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File: 29 KB, 678x381, Alan-Watts-Cosmos-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16501375 No.16501375 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking for authors similar to Alan Watts and Eckhart Tolle.

What do you recommend?

>> No.16501383

Read some actual eastern material, read Linji, read bankei, abhinavagupta, shankara, Kukai, Chuang Tzu, Longchenpa and many many many others.

>> No.16501391

Try the Buddhist canon.

>> No.16501409
File: 842 KB, 993x1000, F96684DE-4F76-48B0-8425-D69674E35611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrence McKenna and Ram Dass

>> No.16501418

Oh and Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.16501450

Wow I've never heard of a single one of them. Checking them out now though. Interesting.

Better read these than J Krishnamurti and other more modern Indians?

>> No.16501458

> Terrence McKenna
Are his books better than his talks? Always though he was hard to follow.

>> No.16501477


Those are pretty garbo, there’s good moderns for example Vivekananda, the teachings of ramakrishna, ramana Maharishi and so forth.

>> No.16501576

Im gonna start with Bankei. Thanks mate. Amazing tips.

>> No.16501583


Not a problem my dude, I’m sure if you make a thread about any of their traditions or specific authors at least a couple of anons will respond if you need further help.

>> No.16501584
File: 564 KB, 640x638, dis dain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Watts and Eckhart Tolle

>> No.16502831

theyre based

>> No.16502846

are you a woman? hippie girls love listening to alan watts edm remixes.

why do women love empty "spirituality" so much lads?

>> No.16502856

cringe and gay unless woman then you can't do anything about it

>> No.16502873

>alan watts
>empty "spirituality"

>> No.16502904
File: 411 KB, 822x1193, 43164C7E-0084-49DE-8420-8306C2A777F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradcath can’t cope

>> No.16503291
File: 18 KB, 220x349, 220px-Fr._Serpahim_Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like Watts. He's very intelligent and knows his shit, but he is quite reductionist. Seraphim Rose (a student of Watts') is a much cooler figure though, as evidenced by the fact that one might be canonized as a modern saint soon and the other died in a depressive alcoholic stupor.

>> No.16503410

t woman

>> No.16503833

Attention revolution by b Alan Wallace

Alan watts is a good intro to Buddhist thought but is pretty dated, he came from a time when Buddhism was in an awkward stage of being translated to the west and he gets some crucial stuff wrong. But again he’s good for what he is and an adequate into

Attention revolution is an amazing guidebook for the practice of meditation, which is the true meat and potatos of Buddhism, the beginning and the end, and it’s better to start with a basic instruction on meditation before diving deeper into buddhism

>> No.16503896

It's not that he gets buddhism wrong, he just had his own peculiar views which came out of his mix of buddhism, vedanta and the western perspective.
I find it's actually quite hard to find points where Alan Watts was outright wrong versus where he simplifies things to communicate more effectively with laypeople.

>> No.16503924

Seconding linji

>> No.16503932

True true, I guess I’d say that he can get too lost in the concepts instead of the practices of Buddhism, like his poetic descriptions of the nothingness of the mind seem to be too lost in the concept itself instead of pointing towards the practice of realizing the nothingness of the mind, if that makes sense
His writing in this sense isn’t necessarily wrong in any logical way, but a monk might say that he’s not going about it in the most expedient way

>> No.16503942


The guy who wrote Tantraloka? Is that really suitable for someone interested in basic eastern philosophy?

>> No.16503979

Because women are incapable of being celibate and sober, let alone practice any kind of ascesis. They will follow any religion that doesn't prohibit sexual promiscuity, and drug and alcohol consumption.

>> No.16503993
File: 237 KB, 966x1125, 25ACE833-279A-4315-B2FF-C31E5E95DD70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16504446

stop projecting, coomer