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16502243 No.16502243 [Reply] [Original]

Worth reading? Considered a book?

>> No.16502261 [DELETED] 
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>injury to her vaginal area

"A generation of niggers" would be a better book to explain the destruction of America

>> No.16502320

Hate literature like this should be banned.

>> No.16502337


Years before OK Boomer, I once made an overt anti-boomer comment to my father like 15 years ago, who is himself a boomer. I was being edgy and hoping to get something of a rise out of him, and his reply was totally sincere and very disarming: "Yes, you're right. I am deeply ashamed at what my generation has done to this country." I was not expecting that shit.

>> No.16502372
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My boomer dad had it by his bed i read it and it was pretty based. Not as based as mein kampf tho. I said dad you shouldnt read that pussy shit (the boomer book) and slapped my annotated, highlighted, and sticky noted copy of the european mans bible (Mein Kampf) into his hand. We now hate niggers together and have become based. Not even memeing

>> No.16502377

Read it, paints over class conflict with a generational conflict coat of paint.

>> No.16503302

I remember when I was in college right when the word Millennial was coming into vogue; reading all these blatantly flattering articles about Millennials in The Atlantic and The Economist and places like that. It was probably a roundabout way of bashing Neoconservatives most of the time, like one was basically “we’re sorry with threatening you with having to flip burgers your whole life and then making you flip burgers”.
Another from like, 2011 was a long list of things Millennials apparently had different attitudes about than our parents at our age. One was the difference in value we put on cars and another was how important we thought savings was. That one was funny because it was right before Instagram, the travel meme and Social Media as a profession blew up.
That Billy McFarland Fyre Festival documentary is our “American Pie”; wait and see

>> No.16503306

>Worth reading? Considered a book?
Moreover: the novel skewering just that has yet to be written

>> No.16503315

why do americans *always* fall for those identitarian divide-and-conquers. Being tricked into hating yourselves seems to be your favorite thing

>> No.16503320

Easy to blame, hard to adapt

>> No.16503379

I don't agree with anything attempting to construct a narrative to justify blaming someone for your problems.

>> No.16503414 [DELETED] 

I want to read it, because I’ve become very aware recently of how our interpretation of the constitution has changed in the last 50 years or so and it’s effects on every part of American life. I see this mainly as being a direct result of social upheaval in the 60’s.
It seems very obvious to me, that certain court cases, and certain social causes, like protests against the Vietnam War are portrayed in the media as being unquestionably positive with dissenting opinions rarely being offered. It seems like this is mainly due to the power of that generation as a marketing demographic that all the turmoil of the 60’s must be portrayed as heroic.

>> No.16503481

Thanks for a constructive reply but I can't immediately relate to any of what you just wrote. Don't know what the festival is (or care much, except for sociological understanding per you). Also not perfectly clear on your burger flipping rhetoric beyond a vague, conventional boomer gloating point, but you seemed to be going somewhere else with it. 1984 here if that helps, but we speak different dialects.

>> No.16503522

>One was the difference in value we put on cars and another was how important we thought savings was. That one was funny because it was right before Instagram, the travel meme and Social Media as a profession blew up.
>That Billy McFarland Fyre Festival documentary is our “American Pie”; wait and see
What does any of this mean? Am I out of touch? I can't follow on a semantic level.

>> No.16503546

Thank you for validating my confusion with the post. I think he's indicating how millenials are forced to do without cars and recent cultural youth trends, generally. But the car thing is dead wrong: if anything, the car retains its value of autonomy exactly because it is less attainable now.

>> No.16503557

>only individuals have problems, but societies composed of individuals never do

What the fuck is this retarded fucking meme. I want to bludgeon you with a crowbar

>> No.16503565

Feels like a huge chunk of Millennials became unironic socialists/communists, while a significant minority of them correspondingly became unironic fascists and monarchists.

>> No.16503574

/ptg/ Boomer go triggered.

>> No.16503575

Societies aren't things that can have problems. You're misusing concepts.

>> No.16503578

Nevermind, it's retarded.

>> No.16503588

According to an idiot who treats society as an organism.

>> No.16503592 [DELETED] 

Capitalism makes people sociopaths. This book is to get the you her generations bitter about the old and to ignore the rich bitches that are betraying the world and the species.

You’re another distraction, IDpol-tard

>> No.16503596


>> No.16503597

>Feels like a huge chunk of Millennials became unironic socialists/communists
>a significant minority of them correspondingly became unironic fascists and monarchists.

We are not old enough to have seen firsthand the destruction these ideologies have wrought, we grew up in an economic downturn and were denied the easy comforts our parents had. Capitalism looks like a pretty good culprit for all this. Why wouldn't we pursue an alternative?

>> No.16503598
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Capitalism makes people sociopaths. This book is to get the you her generations bitter about the old and to ignore the rich bitches that are betraying the world and the species.

