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16500957 No.16500957 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity is weak and cucked!!!
>t. rightwing quoting scripture to support his view
>Christianity is oppressive and a dogwhistle for white supremacy
>t. leftwing quoting scripture to support their view

Any books that address the fact that the actual text of the Bible doesn't matter, and all that matters is how it's interpreted by those in power? For example -

>When the Catholic Church was strong, Christianity was strong and life-affirming.

>Now that egalitarianism and democracy is strong, Christianity is suddenly about peace and love.

>> No.16500978

She is British

>> No.16500981

The only thing that matters is Christs words, Christians should just be chill and wait out all this bullshit till the second coming.

>> No.16501009

>The only thing that matters is Christs words,
t. Thomas Jefferson

>> No.16501020


>> No.16501023
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>> No.16501035

By the name of Allah, I cannot base my response on anyone but Jordan Peterson, have patience with me, /lit/.
In Maps of Meaning he himself characterizes ideologies as narratives that decided to rigidify their frame of reference and that seems to be accurate. JP is seen as a Jewish shill by the right and as a neonazi panderer by the left, because he goes various places that are off-limit for the particular political narratives that are current. In the very same way those narratives are unable to cope with a religion that is extremely inclusive (leftist tendency) and at the same time extremely hierarchical (rightist tendency). Any time an ideology will become relevant, it will have to protect its superficial premises or characterizations against religious worldviews.

>> No.16501035,1 [INTERNAL] 

If actual text and text meaning do not matter, then nothing matters. No philosophy, religion, dogma, or doctrine of any kind can work. If a population is too passive and dumb to grasp the meaning of one text, they are certainly not going to grasp another.

The only solution is to reclaim the text and its original meaning from (((those))) who are lying about it. That requires work, and a lot of complainers and naysayers don't like to work.

>> No.16501089

ive been looking at the Facebooks for all my local churches, why are gorgeous Christian girls marrying these truecel tier cucks? im actually hot, should i convert to xtianity for easy pussy? or will i get laid more in the thelema/pagan groups, idk the Christian girls are definitely hotter

>> No.16501121


>> No.16501215

recognise by the buildings and the footwalk

>> No.16501220
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Here you go
Christ brings everything together. That is why, when not considered as a whole, he can be constructed to be whatever suits your narrative.

>> No.16501233

if getting laid easily is what you are after just try to worm your way in to the local music scene and make friends with the art hoes and hipster girls

>> No.16501271

Nell Tiger Free, the girl who played the Lannister daughter in GoT.

>> No.16501339

the fuck kind of name is that? she's only a few months older than me and while she doesn't look aged she seems older. is it the clothing and cigarette? the expression?

>> No.16501592

>Any books that address the fact that the actual text of the Bible doesn't matter, and all that matters is how it's interpreted by those in power?
It's not about interpretation. The Pauline interpretation has been the standard one since forever. It's about relations between the priestly class and the warrior class. Christianity for the most part has muddied the two functions. It's supposed to be that the priestly class informs and looms over the warrior class, making the "State" nothing but an expression of divine will. In Christianity, it was either that the church was only the church (lowercase here to emphasize that it's not really the "Church" as a priestly institution, at least in function) insofar as it was the State, or that the Church is kept separate from the State. In the former you have the illusion that the church was an expression of the true essence of Christianity, in the latter the Church really is the true expression, but it is made impotent through legalistic measures. In both cases the true Church is always impotent, it's just that in the first case it gives the impression that true Christianity is "strong and life-affirming." (I find it hilarious that you are trying to make Christianity seem Nietzschean).

>> No.16501680
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>Any books that address the fact that the actual text of the Bible doesn't matter, and all that matters is how it's interpreted by those in power?

Texts, no matter how concise or how clear, are *always* subject to disputes in interpretation; and those disputes only grow with the complexity and age of the text (as, eg, the cultural assumptions that undergirded the text's composition are eroded and finally disappear with the changing generations).

Thus, what it finally comes down to is an issue of authority: who has the *authority* to make a binding interpretation? Well, Jesus had a thing or two to say about that. Anon, I would suggest you read:

Mark Shea, By What Authority?
Karl Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism
Karl Adam, Roots of the Reformation
Chesterton, The Dumb Ox

>> No.16501751

I'm constantly surprised by how horny art music and (above all) theater girls are. You never would have guessed but these people have 12 partners and an orgy or two before graduating HS. Nuts!

>> No.16501763

Just the bible?
You need a book to examine this obvious information?

>> No.16501822

also looks polish so she definitely lives in britain ;)

>> No.16501858

I guess im not surprised because i grew up with artsy hipster types and they make up the bulk of my peers, but yea they are complete degenerates. it kind of sucks now though because i feel like i have nothing in common with them and cant socialize with them as well as i used to when I was a teenager, they basically stopped growing as people once they hit high school and are pretty much perpetual children. if getting laid easily is what you care about though just act like a progressive lefty hipster and get into the scene and its easy pickings

>> No.16502003

how many girls in relationship have you had sex with?

