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File: 3.58 MB, 1200x1793, otherwise a perfectly cromulent novel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16503341 No.16503341 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ, fuck Alyosha's notes about the elder. This tedious piece of shit chapter is filtering me from the rest of the book. I don't know if the translation I have just isn't great but the prose itself isn't nice enough that I can tolerate reading piles of garbage that come out of that senile old fuck's mouth as his brain suffocates in a bath of its own cellular waste.
Did Dostoevsky just decide to copy paste some old high school essays into his book or what the fuck. This shit sucks man.

>> No.16503351

and your point for making this thread is?

>> No.16503359

Refer to the subject line.

>> No.16503417

>commenting on prose while reading a translation
midwits are in the hhouuuseee tonighttt

>> No.16503444

>Thinks prose doesn't pass on in translation
Worse than midwit, just straight low iq

>> No.16503449

yeah I do think that. cos its true.

>> No.16503467

still better than the anglo dostodrones who herald it as a literary masterpiece

>> No.16503492

I agree with that. I think anglos love it because their own literary heritage is usually spiritually bankrupt and so dosto acts as this shockingly deep revelation of religion to them, when hes pretty superficial compared to other christian writers.

>> No.16503529


>> No.16503537

Silence by Endō

>> No.16503544

He's the pro to pro and contra.

Zosima is essential to the whole message of the book.

>> No.16503547

Any of unamunos novels would be a start

>> No.16503671

that chapter as well as the prosecutors big speech near the end were the low points of the book for me definitely. still a great book though

>> No.16503712

Glad to know there's only one other slog.

>implying I'm commenting on Dostoevsky's prose and not the translation's
I specifically said that it could be a failing of the translator. Maybe it's really comfy to read in Russian, but it's not in English.

>> No.16503744

the second slog is shorter and also my personal bias kind of comes into play regarding why i found it so boring so other people might not even find it to be an issue

>> No.16503777 [DELETED] 

first for fuck the grand inquisitor

>> No.16503801

also he literally did copy paste this from noted of an actual monk

>> No.16503883

Yeah, it's just bad. That's more or less what you get from the novel's golden age. Editors were barely a thing beyond spellchecking, you sold by pagecount. In exchange for not having the deadening commercial architecture and stupid truisms of the modern novel scene you have to put up with Dosto or Tolstoy just ranting, Dickens or Dumas inserting filler characters. There was a greater leeway for being shit back then because there was, thank god, no MfA style analysis of texts in the publishing house.

>> No.16503889

Doesn't the decline of literature point to the ranting unedited style being superior?

>> No.16503908

Depends what you want, but I think people like OP have this shit where they expect older novels to be the most polished, having stood the test of time and all that, whereas they're normally ragged and unpredictable with clear faults.

>> No.16504271

Imagine having such bad opinions

>> No.16504445

It's the best part of the book so far for me.

>> No.16504791

Trust me, it's the same shit in original.

>> No.16504834

Who says that was novel's golden age anon

>> No.16504934

God-fearing deviant.

>> No.16504951

>I don't know if the translation I have just isn't great
Unless you're reading Garnett then it's probably not stylistically great, and if you're reading P&V it's stylistically awful, as they can't write

>> No.16505852

the word is "based"

>> No.16507079

I actually thought that was the highlight of the book, it got a lot more boring for me as soon as we get into Dmitri fucking around on the day of the crime, which seemed interminable and shallow.

>Did Dostoevsky just decide to copy paste some old high school essays into his book or what the fuck.
Yes, he took it from a biography of some dude who once lived at the monastery he stayed at. He said he copied it almost word for word.

>> No.16507115

>hating based Zosima

>> No.16507117

I loved the monastery antics, and the drama about the smelling body.

>> No.16507131

ITT: jaded doomer seething at a fictional person for having a good and fulfilling life

>> No.16507156

best parts of this book are Ivan lunch with Alexei and Ivan meetings with Smerdyakov. Dmitri splashing cash and owning the poles was good too

>> No.16507197
File: 21 KB, 357x313, 1559818481739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get to read the sequel

>> No.16507758

I don't hate what's in there itself (I even highlighted some parts), but it's so out of place with everything else that's going on. If I had opened it up as "a monk's essays on life" I would have read it no problem, but going from the misadventures of the brothers three to, "kids these days let me tell you" "love one another repeat ad nauseam" is no bueno.
Knowing that now, I'm not surprised.

My version is translated by Andrew R. MacAndrew.

>> No.16507847

you don't have a soul

>> No.16507948

>perfectly cromulent
sneed XD

>> No.16508261

P&V are a slog. Dostoyevsky is a slog. Most 19th C Russian lit is a slog. I’m no longer going to pretend to read and like it in order to earn my pseud-points.

>> No.16508267

Just fucking skip Alyosha's chapters.

>> No.16508268

Put it down and read a Fritz Lieber book. It’ll be shorter and more fun.

>> No.16508438

That's one of my favorite parts of the book. Worst part for me was Dmitri running around like a fucking autist looking for money.

>> No.16508710

Everyone in this thread is retarded. Father Zosima’s homilies is literally the most important chapter of the book. It is the key to understanding the work. It is the response to Ivan’s Rebellion and the paradigm through which a reader must view Alexei’s speech following the death of Ilyusha.

This board is worthless. Good for nothing but shallow interpretations that completely miss the point of any given novel

>> No.16508715

kek exactly
read the thread nigger

>> No.16508765

That's the best part of the book, you nigger.

>> No.16508866

everybody just have a cringe time

>> No.16508895

wow that's one of my favourite chapters

>> No.16509059

You missed Ivan's encounter with the devil.

>> No.16509339

The sequel is your life dude.

"The Life of a Great Sinner" is your life after reading the book.

It's very existential.

>> No.16509375

I did. that's a great chapter.

>> No.16509420

Father Zosima chapters are some of the best in the book tho

>> No.16509673

t. father ferapont

>> No.16510111

Every other chapter with him was ok. I guess rather than fuck the elder it should be "fuck Alyosha's idol worship fanfic".