You’re another distraction, IDpol-tard.

>> No.16503602

Oh, thanks

>> No.16503606

I used to skip over your posts now I unironically want to drink a beer with you. I'm not one of your cringy stalker simps either

>> No.16503608

>generation makes mistakes like any other as they are not omnipotent
>they ruined America
Come on now

>> No.16503611
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Butterfly is kinda based.

>> No.16503615

10,000 years ago if I came across you in the forest I'd hit you over the head with a stick and drag you to my cave so I could pump you full of my spunk you stupid bitch. If you had any cool shit I'd take it and it would be my cool shit. Capitalism doesn't make people sociopaths, look at how animals behave to each other. Sociopathy is the state of nature, people are just vectors to reproduce a certain genetic code and if sociopathy is the most efficient strategy to accomplish that then it will be selected for.

>> No.16503622
File: 3.24 MB, 3008x2000, Sacre_of_Emperor_Napoleon_I_and_Empress_Joséphine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... what happens if, between the communists and the fascists, Millennials legitimately do kill capitalism? It's hated by both left-wing and right-wing Millennials.

What if Millennials, as they come into power, legitimately destroy the free market? What happens to the West then?

>> No.16503623

>uhh gabidalism gud because lion eat gazelle

cringy brainmite

>> No.16503638

Capitalism is retarded but make real critiques of it instead of saying "DURRRR IM A FUCKING RETARD DURRRRRRR GAPITALISM MAKE U MEAN DURRRR IM A RETARD DURRRRR"

>> No.16503640

Thats fine, I have a bad habit of coming up with a reply and finding someone to reply to afterwards.

I’d link the article but it was like eight years ago.
Basically they highlighted the value Millennials put on Luxury Cars, Classic Cars and the cultural value of automobile ownership in America and how it was much lower than 18-25 year olds put on them 30 years ago. They also talked about how Millennials seemed to place more importance on Savings and Long Term Career Prospects.
The whole thing was written in a language that would be pretty flattering to anyone who happened to be in the age group (Millennials) that they were describing.
For a little while Millennials seemed to be media darlings, and a convenient tool for the media to use to highlight the effects of the shortcomings of the majority of the population.
Then, inevitably, certain stereotypes emerged, like the Social Media Influencer, or the English Major with $100k in debt who’s pissed he can’t afford a downtown apartment.

You probably do remember the Fyre Fest thing, just not what it was called; it was a pretty big news story at the time and showed a certain stereotype of Millennials at their worst. The bit about it being the cultural equivalent of American Pie is a joke; but the whole thing was pretty funny and the organizer is in jail now.

>> No.16503648
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Life as a competition, using human lives as fodder, and only the coldest hearts win the most, is market capitalism. Remove it and we can do better.
Ram that stick up yer ass

>> No.16503649

Oh im just the most empathetic person alive of course, all those other people who I disagree with are made into sociopaths, poor them for not seeing the world like I do.

Forgot to add they are all traitors to the world and species, whatevfer that is supposed mean.

>> No.16503651

I understand these things in isolation; I have no idea the point you were trying to make.

I also don't really care anymore. Thanks for trying to clarify though.

>> No.16503658
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Too catchy eh

>> No.16503660

Are you a sped or something? Christ he isn't trying to teach you string theory.

Simp for your masters for free while they fuck your children in the ass, slave.

>> No.16503662

>and were denied the easy comforts our parents had.
Neither my parents nor my grandparents had easy comforts, they worked their asses off and never got an education because they were poor. They lived off hand-me-downs from family and friends. History is not so linear as you portray it.

>> No.16503714

kys tranny

>> No.16503715
File: 12 KB, 472x346, 31699264-61BA-404D-A8AB-47F3A501CEF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does any of this mean?
>oh no, well of course I understood all of that

>> No.16503720

>my grandpa built his cuck shed with his own two hands

>> No.16503725

The fuck are you getting at?

>> No.16503732

His cuck shed is a prefab probably

>> No.16503751

Im simping for my masters when i criticize you. quite typical you stupid poorfag. I guess I am also a traitor to the human race and that I like pigs and porky as well.

Im so sorry for the unforgivable crime of disagreeing with your world view. I hope you find a way to forgive me but hopefully before you inevitably kill yourself under the weight of your dysgenic and retarded existence.

>> No.16503778

Caring about 35 year old murder cases is most definitely a woman’s pastime

>> No.16503806

A society actually is a lot like an organism.

>> No.16503809

Zoomers are the appendix of society

>> No.16503818


>> No.16503824

OJ did it.

Thinking about trannies is most definitely a man’s pastime

>> No.16503840

The first time I ever saw Butterfly posting someone in the thread said she was an old chinese woman and I read her posts for a very long time under that assumption

>> No.16503856
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>> No.16503867

simp for the demons that own you little piggie. Oink oink