>> No.16502017

It goes to show the natural human condition. Notice how both of those groups are both not Christian but also anti Christian. They project their own worldly concepts onto scripture. They have not received revelation. There's two points in scripture I would like to reference. The first is in 1 Corinthians where Paul tells us that there exists a veil over our hearts which confounds scripture to us. That veil must first be lifted before the light of Truth can be fully seen. The other is an example I just saw referenced in "God's Revelation to the Human Heart" written by Seraphim Rose. In Acts 8 Phillip is guided to an Ethiopian eunuch trying to read scripture.
>Understandest thou what thou readest?
>How can I, except some man should guide me?
The Ethiopian had the veil lifted from his heart, but then required guidance from someone rich in Spirit.
These critics of christianity all miss the point because their hearts are veiled from the Truth as they are blinded by hate. All instruction is in vain after that. I have had a ton of expeirences both on this site and irl where I try to explain grander context of scripture to people who misinterpret it. Even when I tell them exactly how they're wrong, they refuse to accept my answer and go on repeating what they had been saying. They are confounded by the hate in their heart

>> No.16502032

you are right anon.

>> No.16502044

She is so pretty.i jack off to her old instagram pics

>> No.16502658

yeah but im just a typical hot alt guy, i dont stand out as much as i do in a church

>> No.16502665

idk maybe 8 or 9, i assume some tinder hookups probably lied about not having a bf

>> No.16502679

you're retarded
read Before Church and State by Andrew Willard Jones

>> No.16502774

the Nietzschean takes on historical Christianity are amusing, mostly because jesus 101 and machiavelli went unread by most of you

>”beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing”
>in order to gain and keep power, you have to make people believe that you believe the same thing as them

>> No.16502840

> these people have 12 partners and an orgy or two before graduating HS
hot. my lit teacher was hot as fuck and love thertre lol. biggestt whores are actresses everybody knows this

>> No.16502868 [DELETED] 

The Bible was never meant to be taken literally.

>> No.16503202

Based and breadpilled

>> No.16503290

someones been reading chesterton. yes I think christianity is so ingrained and standard in human conception at this point that it just gets attacked according to the personal hangups of the attacker. its weak and also stubborn, its cruel and too kind, its jewish and anti semitic

>> No.16504666

This is actually all make belief though, you invent some kind of system, claim its historical and then claim Christianity doesnt fit into it. Name a European society that fits your criteria.

>> No.16504683

>its weak and also stubborn, its cruel and too kind, its jewish and anti semitic
This perfectly makes sense though, you can totally imagine a kind of person picking up the extremes, but not being able to go with any kind of balanced middle road.

For example, I can imagine a person being so full of selfhatred that they let others abuse (too kind) them or they could direct that hatred at other people (cruel).

Doesnt make you a genius to realise a third category of people is possible.

Egually, there is also an entire world between religiously sucking zionist cock and thinking the entire world is controlled by jews.

I could potentially just think jews are an annoying, pushy and mediocre religious group.

>> No.16504712

And Tolstoy

>> No.16504723

Uhhh bros wtf you're not allowed to rationally think about things, you're not being divisive or extremist and that makes the world too complicated for me

>> No.16504735

>>Christianity is weak and cucked!!!
>>t. rightwing quoting scripture to support his view
>>Christianity is oppressive and a dogwhistle for white supremacy
>>t. leftwing quoting scripture to support their view

>> No.16504750

>>When the Catholic Church was strong, Christianity was strong and life-affirming.
>>Now that egalitarianism and democracy is strong, Christianity is suddenly about peace and love.
They were and they still are, Anon. The people of today just focus more on the latter.

>> No.16504848

Imagine being such cuck that you care about others interpretations and not your own.
ngmi into the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.16504861

t. Paul worshipper

>> No.16504889

>I think christianity is so ingrained and standard in human conception at this point that it just gets attacked according to the personal hangups of the attacker.
This might be the middest of wit takes I’ve ever heard. Do you seriously believe there was no form of morality before Jesus came along?

>> No.16504923

Christianity was never, and especially not when the church was strong, ever "life-affirming".

It actively hated this life, and was entirely about preparing for the NEXT life after judgement, the one that matters.

>> No.16505284

Been reading Ted's manifesto. Why doesn't he address the same problem inherent in religion like OP? I think its mostly because his gripe is with technology. But if he truly valued freedom why didn't he shit on Christianity or Islam because they take your freedom from you?

>> No.16505884

I was indirectly quoting chesterton. Nowhere in my post did I imply what you accused me of, I was talking about criticsms of Christianity post enlightenment.

>> No.16505924

>The only thing that matters is Christs words
The Gospel of Thomas is the only account of Christ's words that is still legit.

>> No.16505940

Fucking based but include John and the Q document

>> No.16505999

>Any books that address the fact that the actual text of the Bible doesn't matter, and all that matters is how it's interpreted by those in power?
I've tried so hard to explain this to people when they ask me if they should read the Bible itself. I say no because if you want to understand Western Culture, it literally doesn't matter what the Bible says. What matters is how the Church preached it and how it was interpreted. Read Augustine and Aquinas instead.

>> No.16506747

Yeah the picture is from Teddington high-street, across the river from Richmond (SW London)