Church instead.

>> No.16519138

You have a misunderstanding of what “god” is. Christ is God bit is a seperate beibg from “the father”. They are one in purpose but are not the same entity. Read the intercessory prayer in John 17.

Also in the garden God is clearly talking to somebody else:
Genesis 1:
26 And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after our likeness...

Keep reading for more examples.

Jesus was a spirit first like all of us but was one of the sons of the morning along with satan.

He gave glory to God (Elohim) and was chosen to be the savior/ creator of the world.

Satan was cast out obviously and never acquired a physical body.

They were brothers and were also our brothers. Everyone born on earth was part of the intelligences that didn’t get cast out (the 3rd part that was cast out of heaven [see revelation])

>> No.16519164

So he’s saying there isn’t “other” Gods.

That being said Joseph smith taught the man god theory.

Which explains that this system is an eternal cycle and that our God was man once. Then ascended to Godhood

He taught that we will become gods one day but that We will always still only have one (The God) god above us like we will only have one father.

The paternal pattern that exists now exists in the eternities and is an everlasting cycle

John 10:33-34 33

The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Psalms 82:6

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

>> No.16519175

It depends on the port in question, most are ok, but American prots are by far the most obnoxious Christians that aren’t members of pseudo-Christian cults like the JW or mormonism

>> No.16519198


>> No.16519810
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Studies in the Sermon on the Mount

>> No.16520220

anything by Alasdair MacIntyre

>> No.16520225

Mormonism answers all of the questions mainstream Christianity is either unwilling to face or too scared to ask.

>> No.16520249

>never met Brazilian universalists.